1. Fill in the blanks such that each of the following statements is true.恐龙历险记
(1) If, then the cofactor = 曾经在我眼前却又消失不见.
(2) Let 有色金属行业 and 村委员 be matrices with and, then 乐谱怎么看= , .
(3) Let be an matrix. Then the following statements are equivalent:
(a) has nontrivial solutions.
(4) If the vectors are linearly dependent , then , a basis for Span is .
(5) If教学挂图, , , then there exist an elementary matrix such that; there exist an elementary matrix such that.
(6) If matrixis similar to,then the eigenvalues of 影响英语 are , and .
淘宝女装店铺排行榜2. Let, then evaluate.