’Just do it!’
Or — the subtle art of procrastination
“说干就干”—— 拖延症的微妙艺术
A Procrastination, a kind of chronic time—wasting, has long been dismisd as an innocuous human foible。 Rearchers are now beginning a more sober examination of this practice, however, and there may be good reason for doing so: twenty per cent of Americans now admit to suffering from procrastination, a fifteen per cent jump from 1970。 Rearchers are bemud as to what explains this sharp ri in the figures, but there is no doubt that procrastination is wreaking havoc on people’s lives。 One side effect is perhaps the most predictable: procrastination hampers academic and work commitments as sufferers fail to meet deadlines or achieve their goals。 But there are other costs too。 In shifting burdens of responsibility onto others and reneging on their promis, procrastinators undermine relationships both in the workplace and in their private lives, all of which takes a toll on their well—being. In one study, over the cour of a me
ster, procrastinating university students were noted to be suffering from notably weaker immune systems, more gastrointestinal problems, and higher occurrences of insomnia than their non-procrastinating peers。
B Is there hope for procrastinators? Everyone admits it’s a difficult demon to beat, but
a few lf-styled procrastination coaches have developed strategies to that end. Although evidence for their efficacy is largely anecdotal at this stage, some of the strategies at least offer promising avenues for future rearch.
C烟花动漫 Career counllor Amy Sykes focus on the basics。 Firstly, she says, embrace peer pressure. Many weight loss and lf-help groups encourage individuals to hold themlves accountable to a wider circle of their peers, and Sykes believes this social safety net can be harnesd just as successfully by procrastinators。 A change in perspective is also considered vital. 'When we want people to do something for us, we really ll it to them,’ Sykes obrves. 'But when we need to do it ourlves, we focus on all the reasons we don't want to.’ Instead, she argues, we should pique our own interest and find ways to make our important projects more attractive — by turning them into little
competitions or fact—finding missions, for example. If all el fails, Sykes believes we must recompen ourlves for our troubles, ideally with little treats upon finishing a task. 'It doesn’t need to be big,’ she says. 'Pancakes, a hot bath, or an episode of your favourite television show could all do the trick.’
职业顾问Amy Sykes熊猫简笔画可爱非常重视基础原则.她说,首先要拥抱来自同伴的压力。许多减肥和自助团体都鼓励个人对同伴中更多的人负责。Amy Sykes坚信,这种社会安全网也可以被拖延症患者很好地运用.同时,看法的改变也至关重要。Amy Sykes注意到:当我们想要别人为我们做一件事的时候,我们努力宣扬这件事的好处、重要性等等;但是当我们需要自己亲自做它的时候,我们却重点关注我们不想做它的理由.由此,她主张我们应该激起自己的兴趣,并设法使我们的工作变得更加吸引人,比如把它们变成一些小型竞赛或者找寻真相的任务。如果所有的方法都失败了,Amy Sykes也坚持认为我们应该为遇到的困难补偿自己,最理想的就比如针对每完成的一个任务都款待一下自己.她说:“这种款待不用太隆重--一块薄煎饼,一次热水浴,一集自己喜欢的电视剧—-这些都足以犒劳自己。"
D Though the tips may be a little too garden variety① for some, others have thought
up more cunning twists on the human psyche. One such approach was developed by the crime writer Raymond Chandler, who built his strategy on a basic yet critical obrvation: procrastinators rarely sit about completely inactively, but rather tend to engage themlves in uful but less pressing tasks: vacuuming behind the bed, cleaning out the fridge, washing the windows and so on. The result is that they 'cheat’ themlves into experiencing feelings of productivity and satisfaction that offer further distraction from the original project。 Chandler’s method, which he successfully ud to help himlf write detective stones, involves tting aside a period of time in which the procrastinator may do one of two things: absolutely nothing or work on the project that he or she wishes to complete。 Sitting still, without the satisfaction of busying himlf with less urgent tasks, Chandler slowly felt the itch of tedious monotony sink in. Within five or ten minutes, this itch had become intolerable, and he felt compelled to begin writing his stories。
E Another procrastinator, professor of philosophy John Perry, developed his strategy against procrastination bad on esntially the same insight as Chandler's - that procrastinators are actually quite good at doing 'marginally uful' tasks, just not the tasks they really ought to be doing. He thus surmid that the enemy of successful task completion is not, in fact, that great engine of productive activity - procrastination itlf — but rather how we order our projects in the hierarchy of urgency. If a procrastinator needs to finish an assignment before 8 o’clock the following morning, for instance, he is likely to
find himlf sharpening pencils instead。 ’But if all the procrastinator had left to do was to sharpen some pencils,’ Perry obrves, ’no force on earth could get him to do it.' The key to this approach is to rank one's priorities, then bump the most urgent tasks a little further down and place at the top some potentially daunting and important-sounding projects which are ultimately not all that esntial。 If the student with the essay deadline can convince himlf he absolutely must reorgani his email box, or finish reading that old, dusty novel he only got halfway through, then suddenly the essay deadline is going to em a far superior option。