The Many Faces of the Future
Why we'll never have a universal civilization?
By Samuel P. Huntington
1 Conventional wisdom tells us that we are witnessing the emer-gence of what V. S. Naipaul called a “universal civilization,”the cultural coming together of humanity and the increasing acceptance of common values, beliefs, and institutions by people throughout the world. Critics of this trend point to the global domination of Western-style capitalism and culture, and the gradual erosion of distinct cultures—especially in the developing world.培训总结报告怎么写
2 If what we mean by universal culture are the assumptions, val-ues, and doctrines currently held by the many elites who travel in international circles, that's not a viable “one, world” scenario. Consider the “Davos culture” . Each-year about a thousand business ex-ecutives, government officials, intellectuals, and journalists from scores of countries meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Almost all of them hold degrees in the physical sci-ences, social sciences, business, or law; are reasonably fluent in English; are employed by governments, corporations, and academic institutions with extensive international connections; and travel fre-quently outside of their own countries. They als
o generally share beliefs in individualism, market economies, and political democracy, which are also common among people in Western civilization. This core group of people controls virtually all international institutions, many of the world's governments, and the bulk of the world's economic and military organizations. As a result, the Davos culture is tremendously important, but it is far from a universal civilization. Outside the West, the values are shared by perhaps 1 percent of the world's population.
3 The argument that the spread of Western consumption patterns and popular culture around the world is creating a universal civiliza-tion is also not especially profound. Innovations have been transmit-ted from one civilization to another throughout history. But they are usually techniques lacking in significant cultural conquences or fads that come and go without altering the underlying culture of the recipient civilization. The esnce of Western civilization is the Magna Carta, not the Magna Mac. The fact that non-Westerners may bite into the latter does not necessarily mean they are more likely to accept the former. During the ' 70s and ' 80s Americans bought mil-lions of Japane cars and electronic gadgets without being "Japanized", and, in fact, became considerably more antagonistic toward Japan. Only naive arrogance can lead Westerners to assume that non-Westerners will become "Westernized" by acquiring Western goods.坐车的英文
4 A slightly more sophisticated version of the universal popular cul-ture argument focus on the media rather than consumer goods in general. Eighty-eight of the world's hundred most popular films in 1993 were produced in the United States, and four organizations bad in the United States and
如何画猫Europe—the Associated Press, CNN, Reuters, and the French Press Agency—dominate the dismination of news worldwide. This situation simply reflects the universality of human interest in love, x, violence, mystery, heroism, and wealth, and the ability of profit motivated companies, primarily American, to exploit tho interests to their own advantage. Little or no evidence exists, however, to support the assumption that the emergence of pervasive global communications is producing significant convergence in attitudes and beliefs around the world. Indeed, this Western hegemony encourages populist politicians in non-Western societies to denounce Western cultural imperialism and to rally their constituents to prerve their indigenous cultures. The extent to which global communications are dominated by the West is, thus, a major source of the rentment non-Western peoples have toward the West. In addition, rapid economic development in non-Western societies is leading to the emergence of local and regional media industries catering to the distinctive tastes of tho societies.
5 The central elements of any civilization are language and reli-gion. If a universal civilization is emer
ging, there should be signs of a universal language and a universal religion developing. Nothing of the sort is occurring.
嘉定旅游景点6 Despite claims from Western business leaders that the world’s language is English, no evidence exists to support this proposition, and the most reliable evidence that does exist shows just the oppo-site. English speakers dropped from 9.8 percent of the world's pop-ulation in 1958 to 7. 6 percent in 1992. Still, one can argue the English has become the world' s lingua franca, or in linguistic terms, the principal language of wider communication. Diplomats, business executives, tourists, and the rvice professionals catering to them need some means of efficient communication, and right now that is largely in English. But this is a form of intercultural commu-nication; it presuppos the existence of parate cultures. Adopting a lingua franca is a way of coping with linguistic and cultural differences, not a way of eliminating them. It is a tool for communica-tion, not a source of identity and community.
7 The linguistic scholar Joshua Fishman has obrved that a lan-guage is more likely to be accepted as a lingua franca if it is not identified with a particular ethnic group, religion, or ideology. In the past, English carried many of tho associations. But more recently, Fishman says, it has been " de-ethnicized (or minimally ethnicized), " much like what happened to Akkadian, Aramaic, Greek, and L
atin before it. As he puts it, "It is part of the relative good fortune of English as an additional language that neither its British nor its American fountainheads have been widely or deeply viewed in an ethnic or ideological context for the past quarter century or so." Resorting to English for intercultural communication helps main-tain—and, indeed, reinforce—parated cultural identities. Preci-ly becau people want to prerve their own culture, they u Eng-lish to communicate with people of other cultures.
8 A universal religion is only slightly more likely to emerge than a universal language. The late 20th century has en a resurgence of religions around the world, including the ri of fundamentalist movements. This trend has reinforced the differences among reli-gions, and has not necessarily resulted in significant shifts in the dis-tribution of religions worldwide.
9 Of cour, there have been increas during the past century in the
percentage of people practicing the two major prolytizing reli-gions, Islam and Christianity. Western Christians accounted for 26.9 percent of the world's population in 1900 and peaked at about 30 percent in 1980, while the Muslim population increas from 12.4 percent in 1900 to as much as 18 percent in 1980. The per-centage of Christians in the world will probably decline to abou
t 25 percent by 2025. Meanwhile, becau of extremely high rates of population growth, the proportion of Muslims in the world will con-tinue to increa dramatically and reprent about 30 percent of the world's population by 2025. Neither, however, qualifies as a universal religion.
10 The argument that some sort of universal civilization is emerging rests on one or more of three assumptions; that the collap of Soviet communism meant the end of history and the universal victory of liberal democracy; that incread interaction among peoples through trade, investment, tourism, media, and electronic commu-nications is creating a common world culture; and that a universal civilization is the logical result of the process of global modernization that has been going on since the 18th century.
11 The first assumption is rooted in the Cold War perspective that the only alternative to communism is liberal democracy, and the demi of the first inevitably produces the cond. But there are many alternatives to liberal democracy—including authoritarianism, nationalism, corporatism, and market communism (as in China)— that are alive and well in today's world. And, more significantly, there are all the religious alternatives that lie outside the world of cular ideologies. In the modern world, religion is a central, perhaps the central, force that motivates and mobilizes people. It is sheer hubris to think that becau Soviet communism has collapd, the West has conquered the world for all tim
e and that non-Western peoples are going to rush to embrace Western liberalism as the only alternative. The Cold War division of humanity is over. The more fundamental divisions of ethnicity, religions, and civilizations re-main and will spawn new conflicts.
12 The new global economy is a reality. Improvements in transportation and communications technology have indeed made it easier and cheaper to move money, goods, knowledge, ideas, and images around the world. But what will be the impact of this incread economic interaction? In social psychology, distinctiveness theory holds that people define themlves by what makes them different from others in a particular context: People define their identity by what they are not. As advanced communications, trade, and travel multi-ply the interactions among civilizations, people will increasingly accord greater relevance to identity bad on their own civilization.
13 Tho who argue that a universal civilization is an inevitable product of modernization assume that all modern societies must be-come Westernized. As the first civilization to modernize, the West leads in the acquisition of the culture of modernity. And as other so-cieties acquire similar patterns of education, work, wealth, and class structure—the argument runs —this modern Western culture will be-come the universal culture of the world. That significant differences exist between modern and traditional cultures is beyond dispute. It doesn' t necessarily follow, however, that societies with mod
ern cul-tures remble each other more than do societies with traditional cul-tures. As historian Fernand Braudel writes, "Ming China. .. was assuredly clor to the France of the Valois than the China of
Mao Ttung is to the France of the Fifth Republic."
14 Yet modern societies could remble each other more than do traditional societies for two reasons. First, the incread interaction among modern societies may not generate a common culture, but it does facilitate the transfer of techniques, inventions, and practices from one society to another with a speed and to a degree that were impossible in the traditional world. Second traditional society was bad on agriculture; modern society is bad on industry. Patterns of agriculture and the social structure that goes with them are much more dependent on the natural environment than are patterns of industry. Differences in industrial organization are likely to derive from differences in culture and social structure rather than geogra-phy, and the former conceivably can converge while the latter cannot .
15 Modern societies thus have much in common. But do they nec-essarily merge into homogeneity? The argument that they do rests on the assumption that modern society must approximate a single t
ype, the Western type. This is a totally fal assumption. Western civilization emerged in the 8th and 9th centuries. It did not begin to modernize until the 17th and 18th centuries. The West was the West long before it was modern. The central characteristics of the West—the classical legacy, the mix of Catholicism and Protestantism, and the paration of spiritual and temporal authority—dis-tinguish it from other civilizations and antedate the modernization of the West.
16 In the post-Cold War world, the most important distinctions among people are not ideological, political, or economic. They are cultural. People and nations are attempting to answer a basic human question: Who are we? And they are answering that question in the traditional way, by reference to the things that mean the most to them: ancestry, religion, language, history, values, customs, and institutions. People identify with cultural groups: tribes, ethnic groups, religious communities, nations, and, at the broadest level, civilizations. They u politics not just to advance their interests but also to define their identity. We know who we are only when we know who we are not, and often only when we know who we are against.
17 Nation-states remain the principal actors in world affairs. Their behavior is shaped, as in the past, by the pursuit of power and wealth, but it is also shaped by cultural preferences and differences. The most important groupings of states are no longer the three blocs of the Cold War but rather the world
's major civilizations.
18 The main responsibility of Western leaders is to recognize that intervention in the affairs of other civilizations is the single most dangerous source of instability in the world. The West should at-tempt not to reshape other civilizations in its own image, but to pre-rve and renew the unique qualities of its own civilization.