This的意思是pron.这,这个; 这事,这人; 这时; 下面所说的事;his与Here的用法及区别有哪些呢?本文是店铺整理his与Here的用法及区别的资料,仅供参考。
This 指代词,Here 一般指地点,或者广义的范围
This is the place I like to go ; Here is the place I like to go 这里应该同指地点
This is the girl ; Here is a girl 这里的this就是指girl ,而这里的Here指的就不是girl,而是指的女孩所在的位置或范围
“here”是表示“处所”的副词, 表示“在这里”。但它的用法却不仅如此, 现作简单归纳。
1. 常用在动词be之后, 作表语, 表示“在/到这里”。主语可以是表特指的名词、代词、不定代词„„等, 有时也可用泛指性的名词词组。如:
Ann is not here.
— Where is my shirt?
— It's here.
— Where are they?
— They are here.
Is everyone here today?
Are we all here?
肯定陈述句中, 这种“here”有时也可提前置于句首。主语若为名词, 应引起倒装; 主语若为人称代词, 则“主谓”要用正常语序。这种提前主要是为了强调。如:
— Where's my watch?
— Is it in your bag?
— No, it isn't. Oh, here it is. (— It is here. )It's in my pencil-box.
若主语为泛指性名词, 还原正常语序时, 应用“There be +主语+here”句型。
Here is an English book. (=There is an English book here. An English book is here. )
2. 用在其他行为动词之后或句末, 作状语, 表示运动的方向, 行为发生的处所, 放置东西的处所„„等。如:
Come here, plea.
Plea sit down here.
Put them here.
There are some books here.
There aren't any cats here.
晚来秋一、here/there 作为 副词
1. At that moment he felt him stop moving but the weight was still there. 《老人与海》
2. “I wish the boy was here,” he said aloud and…《老人与海》
股票持仓3. And so we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. 《我有一个梦》什么叫组织
3. ''for Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.'' 《傲慢与偏见》
2. I had to sit there and listen to that crap. 《麦田里的守望者》
3. “No, don’t let’s go there. They’ll be in a stew getting ready for the barbecue tomorrow and besides—” 《飘》
写人开头二、here/there 作为 感叹词
1. Hi, there! 你好! 《走遍美国》
2. Here, I'll hold this for you. 《阿甘正传》
三、here/there作为 名词(也有的人和书上把这种用法说成是代词。)
这种用法本也是常见的,但是我们却很少去分析,尤其在讨论到其前是否可加介词in时,很多人都说不行,因为here/there是副词,特别是老师在上课上多数这样说,一直导至对许多英语学习者认为in here和in there是错误的用法;其实这是一种非常错误的说法,in here和in there 在英语作品中是非常常用的。下面分别计论一前面加介词的常见情况:
(一)around here/there, from here/there, over here/there
这些词组是我们英语中非常常见的,但是很多人却很少思考和分析;他们并没有意思到around, from, over 都是介词,所以其后的here/there应该是名词。
1. And their intermarrying has made them different from other folks around here.《飘》
2. "I can't turn around here, Mac. This here's a one-way. 《麦田》
3. The dolphin look greener from there and …《老人与海》
4. Just compare me with tho rag-tags over there and you’ll appreciate me more.《飘》
(二)out of here/there
这个用法也是我们在英语作品中非常常见的,out of 为介词,所以些外的here/there也是名词,例:
1. You may be getting the hell out of here, but I have to stick around long enough to graduate.麦田
2. You crosd the line. Wheel this meat out of here. 《阿凡达》
3. Fall back now, get out of there. 《阿凡达》
(三)in here 和 in there
每当说到here/there之间能否加介词in时,很多人,尤其是一些教师总会这样说:here/there是副词,前而不能加介词,所以不能加in,例如go there, come here。这样的错误的说法一直影响着人们,所以第当出现in here或in there时,多数人认为是错误的,都说应该去掉in。实际上,in here和in there不但是正确的,而且在英语作品中是很常见的,例如:
1. "Phoebe, have you been smoking a cigarette in here? Tell me the truth, plea, young lady." 《麦田》
2. He will fool them again this morning, in there, in the midst …《独身男子》
既然这样,in here/there和here/there的用法有什么区别呢?in here 指“在这里面”,here 仅表示“在这儿”,换言之,in here表达的“在这儿,这里”比here表达的范围更小、更具体。同样,in there与 in here 的用法差不多,意思指“在那儿里面”,表达的意思比there更小、更
3. It’s cold here. 这儿很冷。(指一个较大的范围。)
4. It’s cold in here. 这里面很冷。(指一个较小、更具体的范围,比如一个房间内。)
5. The field-folk shut in there traded northward and westward… 《德伯家的苔丝》
6. He's in there now with his law books finding out the law of libel. 《尤里西斯》
7. Mrs. Reed said calmly,'Take her away to the red room and lock her in there.'And so I was carried upstairs,arms waving and legs kicking.《简爱》
8. "And stop worrying, Crookshanks will be sleeping in my dormitory and Scabbers in yours, what's the problem? Poor Crookshanks, that witch said he'd been in there for ages; no one wanted him." 《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》
9. "Huck, you just wait till we get "《汤姆·索亚历险记》
10. “Dad, did you start the wash?” I shouted out my door.读书月海报
“Um, no,” he shouted back, sounding guilty. “Did you want me to?”
“No, I got it. Were you looking for something in my room?”
“No. Why?”
“I can’t find . . . a shirt. . . .”
“I haven’t been in there.” 《暮光之城3-月食》