The Antipodean Opaleye is a fire dragon native to New Zealand. It is understood that they moved to Australia when their native territory became less and less. What makes this dragon unusual compared to other dragons is that it lives in valleys rather than mountains. It is of moderate size (between two and three tons). Perhaps the most beautiful of all fire dragons, it has iridescent, sparkling, multicolored pearly scales and no pupils of the eye, hence the name meringue eye. This fire dragon can shoot a bright red flame, and by fire dragon standards, it is not particularly aggressive, except when hungry, and rarely kills.
保护耕地肩膀酸疼是怎么回事Females are generally larger than males, and females are more aggressive than males. But neither
male nor female should anyone approach them except a well-trained and highly skilled wizard. Dragon skin, blood, heart, liver and horns have strong magical functions, and dragon eggs are classified as a class A non-tradable commodity. Of all the fantastic beasts, dragons are also one of the most difficult to hide.
Chine fireball are sometimes called liondragon. The average length of an adult dragon is 25 feet. Fireball is the only dragon in the East. His smooth scales were scarlet, and he had a snout on his face, fringed with golden spikes, and bulging eyes. This dragon got its name becau it could shoot mushroom-like fireballs out of its nostrils when provoked. Weighing between two and four tons, the male fireball is larger than the female. Fireball eggs are bright crimson with golden spots, and their shells are prized and widely ud in Chine witchcraft circles.
Fireball is aggressive by nature, but is more tolerant of his compatriots than most, sometimes even willing to share territory with one or two other dragons. Most mammals are good food for fireballs, bu
t it also prefers pigs and people. In the first item of the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Triwizard Tournament, Krum faces a dragon in the Chine fireball.
Welsh green dragons build their nests on high mountains, where their bodies blend well with the den grass, but a rerve is established to protect them. Despite the Illfulcombe incident, this dragon is still the least troublesome of all.
Like the Antipodean Opaleye, they liked to hunt sheep for food. They avoid humans unless provoked. Welsh green dragons are easy to recognize and their roar is amazingly beautiful. The flames were coming from between its thin jaws. The eggs of the Welsh green dragon are drab with green spots.
The HebridenBlack is another fire dragon native to Britain that is more aggressive than the Welsh green. It was thirty feet long, with rough scales, bright purple eyes, and a row of short but razor-sharp ridges on its back. It has a sharp arrow at the end of its tail and wings like a bat. The HebridenBlack mainly feeds on deer and has long been known to poach larger dogs and even cattle for food.
The Hungarian Horntail, from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, harry draws the Hungarian horntail, the most dangerous of all fire dragons. The Hungarian horntail is covered with black scales and looks like a lizard. It had yellow eyes, bronze horns, and a long tail with spikes that were almost bronze.
It's the same color as concrete, and it's exceptionally strong; It feeds on goats and sheep, but it also eats people whenever it is possible. Its n of smell is not nsitive, becau the fire from its nostril will harm its n of smell, but its vision is extremely sharp, a few hundred meters away can
clearly e an ant.