Characterization of the Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Przewalskis Gazelle Procapra przewalskii in Bovidae Family of Artiodactyla
作者:Xian GUO Jie PEI Yuqing ZHOU Pengjia BAO Jianbin LIU Hanzhong JI Xiaoyun WU Xuezhi DING Ping YAN Suonan ZHAO
Abstract;The Przewalskis gazelle, Procapra przewalskii, is one of the most endangered species in China, and is now found only in a single small area around the Lake Qinghai. In this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of P. przewalskii was determined and annotated. The circular genome is 16 547bp long, containing 13 proteincoding genes盘古和女娲, 22 transfer RNA genes拌菠菜, 2 ribosomal RNA genes,河南科技学院校徽 and a predicted control region. The overall ba composition was 34.0% A, 24.7% C克服懒惰>立体素描画, 28.3% T,遣悲怀其一 and 13.0% G, with a total A+T content of 62.3%. Phylogenetic analysis of all 19 Bovidae species indicated that P. przewalskii showed a clo relationship to Procapra gutturosa. Our results provide a great deal of uful information on further studies for conrvation biology of Przewalskis gazelle.