Urbanization in Between:Rural Traces in a Rapidly Growing and Industrializing County City
道路货物运输作者:Andrew B. Kipnis1(Author); Bai Meifei2(Translator)
来源:《民族学刊》 2016年第2期
Andrew B. Kipnis1(Author); Bai Meifei2(Translator)神探夏洛克百度云>朋友图片大全>宋江反诗
(1. College of Asia and the Pacific,The Australian National University;
2.Department of Sociology, Beijing University,Beijing,China)初中思维导图
潮湿的季节 JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY, VOL. 7, NO.2, 49-58, 2016 (CN51-1731/C, in Chine)
Modernization theory emphasizes the discontinuities of lived experience that occur under process
of capitalist urbanization – the abrupt shifts in kinship practice, orientation towards community, and ways of life that urbanization is said to bring about, giving ri to individualism, cosmopolitanism, and sometimes social alienation. Contemporary Chine urbanization is taking place at breakneck speed, and most recent sociological and anthropological studies of this urbanization have been emphasizing themes that resonate with the classic literature, such as the growth of individualism or the spread of anomie and alienation. Xin Liu, for example, writes about anomie in the lives of contemporary urban Chine businessmen, while a number of other authors have stresd how contemporary Chine society emphasizes the individual. Much of the rearch on such themes has taken place in China’s largest urban areas, where vast waves of immigrants and migrant workers have left their village homes and some of their rural norms.