自食其言An Empirical Analysis of Foreign Exchange Management Strategies in International Sourcing 期刊名称: International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 作者: Vickery, Shawnee K.,Carter, Joph R.,D’Itri, Michael P.
年份: 2016年狼人杀流程
继续学习期号: 第8期
关键词: Deutschmarks;Dollars;Risk management;Simulation;Sourcing;USA
心火旺吃什么摘要:Examines the cost performance of various strategies for managing foreign exchange risk in international sourcing. The strategies reprent a broad spectrum of approaches to exchange risk, ranging from nave to active. Of particular interest is the comparison of tho strategies which u exchange rate forecasts with tho which do not. Focus on movements in the German mark/US dollar exchange rate for the period January 1986 through December 1990. Employs a historical simulation methodology to compare the performance of various strategies over this time frame. The results suggest that active approaches to exchange rate management warrant further attention.