Women's river's lake---"Women's martial arts" analysis
"Women's martial arts" is an important literary phenomenon in modern and contemporary history of popular literature and even the entire history of literature . "Women's martial arts" is mainly refers to women martial art works of this literature phenomenon. Becau of its distinctive gender directivity made controversial since producing, But its still has the important meaning of literary history.Female writing very late in the popular literature, the original is on behalf of zhang ailing, mei niang, etc., but they are not completely in the n of popular literature writer, they are still have an air of elite literature writer, elegant literature and literature to a certain extent. But the women writers to focus too much on the novel romance novels, family ethics, there is no female writers involved in martial arts creation. "Women's martial arts" works originally produced in the network, especially the tianya "classical gang" in the creation of women writers had caud a nsation, as many readers. Later, more and more women writers. Journal "this ancient legend, martial arts version have long noticed this new literary phenomenon, and actively promote, it takes the strategy of consumer marketing campaign will be" women's martial arts "and the development of the journal itlf to the union, u advertising, network, tting up as" women's martial arts ", writer has cultivated a large number of star, such as inst
allation, shen Ying Ying, etc. And "women's martial arts" the name of the first and earliest "this ancient legend, martial arts edition published articles.
It to a certain degree of swordsmen literature for male dominated for a long time in our country was broken on control of the situation,For martial arts into the tender feelings wen wan's blood, At the same time satisfy the women daydream to martial arts, Let women writers from the female perspective to look at martial arts, martial arts, river's lake, chivalrous, etc, Another meaning to construct the level of the world. Although the "women's martial arts" uphold the concept of feminist literature, is different from general feminist literature, Not only focusing on women's psychology, love consciousness, body writing to reveal women's subject status, But from the unconscious of women, with tender feelings yet car-scrapping martial arts, martial arts, martial arts to explore the relationship
between men and women,to form the distinctive characteristics,frist is Magic resistance to reveal the gender discour,cond is in a unique love express through martial arts text, third is role assignment, pay attention to women's subjectivity ,forth is make women completely get rid of dependent in the marriage and family. "Women's martial arts" mainly has two forms, one is network s
wordsmen literature, is a kind of swordsmen literature periodicals. Many "women's martial arts" writers active in the initial network, was later to "this ancient legends, martial arts version" reprented by the mining of the martial arts magazine, and to build, periodicals as the main position step by step.Shen Yingying,Bu Feiyan both like this. In numerous "women's martial arts" the author, Cang yu Bu Feiyan and shen Ying's creative achievements, as a reprentative of "women's martial arts" three important writer.Cang yue is tinged with heroism, can portray emotion is exquisite, also can control the historical discour, and make full u of cartoons, games and other factors,Bu Feiyan with its extraordinary cultural imagination of martial arts creation, it's martial arts legendary, Shen Ying Ying works with no martial arts in heart attitude, blend in world factually martial arts creation, form a good and evil is not a binary opposition, flexible runescape can convert each other.
Key words:Women's martial arts;witchcraft resistance;Love nature;Marriage and family;Role assignment
Written by:Wang Weiwei
Supervid by:Tang Zhesheng
绪论 (1)
第一章“女子武侠”的一条经线 (4)
1.1节性别呐喊:通俗文学中的女性崛起 (4)
一、近现代通俗文学中的“倩影” (4)
二、武侠世界中的女性崛起 (6)
1.2节消费性视阈:《今古传奇.武侠版》对“女子武侠”的推介 (10)
一、性别反抗的快感 (10)
二、明星与迷 (12)
三、消费性与文学性的制掣 (14)
1.3节喧嚣与安静:“女子武侠”的接受与研究 (15)
一、喧嚣的舆论环境 (16)
二、相对安静的学术成果 (18)
第二章“女子武侠”的四个纬度 (21)
2.1节巫术反抗:“女子武侠”的性别话语 (21)
一、社会心理:反抗 (22)
二、行为心理:拒绝形体欣赏 (23)
三、情感心理:感性核心 (25)
2.2节情爱抒写:“女子武侠”“以己之长”战略 (26)
一、我就是你那一瓢 (27)性格不合
二、爱情---女性的天性 (29)
三、扬长却避不了短 (30)
2.3节婚姻家庭:与依附性决裂 (32)
一、消灭家中的天使 (32)
二、杀死守护神 (35)
2.4节角色分配:主体性的获得 (38)
一、形象胜于武功 (39)
二、性别角色地位的置换 (41)
第三章“ 女子武侠”的三个坐标 (45)
3.1节沧月:兼容并包的江南女子 (45)
一、柔情 (45)
二、铁血 (47)炒素菜
三、兼容并包 (49)
3.2节沈璎璎:打碎镣铐的觉醒者 (51)
一、打碎镣铐,突破武侠桎梏 (51)
禁用usb二、性别意识的觉醒者 (54)
3.3节步非烟:以文化想象为突破口的中性写作者 (57)
一、想象的文化 (58)
二、中性写作 (61)
结语 (65)
参考文献 (67)
攻读硕士学位期间的科研成果 (71)
致谢 (73)