
更新时间:2023-07-29 07:14:52 阅读: 评论:0

stimulate the formation of blood clot[00:20.09]If a clot breaks fre[00:22.78]it can enter the circulatio[00:25.39]and sooner or late[00:27.09]it will become trapped and block off a blood ves[00:31.24]possibly causing a heart attack or a strok[NoPage]肪怎么读
Television has become the main source of informatio[00:03.84]and entertaiment for the average America[00:07.97]It is estimated that by the time a child reaches 1[00:12.64]he or she has spent almost twice as much time watching TV as in the classroo[00:19.88]Many people are concerned about TV's influenc[00:24.56]News is edited and condend to fit into two or three minutes per even[00:31.69]Unrealistic family and social situations are portrayed,with all problems easily solved within a half hou[00:40.36]giving the young a distorted view of lif[00:45.35]How has TV affected the young people who grew up watching i[00:50.08]Unquestionably,children learn a lot from TV shows,but not all of it is appropriate or positiv[00:58.46]Moreover,many educators believe that American students read and write less well than students of earlier generatio[01:08.08]becau so much of their knowledge has come to them via TV and film rather than the printed works.[NoPage
Peoplelikeyouarechoosingahealthydietandexpectagoodrangeofnutritiousfoodstosatisfytheirdemand [00:08.23]Theyarestartingtorealiwhatinterestingvarietiesofbreadtheycanprovidefortheirfamilie [00:15.99]Bakersrespondedtothisrenewedinterestandbeganstockingtheirshelveswithwholemeal,grain,branandwheat-mea [00:26.33]Manypeoplearenowenjoyingthisdailybread,spreadwithhighpolyunsaturatedmargarineandwasheddownwithlowfatmil [00:36.49]whilerealisingthehealthbenefit.[NoPage]
If you pay your rent weekly,you have to pay it in advance on a fixed day of the wee[00:08.15]If you want to leave,you have to give one week's notic[00:13.35]If you pay monthly,it's one month's notic[00:18.55]But if you have furnished accommodation or no meals are provide[00:23.80]then legally you have to give a month's notice,even if you're paying weekl[00:31.01]It's therefore important to have a definite arrangement with your landlady at the beginning of your tenancy.[NoPage]
Ifyouarelivinginlodgingsyoushouldfindoutwhenmealsarervedandbepunctualforthe [00:07.55]Yoush
ouldalsofindoutaboutwhenit’smostconvenientforgueststovisityouortohaveabat [00:15.75]Ifyouknowthatyouwillbelateyoushouldletherknow,soshecansaveyourdinnerorgiveyouakey.[NoPage]
One of the great features of the Internet is the amount of information it contain[00:07.21]Information that ud to be limited to regional distribution via newspapers and televisions is now available around the glob[00:18.76]You can look for a job in a faraway city or countr[00:23.90]You can ll your coin collection via a national classified a[00:30
.04]You can look up a phone number for a restaurant in Pari[00:35.24]But all this newly available information comes at a price:confusio[00:42.34]The interconnected and dynamic nature of the Net prevents it from being organized like a traditional medium,such as a book or a newpaper[00:55.51]But don't worry,another great thing about the Internet is that it comes up with solutions for its own problems.[NoPage
A "copper" is slang for an English policema[00:05.15]It comes from the verb to "cop"which means to take or captur[00:11.28]"Bobby"comes from the first names of Sir Robert Peel who was the founder of the police forc[00:20.48]"Peeler"ud to be an early nickname for the policeman but this one has died ou[00:28.63]The British bobby is a very friendly and helpful sort of characte[00:34.72]They are very busy directing visitors about the cit[00:39.44]The British bobby has some very distinctive feature[00:44.07]For example,he doesn't carry a pistol.[00:48.27]An English policeman can be en from a distance becau of his height and his helme[00:55.90]The police are aware that they are the country's rvants and not its masters.[NoPage
Wavesarebeautifultolookat,buttheycandestroyshipsata,aswellashousandbuildingsneartheshor [00:09.56]Whatcauswave [00:12.30]Mostwavesarecaudbywindsblowingoverthesurfaceofthe [00:18.13]Thewindsblowacrossthea,pushinglittlewavesintobiggerandbiggerone [00:25.23]Thesizeofawavedependsonhowstrongthewindis,howlongitblows,andhowlargethebodyofwateri [00:35.37]Inasmallbaybigwaveswillneverbuildu [00:40.52]Butatathewindcanbuildupgiant,powerfulwave [00:46.65]Arulesaysthattheheightofawave(inmeters)willusuallybenomorethanone-tenthofthewind’ssp
eed(inkilometers [00:57.89]Inotherwords,whenthewindisblowingat120kilometersperhour,mostwaveswillbeabouttwelvemeters.[NoPage
Water does many different things to keep us health[00:04.68]It carries hormones,antibodies and foods through the body,and carries away waste material[00:13.77]This is why different parts of the body contain differtent amounts of wate[00:19.91]For example,blood is 83% water,muscles are 75% water,the brain is 74% ,and bones are 25[00:35.71]Water is also necessary for cooling the body on hot days and when we are working hard or exercisin[00:45.27]water carries body heat to the surface of the skin,where the heat is lost through perspiratio[00:53.05]Rearchers say cold liquids cool us faster than warm liquid[00:58.62]becau cold liquids take up more heat inside the body and carry it away faster.[NoPage]
Alarm calls,to wake you up in the morning,should be booked before 10: the previous evenin[00:08.10]Transferred charge calls are tho where the people you want to speak to agree to
pay for your call to the[00:16.77]Transferred charge calls can also be made to many countries abroa[00:22.96]Personal calls are tho where you te
ll the operator the name of the person you wish to speak t[00:29.70]You are not connected if that person cannot be found,though a message can be left for him or her to ring the operator late[00:39.21]This rvice is normally available for international calls as wel[00:45.04]For emergency calls,if you want the police,fire or ambulance rvices in an emergency,dial 99[00:55.90]Tell the operator the rvice you want,give your exchange and number or all figure number as appropriat[01:04.89]Wait until the emergency authority answer[01:08.83]Then give them the full address where help is needed and other necessary informatio[01:15.42]999 calls are free.[NoPage
Lastnight,amanbrokeintoafactoryinLeedsareaandgotawaywithcashofaroundsixthousandpound [00:09.72]Heisaboutfortyyearsoldandveryshort,about155c [00:17.40]Heisalmostcompletelybaldandhasgotalittlehairatthesidesaboveeachea [00:24.19]Buthedoeshavebigbrownbear [00:27.98]HewaslaterendrivingawayfromthesceneinanoldblueEscortca [00:34.35]Policewarnthatthi
smancouldbearmedandthereforedangerou [00:39.92]Ifanyonehasanyinformationastohiswhereabouts,pleacontactyournearestpolicestation.[NoPage
什么是心理健康ProfessionalsportsareverypopularintheUnitedStates,andtheyarebigbusines [00:06.64]Themostpopularsportsarebaball,footballandbasketbal [00:12.25]Eachhasitsownason,andmillionsofsupporter [00:17.40]Professionalteamsarenamedfortheycitieswherethearelocated. [00:23.01]Theirstrongestsupportersliveinthecitie [00:27.85]Whenateamplaysinachampionshipgame,mostpeopleinthecityfollowthegamewithinterestandenthusias [00:37.09]Basketballiswell-knownaroundtheworl [00:41.25]ProfessionalbasketballgamesintheUnitedStatesareplayedindoorsduringthewintermonth [00:48.51]FromNovembertoAprilonecanfindaprofessionalbasketballgameveralnightsaweekinmostlargeAmericancitie [00:58.23]BasketballisanAmericanspor [01:01.44]Ithasbeencalledthenationalpass-tim [01:05.59]Thegameisplayedintheeveningsnearlyeverydayoftheweekandonweekendsaswel [01:12.91]TheasonbeginsinAprilandfinisheswiththeWorldriesinOctober.[NoPage]桂花寓意
Einstein,Albert(1879-1955),German-born American physicist and Nobel winner,best known as the creator of the specia[00:14.86]and general theories of relativity and for his bold hypothesis concerning the particle nature of ligh[00:23.61]He is perhaps the most well-known scientist of the 20th centur[00:28.81]Einstein was born in Ulm on March 14,1879,and spent his youth in Munic[00:38.01]where his family owned a small shop that manufactured electric machiner[00:43.70]He did not talk until the age of three,but even as a youth he showed a brilliant curiosity about natu[00:54.23]and an ability to understand difficult mathematical concepts.[NoPage
Is there such a thing as a typical American fil[00:04.55]There are many features that mark a movie as American,but perhaps the most esntial is the theme of the lone her[00
:13.69]From the earliest days of silent films until the recent science fiction movie[00:20.32]the American movie has concentrated on the role of one individual who spends his or her life combating the forces of eve[00:32.10]-and the good guy,the hero,usually win[00:36.78]In the weatern movie,which comes out of many legends of the American West,a typical figure is the lonesome cowb
o[00:46.21]He wanders into a town and staightens out its trouble[00:50.39]Then the strong and independent hero rides off into the sunt alon[00:57.31]Americans like this image in their films becau they are highly independen[01:03.37]and individualism counts a great deal with them.[NoPage                                              015
Police are arching for a man who is wanted for questioning about a string of burglaries in the London are[00:08.54]In the incidents,a man tied a woman up in her own hou in the early hours of the mornin[00:14.76]and escaped with goods valued at around five thousand pound[00:20.04]They included items of jewellery,a stereo,a video recorder and a colour TV [00:28.29]The woman managed to free herlf unhurt after the man fle[00:34.17]She described the man as follow[00:37.88]He is about thirty years old and of medium buil[00:43.02]He has a long angular face and a pointed nos[00:48.22]He has a small moustache and short black hai[00:53.37]His eyes are small and he wears glas[00:58.15]he also has a faint scar on his left cheek.[NoPage
Model Test (1) Section I Listening Comprehension[01:08.81]Part A Directions:[01:12.28]For Questions 1-5,you'll hear a personal life story[01:17.84]While you listen,[01:21.01]fill out the table witdnf瞎子加点
h the information you've heard.[01:25.45]Some of the information has been given to you in the table..[01:29.81]Write only 1 word or number in each numbered box.[01:48.59]M:I sat in front of my television t,as I had done a hundred times before,[01:55.33]watching the numbered balls spinning around in the drum.[02:00.29]But this week the stake was unusually large---$10 million--[02:06.85]and I knew there were a million people like me watching and hoping[02:12.81]The first ball was drawn out of the drum and rolled to a stop.[02:17.98]"Number 8,"said the announcer.[02:22.13]That was one of my numbers.[02:25.89]I played the same six numbers every week.[02:30.15]"Number 12," said the announcer.[02:34.12]I had two numbers now,[02:37.36]but veral times before I'd had the first two numbers and never won.[02:43.74]The next ball was number 44,my lucky number.[02:49.20]I had three numbers,[02:52.36]and my heart began to beat faster.[02:56.33]I knew I had a good chance of winning one of the smaller prizes,[03:02.39]but could I win the $10 million?[03:06.83]"Number 28, "said the announcer.[03:10.80]I jumped up from the chair.[03:14.74]Four numbers in a row![03:18.11]Could it be happening?[03:21.06]I prayed for a moment;then I shouted.[03:25.32]I felt the blood rushing to my head.[03
西冷牛扒:29.27]"Number 27."I had five numbers![03:34.52]I needed only one more.[03:37.89]I needed number 6.[03:41.23]"Number 6, number 6.Come on number 6 , "[03:46.51]I yelled at the television s
et.[03:50.16]Was it possible?Would I be rich?[03:54.92]Would I be able to live the life I had dreamed about?[03:59.99]The sixth ball dropped[04:03.33]and as it rolled briefly to its resting place beside the others[04:09.10]I tried to make out the number.[04:12.87]I couldn't be sure.[04:15.82]It looked like a 6--or was it a 9?[04:20.57]That moment was an eternity.[04:24.23]Then the announcer spoke of the very number.[NoPage            武强年画博物馆
M:Part B Directions:[00:04.00]For Questions 6--10,you'll hear a monologue concerning Election Time.[00:11.08]While you listen,[00:13.95]complete the ntences or answer the questions.[00:18.81]U not more than 3 words for each answer.[00:29.47]W:. . .So much for the comments of our critics, ladies and gentlemen.[00:35.87]I'm sure that you will agree with me[00:39.71]that the opposition have shown themlves to be completely lacking in ideas.[00:45.95]It is very difficult,indeed,[00:49.29]to imagine how they could hope to take responsibility[00:54.33]for the running of the nation's affairs.[00:58.59]No,let us turn,now,to the very real achievements of[01:03.74]this government over the last five years.[01:08.70]I think you'll agree with me,ladies and gentlemen,[01:13.06]that it is a remarkable record of success.[01:17.61]When we came to power,we inherited a vere crisis[01:23.38]that had been created by the errors of the previous government.[0
1:28.74]You will remember,only too well.[01:32.50]Inflation was getting out of hand,[01:36.65]with prices and wages[01:40.41]going up by a yearly rate of more than fifteen percent.[01:46.16]The balance of payments was in a disastrous state,[01:51.23]with a trade deficit of three hundred million pounds.[01:56.69]As a conquence,[02:00.24]confidence in the British pound was at an all time low,[02:05.60]and its buying power had been eroded by successive devaluations.[02:12.05]We did not make easy promis,ladies and gentlemen,[02:17.09]but we undertook to bring the situation under control[02:22.37]and restore business confidence.[02:26.52]I feel justified in saying to you today [02:30.88]that we have won the first part of the battle.[02:35.74]I don't think there'll be any disagreement on that.[02:40.42]But we must remember that much work still remains to be done.[02:46.58]And it is for this reason,ladies and gentlemen,[02:51.15]that I stand before you today to ask you to continue your support[02:57.63]for the government by giving us your votes in the coming elections.[NoPage
W: Part C Directions:[00:03.89]You will hear three pieces of recorded material.[00:08.75]Before listening to each one,[00:12.90]you will have time to read the questions related to it.[00:17.55]While listening,[00:20.72]answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D.[00:26.36]After lis
tening,you'll have time to check your answers.[00:31.82]You will hear each piece once only.[00:36.18]Questions 11-13 are bad on the following radio program talking about Tree Pruning[00:47.96]M:Trees should only be pruned when there's a good and clear reanson for doing so[00:56.06]and fortunately,the number of such reasons is small.[01:01.41]Pruning involves the cutting away of overgrown and unwanted branches,[01:07.79]and the inexperienced gardener can be encouraged by the thought[01:13.25]that more damage results from doing it unnecessarily[01:18.60]than from leaving the tree to grow in its own way.[01:23.46]First,pruning may be done to make the tree healthier[01:28.79]You may cut out diad or dead wood,[01:33.65]or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus causing wounds.[01:39.81]The health of a tree may be encouraged by removing branches[01:45.77]that are blocking up the centre[01:49.61]and so preventing the free movement of air.[01:54.18]Secondly,one result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree[02:01.23]and this provides an easy entry for dia[02:06.20]but it's a wound that'll heal.[02:10.56]Often there's a race between the healing[02:15.00]and the dia as to whether the tree'll live or die,[02:20.56]so that there is a period when the tree is at risk.[02:25.42]It should be the aim of[02:28.58]every gardener to reduce that risk of death as far as possible.[02:34.33]It's esntial to make the area which has been pruned smooth and clean,[02:40.50]for healing'll be slowed down by roughness.[02:45.25]You should allow t
he cut surface to dry for a few hours[02:50.42]and then paint it with one of the substances available from garden shops[02:56.88]produced especially for this purpo.[03:01.45]Pruning is usually done in winter,[03:05.29]for then you can e the shape of the tree clearly[03:09.86]without interference from the leaves[03:13.62]and it is,too,very unlikely that the cuts you make will bleed.[03:19.78]If this does happen,it's,of cour,impossible to paint them properly.[03:26.16]M:Questions 14-16 are bad on the following monologue.[03:37.31]W:We have saved as a final t of emotions[03:43.32]the two most important emotions pertaining to other people:[03:48.68]love and its opposite,hate.[03:52.83]Love can be en everywhere.Yet surprisingly,[03:57.79]love has been the subject of less scientific rearch than other emotions,[04:04.17]such as anger and fear[04:07.93]The reason for this may be two fold.[04:11.90]First,love is a very complex emotion,[04:16.86]difficult to describe and measure.[04:21.02]Secondly,unlike many extreme emotions,[04:25.56]extreme love is generally not a problem;[04:30.13]thus less medical attention has been paid to it.[04:34.68]What is love?[04:37.55]This is a complex question and requires a complex answer.[04:43.30]Love is an enduring,strong,positive attraction[04:48.55]and feeling for another person or thing,[04:52.62]but it is more than this.[04:55.97]It also involves feeli

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