49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–05 Edition) §571.109美眉电影
§571.109Standard No. 109; New pneu-matic tires.
S1. Scope. This standard specifies tire dimensions and laboratory test re-quirements for bead unating resist-ance, strength, endurance, and high speed performance; defines tire load ratings; and specifies labeling require-ments for pasnger car tires.
S2. Application. This standard applies to new pneumatic tires for u on pas-nger cars manufactured after 1948. However, it does not apply to any tire that has been altered so as to render impossible its u, or its repair for u, as motor vehicle equipment. In addi-tion, S4.3 does not apply to tires cer-tified to comply with S5.5 of §571.139 and S4.4. does not apply to tires cer-tified to comply with S4 of §571.139.
S3. Definitions.
Bead means that part of the tire made of steel wires, wrapped or rein-forced by ply cords, that is shaped to fit the rim.
Bead paration means a breakdown of bond between components in the bead area.
Bias ply tire means a pneumatic tire in which the ply cords that extend to the beads are laid at alternate angles substantially less than 90° to the cen-terline of the tread.
Carcass means the tire structure, ex-cept tread and sidewall rubber.
Chunking means the breaking away of pieces of the tread or sidewall.
Cord means the strands forming the plies in the tire.
Cord paration means cords parting away from adjacent rubber compounds. Cracking means any parting within the tread, sidewall, or innerliner of the tire extending to cord material.
CT means a pneumatic tire with an inverted flange tire and rim system in which the rim is designed with rim flanges pointed radially inward and the tire is designed to fit on the underside of the rim in a manner that enclos the rim flanges inside the air cavity of the tire.
Groove means the space between two adjacent tread ribs.
Innerliner means the layer(s) forming the inside surface of a tubeless tire that contains the inflating medium within the tire.
Innerliner paration means the part-
ing of the innerliner from cord mate-
rial in the carcass.
Load rating means the maximum load
a tire is rated to carry for a given in-flation pressure.
Maximum permissible inflation pressure means the maximum cold inflation pressure to which a tire may be in-flated.
Maximum load rating means the load rating at the maximum permissible in-flation pressure for that tire.
Open splice means any parting at any junction of tread, sidewall, or innerliner that extends to cord mate-rial.
Overall width means the linear dis-tance between the exteriors of the side-walls of an inflated tire, including ele-vations due to labeling, decorations, or protective bands or ribs.
Ply means a layer of rubber-coated parallel cords.
Ply paration means a parting of rub-ber compound between adjacent plies. Pneumatic tire means a mechanical device made of rubber, chemicals, fab-
ric and steel or other materials, which, when mounted on an automotive wheel, provides the traction and con-tains the gas or fluid that sustains the load.
Radial ply tire means a pneumatic tire in which the ply cords which ex-tend to the beads are laid at substan-tially 90° to the centerline of the tread. Rim means a metal support for a tire
or a tire and tube asmbly upon which the tire beads are ated.
Section width means the linear dis-tance between the exteriors of the side-walls of an inflated tire, excluding ele-vations due to labeling, decoration, or protective bands.
Sidewall means that portion of a tire between the tread and the bead.
Sidewall paration means the parting
of the rubber compound from the cord material in the sidewall.
Test rim means, with reference to a tire to be tested, any rim that is listed as appropriate for u with that tire in accordance with S4.4. For purpos of this ction and §571.110, each rim list-
ing shall include dimensional specifica-tions and a diagram of the rim.
Tread means that portion of a tire that comes into contact with the road.
Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT §571.109
Tread rib means a tread ction run-ning circumferentially around a tire. Tread paration means pulling away of the tread from the tire carcass.
S4. Requirements.
S4.1Size and construction. Each tire shall be designed to fit each rim speci-fied for its size designation in each ref-erence cited in the definition of test rim
in S3.
S4.2Performance requirements.
S4.2.1General. Each tire shall con-form to each of the following:
(a) It shall meet the requirements specified in S4.2.2 for its tire size des-ignation, type, and maximum permis-sible inflation pressure.
(b) Its maximum permissible infla-tion pressure shall be either 32, 36, 40, or 60 psi, or 240, 280, 300, 340, or 350 kPa. For a CT tire, the maximum permis-sible inflation pressure shall be either 290, 330, 350, or 390 kPa.
(c) Its load rating shall be that speci-fied in a submission made by an indi-vidual manufacturer, pursuant to S4.4.1(a), or in one of the publications described in S4.4.1(b) for its size des-ignation, type and each appropriate in-flation pressure. If the maximum load rating for a particular tire size is shown in more than one of the publica-tions described in S4.4.1(b), each tire of that size designation shall have a max-imum load rating that is not less than the published maximum load rating, or
if there are differing maximum load ratings for the same tire size designa-tion, not less than the lowest published maximum load rating.
(d) It shall incorporate a tread wear indicator that will provide a visual in-dication that the tire has worn to a tread depth of 1.6 mm (1⁄16inch).
(e) It shall, before being subjected to either the endurance test procedure specified in S5.4 or the high speed per-formance procedure specified in S5.5, exhibit no visual evidence of tread, sidewall, ply, cord, innerliner, or bead paration, chunking, broken cords, cracking, or open splices.
(f) It shall meet the requirements of S4.2.2.5 and S4.2.2.6 when tested on a test wheel described in S5.4.2.1 either alone or simultaneously with up to 5 other tires.
S4.2.2Test requirements.
S4.2.2.1Test sample. For each test sample u:
(a) One tire for physical dimensions, resistance to bead unating, and strength, in quence;
(b) A nother tire for tire endurance; and
(c) A third tire for high speed per-formance.
S4.2.2.2Physical dimensions. The ac-tual ction width and overall width for each tire measured in accordance with S5.1, shall not exceed the ction width specified in a submission made by an individual manufacturer, pursu-ant to S4.4.1(a) or in one of the publica-tions described in S4.4.1(b) for its size designation and type by more than:
(a) (For tires with a maximum per-missible inflation pressure of 32, 36, or
40 psi) 7 percent, or
(b) (For tires with a maximum per-missible inflation pressure of 240, 280, 290, 300, 330, 350 or 390 kPa, or 60 psi) 7 percent or 10 mm (0.4 inches), which-ever is larger.
S4.2.2.3Tubeless tire resistance to bead unating.
S4. a tubeless tire that has a maximum inflation pressure other than 420 kPa (60 psi) is tested in accordance with S5.2, the applied force required to unat the tire bead at the point of contact shall be not less than: (a) 6,670 N (1,500 pounds) for tires with a designated ction width of less than 160 mm (6 inches);
(b) 8,890 N (2,000 pounds) for tires with a designated ction width of 160 mm (6 inches) or more but less than 205 mm (8 inches);辨别方向
(c) 11,120 N (2,500 pounds) for tires with a designated ction width of 205 mm (8 inches) or more, using the c-tion width specified in a submission made by an individual manufacturer, pursuant to S4.4.1(a), or in one of the publications described in S4.4.1(b) for the applicable tire size designation
and type.
S4. a tire that has a maximum inflation pressure of 420 kPa (60 psi) is tested in accordance with S5.2, the applied force required to un-at the bead at the point of contact shall be not less than:
(a) 6,670 N (1,500 pounds) for tires with a maximum load rating of less than 399 kg (880 pounds);
49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–05 Edition)
§571.109 (b) 8,890 N (2,000 pounds) for tires with a maximum load rating of 399 kg (880 pounds) or more but less than 635 kg (1,400 pounds); (c) 11,120 N (2,500 pounds) for tires with a maximum load rating of 635 kg (1,400 pounds) or more, using the max-imum load rating marked on the side-wall of the tire. S4.2.2.4Tire strength. Each tire shall meet the requirements for minimum breaking energy specified in Table 1 when tested in accordance with S5.3. S4.2.2.5Tire endurance. When the tire has been subjected to the labora-tory endurance test specified in S5.4, using a test rim that undergoes no per-manent deformation and allows no loss of air through the portion that it com-pris of the tire-rim pressure chamber: (a) There shall be no visual evidence of tread, sidewall, ply, cord, innerliner, or bead paration, chunking, broken cords, cracking, or open splices. (b) The tire pr
essure at the end of the test shall be not less than the initial pressures specified in S5.4.1.1. S4.2.2.6H igh speed performance. When the tire has been subjected to the laboratory high speed performance test specified in S5.5, using a test rim that undergoes no permanent deformation and allows no loss of air through the portion that it compris of the tire- rim pressure chamber, the tire shall meet the requirements t forth in S4.2.2.5 (a) and (b). S4.3Labeling Requirements. Except as provided in S4.3.1 and S4.3.2 of this standard, each tire, except for tho certified to comply with S5.5 of §571.139, shall have permanently mold-ed into or onto both sidewalls, in let-ters and numerals not less than 0.078 inches high, the information shown in paragraphs S4.3 (a) through (g) of this standard. On at least one sidewall, the information shall be positioned in an area between the maximum ction width and bead of the tire, unless the maximum ction width of the tire falls between the bead and one-fourth of the distance from the bead to the shoulder of the tire. For tires where the maximum ction width falls in that area, locate all required labeling between the bead and a point one-half the distance from the bead to the shoulder of the tire. However, in no ca shall the information be posi-tioned on the tire so that it is ob-structed by the flange or any rim des-ignated for u with that tire in Stand-ards Nos. 109 and 110 (Sec. 571.109 and Sec. 571.110 of this part). (a) One size designation, except that
equivalent inch and metric size des-ignations may be ud; (b) Maximum permissible inflation pressure; (c) Maximum load rating; (d) The generic name of each cord material ud in the plies (both side-wall and tread area) of the tire; (e) Actual number of plies in the side-wall, and the actual number of plies in the tread area if different; (f) The words ‘‘tubeless’’ or ‘‘tube
type’’ as applicable; and (g) The word ‘‘radial’’ if the tire is a radial ply tire. S4.3.1Each tire shall be labeled with the symbol DOT in the manner specified in part 574 of this chapter, which shall constitute a certification that the tire conforms to applicable Federal motor vehicle safety stand-ards. S4.3.2Each tire shall be labeled with the name of the manufacturer, or brand name and number assigned to the manufacturer in the manner speci-fied in part 574. S4.3.3 [Rerved] S4.3.4If the maximum inflation pressure of a tire is 240, 280, 290, 300, 330, 340, 350, or 390 kPa, then: (a) Each marking of that inflation pressure pursuant to S4.3(b) shall be followed in parenthesis by the equiva-lent inflation pressure in psi, rounded
to the next higher whole number; and (b) Each marking of the tire’s max-imum load rating pursuant to S4.3(c) in kilograms shall be followed in paren-thesis by the equivalent load rating in pounds, rounded to the nearest whole number. S4.3.5If the maximum inflation pressure of a tire is 420 kPa (60 psi), the tire shall have permanently molded into or onto both sidewalls, in letters and numerals n
ot less than 12.7 mm (1⁄2 inch), the words ‘‘Inflate to 420 kPa (60 psi)’’. On both sidewalls, the words shall be positioned in an area between the tire shoulder and the bead of the tire. However, in no ca shall the
Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT §571.109
words be positioned on the tire so that they are obstructed by the flange of any rim designated for u with that tire in this standard or in Standard No. 110 (§571.110 of this part).
S4.4Tire and rim matching informa-tion.
S4.4.1Each manufacturer of tires not certified to comply with S4 of §571.139 shall ensure that a listing of the rims that may be ud with each tire that he produces is provided to the public. A listing compiled in accord-ance with paragraph (a) of S4.4.1 of this standard need not include dimensional specifications or diagram of a rim if the rim’s dimensional specifications and diagram are contained in each list-ing published in accordance with para-graph (b) of S4.4.1 of this standard. The listing shall be in one of the following forms:
(a) Listed by manufacturer name or brand name in a document furnished to dealers of the manufact
urer’s tires, to any person upon request, and in dupli-cate to the Docket Section, National Highway Traffic Safety A dministra-tion, 400 Seventh Street SW., Wash-ington, DC 20590; or
(b) Contained in publications, current at the date of manufacture of the tire or any later date, of at least one of the following organizations:
The Tire and Rim Association
The European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation
Japan Automobile Tire Manufacturers’ Asso-ciation, Inc.
Deutsche Industrie Norm
British Standards Institution
Scandinavian Tire and Rim Organization
The Tyre and Rim Association of Australia
S4.4.2Information contained in any publication specified in S4.4.1(b) of this standard which lists gen
eral categories of tires and rims by size designation, type of construction and/or intended u, shall be considered to be manufac-turer’s information pursuant to S4.4.1 of this standard for the listed tires and rims, unless the publication itlf or specific information provided accord-ing to S4.4.1(a) of this standard indi-cates otherwi.
S5. Test procedures.
S5.1Physical Dimensions. Determine tire physical dimensions under uniform ambient conditions as follows:
(a) Mount the tire on a test rim hav-ing the test rim width specified in a submission made by an individual man-ufacturer, pursuant to S4.4.1(a), or in one of the publications described in S4.4.1(b) for that tire size designation and inflate it to the applicable pressure specified in Table II.
(b) Condition it at ambient room temperature for at least 24 hours.
(c) Readjust pressure to that speci-fied in (a).
煞白(d) Caliper the ction width and overall width at six points approxi-mately equally spaced around the tire circumference.
(e) Record the average of the meas-urements as the ction width and overall width, respectively.
(f) Determine tire outer diameter by measuring the maximum circum-ference of the tire and dividing this di-mension by pi (3.14).
S5.2Tubeless tire bead unating re-sistance.
S5.2.1Preparation of tire-wheel asm-bly.
S5.2.1.1Wash the tire, dry it at the beads, and mount it without lubrica-tion or adhesives on a clean, painted test rim.
S5.2.1.2Inflate it to the applicable pressure specified in Table II at ambi-ent room temperature.
S5.2.1.3Mount the wheel and tire in a fixture shown in Figure 1, and force the bead unating block shown in Fig-ure 2 or Figure 2A against the tire side-wall as required by the geometry of the fixture. However, in testing a tire that has an inflation pressure of 60 psi, only u the bead unating block described in Figure 2A.
S5.2.2Test procedure.高瞻远瞩
S5.2.2.1A pply a load through the block to the tire’s outer sidewall at the distance specified in Figure 1 for the applicable wheel size at a rate of 50 mm (2 inches) per minute, with the load arm substantially parallel to the tire and rim asmbly at the time of en-gagement.
S5.2.2.2Increa the load until the bead unats or the applicable value specified in S4.2.2.3 is reached.
S5.2.2.3Repeat the test at least four places equally spaced around the tire circumference.
诗经中的名句S5.3Tire strength.
49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–05 Edition) §571.109
S5.3.1Preparation of tire.
S5.3.1.1Mount the tire on a test rim and inflate it to the applicable pressure specified in Table II.
S5.3.1.2Condition it at room tem-perature for at least 3 hours; and
S5.3.1.3Readjust its pressure to that specified in S5.3.1.1.
S5.3.2Test procedure.
S5.3.2.1Force a 19 mm (3⁄4inch) di-ameter cylindrical steel plunger with a hemispherical end perpendicularly into the tread rib as near to the centerline as possible, avoiding penetration into the tread groove, at the rate of 50 mm (2 inches) per minute.
S5.3.2.2Record the force and pene-tration at five test points equally spaced around the circumference of the tire. If the tire fails to break before the plunger is stopped by reaching the rim, record the force and penetration as the rim is reached and u the values in S5.3.2.3.
S5.3.2.3Compute the breaking en-ergy for each test point by means of one of the two following formulas:
W=Energy, in joules;
F=Force, Newtons; and
P=Penetration, mm; or
W=Energy, inch-pounds;
F=Force, pounds; and
P=Penetration, inches.
S5.3.2.4Determine the breaking en-ergy value for the tire by computing the average of the five values obtained in accordance with S5.3.2.3.
S5.4Tire endurance.
S5.4.1Preparation of tire.
S5.4.1.1Mount a new tire on a test rim and inflate it to the applicable pressure specified in Table II.
S5.4.1.2Condition the tire asmbly to 38° ±3 °C (100° ±5 °F) for at least three hours.
S5.4.1.3Readjust tire pressure to that specified in S5.4.1.1 immediately before testing.
S5.4.2Test procedure.
S5.4.2.1Mount the tire and wheel as-mbly on a test axle and press it against a flat-faced steel test wheel 1708 mm (67.23 inches) in diameter and at least as wide as the ction width of the tire to be tested or an approved equivalent test wheel, with the applica-ble test load specified in the table in S5.4.2.3 for the tire’s size designation, type and maximum permissible infla-tion pressure.
S5.4.2.2During the test, the air sur-rounding the test area shall be 38° ±3 °C (100° ±5 °F).
S5.4.2.3Conduct the test at 80 kilo-meters per hour (km/h)(50 miles per hour) in accordance with the following schedule without pressure adjustment or other interruptions:
The loads for the following periods are the specified percentage of the maximum load rating marked on the tire sidewall:
4 hours (85)
6 hours (90)
24 hours (100)
S5.4.2.4Immediately after running the tire the required time, measure its inflation pressure. A llow the tire to cool for one hour. Then deflate the tire, remove it from the test rim, and in-spect it for the conditions specified in S4.2.2.5(a).
S5.5High speed performance.
S5.5.1After preparing the tire in ac-cordance with S5.4.1, mount the tire and wheel asmbly in accordance with S5.4.2.1, and press it against the test wheel with a load of 88 percent of the tire’s maximum load rating as marked on the tire sidewall.
S5.5.2Break in the tire by running it for 2 hours at 80 km/h (50 mph).
S5.5.3Allow to cool to 38° ±3 °C (100° ±5 °F) and readjust the inflation pres-sure to the applicable pressure speci-fied in Table II.
S5.5.4Without readjusting inflation pressure, test at 121 km/h (75 mph) for 30 minutes, 129 km/h (80 mph) for 30 minutes, and 137 km/h (85 mph) for 30 minutes.
S5.5.5Immediately after running the tire the required time, measure its inflation pressure. A llow the tire to cool for one hour. Then deflate the tire, remove it from the test rim, and in-spect it for the conditions specified in S4.2.2.5(a).