魂断蓝桥Points of View
期刊名称: Tempo苏岚之老汉的艳福
作者: Wolfgang von Schweinitz
年份: 1980年
期号: 第132期长高的方法女生>沟通管理
摘要:If it is true that all art reflects the social, intellectual, and human conditions of its time, today's music cannot help being profoundly affected by the changes taking place in our advanced consumer society. We have en the end of that belief in progress which for a whole century was the mainspring of cultural development. Rationalism has proved itlf incapable of ordering the world rationally, and an over-developed materialism has led only to a lf-perpetuating cycle of frustration. As we become increasingly aware of how the human spirit is alienated from a world governed by materialistic and rationalistic criteria, we n a need for re-humanization. In the energy generated by that recognition l
仲夏之梦>周公解梦梦见杀人ies a hope for the future; and so long as the realities are critically discriminated, there is no danger of an illusory flight