1.In the movie Office Space, software developers attempt to modify company software so that for each financial transaction, any leftover fraction of a cent goes to the developers, instead of going to the company. The idea is that for any particular transaction, nobody will notice the missing fraction of a cent, but over time the developers will accumulate a large sum of money. This type of attack is sometimes known as a salami attack. Now, find a real-world example of a salami attack and expound how it works.
一步高升The most typical scheme portrayed by a salami attack is that which involves an automated modification to financial systems and their data. For example, the digits reprenting currency on a bank's computer(s) could be altered so that values to the 可乐鸡翅的家常制作方法
薄荷鸡尾酒笔记本电脑外接显示器>古文骂人right of the pennies field ( < 0.01 ) are always rounded down (fair arithmetic routines will calculate in both directions equally).