“What do you think about it?”
“Do you like it?”
“The food at that restaurant is terrible.”
“The food was amazing!”
“It’s good for your health.”
“This food is…”
- Fattening (Will cau you to gain weight)
- Filling (Makes you feel full)
- Nutritious (Good for your health)
- Healthy
- High-calorie
“Noodles are…”
- Delicious
- Tasty
- Scrumptious
- Mouthwatering
- Disgusting
- Gross
- Unappetizing
“How does it taste?”
“What does it taste like?”
- sweet
- salty
- spicy
- sour
- tangy (Sweet and sour at the same time)
- bitter “Some people don’t like coffee becau it is bitter.”
- fruity (Tastes like fruit, but is not fruit)"If you like fruity teas, you will love the peach tea they rve here.”
- flavorless (Has no flavor)
- bland (Has little flavor)
“What is the texture?”
Crunchy 脆脆 “Chips are crunchy.”
Soft “They bread they rved us was soft and fresh.”
Tender "The meat was very tender.”
Chewy 嚼劲 “I like chewy candy.”
Grainy 颗粒感 “Pears are grainy. The texture is a little like sand on your tongue.”
Dry “It tastes like a piece of dry toast!” (lacks moisture)
Juicy 多水分 “In the summer I like to eat juicy peaches.”
Crisp脆 “I really enjoy eating a crisp, sweet apple!”
Greasy油腻的 “Sometimes street food is too greasy!” (has a lot of oil)
Messy “It’s delicious, but so messy! When you eat it, it gets all over you!”
Sticky 黏 “Rice is sticky. All the little grains like to stick together!”
“What’s it made out of?”
“What’s in it?”
“It’” OR “It’s made out of…” (noodles, chicken, and peppers)
“The main ingredients of the soup are pork, ginger, and rice.”
Adjectives to Describe Movies:
Comedy: humorous, witty, light-hearted, "You'll laugh until it hurts!"
Action/Adventure: action packed, spectacular special effects, high-tech
Thriller: suspenful, thrilling, terrifying, "I was on the edge of my at!"
Romance: romantic, charming, sweet, tragic
Family:黄芪枸杞茶 heart-warming, entertaining
Drama: thought provoking, moving
Acting: well-acted, brilliant performances
Negative adjectives: unimaginative, obvious, unrealistic, predictable (plot), poorly executed
The two documents above were taken from&/
Two Movie Dialogues
Hi ___________! How’s it going? Not bad. What are you up to? Trying to decide what to do tonight. Any ideas? Why don’t you watch a movie? Good idea. Do you know of any good movies you can recommend? Sure, I recommend _______________. Have you ever en it?义愤填膺造句 No, can you tell me about it? | Hi ___________! How’s it going? Not bad. What are you up to? Trying to decide if I should go to the movies with my friend. He wants to e _____________. Have you ever en it? Yes. What did you think about it? Would you recommend it? Absolutely! It was great. (It was lame. Mmm…I don’t know. It was okay.)紫外线灯管消毒 What’s it about? |
| |
Road to Grammar: Movie Vocabulary
Click here to learn 22 new words for talking about movies.
ESL Notes
A great resource for English-speaking films. This website provides a plot summary, character overview, and vocabulary that is taken directly from the movie!
My Movie Recommendation
“Father of the Bride” starring Steve Martin (family film)
“Independence Day” starring Will Smith (action/sci-fi)
“Men in Black” starring Will Smith (comedy/sci-fi)目标英语怎么说
“The Incredibles” (animation/family film)
冗读音“Shrek” (animation/comedy)
“My Big Fat Greek Wedding” (romantic comedy)
“Erin Brokovich” starring Julia Roberts (bad on a true story…a drama)
“Toy Story” (family film)
“The Usual Suspects” (suspen)
“Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade” (adventure)
“Star Wars” (sci-fi/fantasty)
My T.V. Series Recommendation
The Office
Family Vocabulary
沙壶球1. immediate family- mother, father, brothers and sisters
2. extended family- everyone that is related to you besides your immediate family. (co
usins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces and nephews)
3. siblings- brothers and sisters
4. cousins- the children of your parent’s siblings.
5. only child- no brother or sisters (“I am an only child.”)
6. great-grandparents- parent’s parents
7. brother/sister-in-law- the person who married your brother or sister.
8. aunt and uncle- parent’s siblings and their wives and husbands.
9. niece and nephew- daughter or son of your siblings
10. on my mother’s/father’s side of the family
Family Idioms
“black sheep”- a member of the family that does not fit in; a rebel; sometimes meaning a disgrace to the family
Mary is in trouble with the law again. She is the black sheep of the family.
“runs in the family”- a characteristic or trait that is common in your family
My siblings and I have red hair. It runs in the family.
A good n of humor runs in my family.
“your own flesh and blood”- a member of your family
You should take better care of your younger sister. She is your own flesh and blood.
The 5 Love Languages
by Gary Chapman
*Take the quiz below to e what YOUR love language is.
•A = Words of Affirmation
•B = Quality Time
•C = Receiving Gifts
•D = Acts of Service
•E = Physical Touch
Words of Affirmation
One of your deepest needs is the need to feel appreciated. Verbal compliments, words of appreciation, encouragement, kind and humble words are all ways to show love to you.
Quality Time
You enjoy doing things TOGETHER! We aren’t talking about just sitting in front of the T.V. together but really giving each other undivided attention. This means looking at each other, talking to each other, sharing your life with each other.
Receiving Gifts
You are happy to receive things from your loved ones. They don’t have to be expensive. The gift is a symbol of “s/he cares about me” and “s/he thinks of me”.