English is a Crazy Language 杨家将是真实历史吗英语是一门疯狂的语言
1. Let's face it-English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; 1)neither apple nor pine in盆栽植物图片大全 pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England nor French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
1.让我们接受现实吧—英语是一种疯狂的语言。茄子(eggplant,字面意为鸡蛋植物)里并没有鸡蛋,汉堡包(hamburger,字面意为火腿夹饼)里也没有火腿。同样,菠萝(pineapple,字面意为松树苹果)里既没有松树也没有苹果。松饼(English muffin,字面意为英式松饼)并不是英国人发明的,而炸薯条(French fries,字面意为法式油炸食品)也不是法国人的发明。“甜肉”(sweetmeat)指的是蜜饯,而(while)“网络挣钱甜面包”(sweetbread)不是甜的,它指的是牛杂碎。
1)both…and… “既、、、又、、、” , 谓语动词一定要用复数
neither…nor… “既不、、、也不”, 谓语动词与后一个主语保持一致,即就近原则
either … or… “或者、、、或者”谓语动词与后一个主语保持一致,即就近原则
Either she or I like to play table tennis.
Either I or she likes to play table tennis.
2. We 1)take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes,we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. ( nor引导的倒装句) And why it is that writers write but fingers don't finge, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? If you have one goo, two gee, why not one moo, two mee,虎克定律 南京烤鸭or one index, two indices?
2.我们理所当然地接受了英语的一切,但是如果我们分析一下英语中似是而非的情况,我们马上就会发现“快的沙子(quicksand,流沙,也只陷阱,困境)往往走得很慢,“拳击的圆圈”(boxing rings,拳击场)是方的,“几内亚猪”(guinea pig,天竺鼠)既不是来自几内亚,也不是猪。还有,既然名词作家(writers)去掉词尾的rs 就可以成为动词“写作(w
1)take for granted 认为…是理所应当 grant同意,授予,承认
Eg.We take it for granted that knowledege advances rapidly.我们对于知识的快速增长毫不怀疑。
Granted/granting that… 假定,就算…
Eg.Granted that you have made some progress, you should not be conceited.即使你有了一些进步,也不应该骄傲。
3. Doesn't it em crazy1) that you can make amends but not one amend, or that you can 2)comb through the annals of history but 形容长相的成语not a single annal? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and 3)get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
3.如果你赔偿时只能用赔偿复数不能赔偿单数,这是不是很莫名其妙?你可以梳理历史的编年史,为什么却不能梳理某一个单个的编年史?如果你有一堆麻烦(a bunch of odds and ends),那么在你把其他的都解决了只剩下一个(get rid of all but one of them)的时候该怎么说呢?(amends: n. 赔罪, 赔偿; amend: v. 改良; 修改, 修订;
annals: n. 编年史; annal: n. 记录)
1)It ems that …表示“看起来……”。
强调根据一定的事实所得出的一种接近于实际情况的判断,可以说表示事实。(可以转换成“名词或代词 + em +动词不定式”句型,其意不变,如果动词不定式为to be + 形容词时,to be往往省略。)
It ems that it is more difficult for women to get to the top of the company. 妇女似乎更难提升到公司的最高职位。
It ems that no one knows what has happened in the park. (No one ems to know what has happened in the park.) 似乎没有人知道在公园里发生了什么事。
It ems to me that he has known everything. (He ems to have known everything) 在我看来他似乎什么事都知道了。
It ems as if ...也表示“看起来……,似乎……”。
It ems as if it were autumn. 现在仿佛是秋天似的。(表示与现在事实相反 见大纲54页)
It ems as if she had been to England. 好像她到过英国似的。
It ems as if our team is going to win.看来我们队要胜了。
It ems as if it is going to rain. (It ems to rain) 看来天要下雨了。
It ems that she is ill. 她似乎病了。
2)comb through 梳理
Comb out 把…梳理掉,清除,去除
Cut the comb of 打掉…的威风
3)get rid of 摆脱,去掉,除去,干掉
Eg. We tell him the reason in order to get rid of his inhibitions(顾虑)。
4. If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a
vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
5. Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be
committed to an asylum for the verbally insane(极愚蠢的言语). In有关春的诗句 what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital; ship by truck and nd cargo by ship; have nos that run and ca语句feet that smell; park on driveways and drive on parkways?