Purification and characterization of a 40.8-kDa cutina in ungerminated conidia of Botrytis带数字的歌曲
什么的历史cinerea Pers.: Fr
期刊名称: FEMS Microbiology Letters
作者: Gindro Katia,Pezet Roger
期号: 第2期
顿感力关键词: \n Botrytis cinerea\n ;Estera;Cutina;[3H]Cutin
摘要:Cytoplasmic soluble proteins from ungerminated conidia of Botrytis cinerea exhibited cutina activity. A 40.8-kDa cutina was purified to homogeneity from this crude conidial protein extract. This cutina does not correspond either to constitutive or to induced lytic cutin enzymes already described by other authors. The possible role of this constitutive cutina in the induction of other cutinolytic proteins in the early stages of infection of plants by B. cinerea is discusd.魔法校园