Understanding public policy 《理解公共政策》
chapterⅠ Policy analysis
Definition of policy 公共政策定义
i.Public policy is whatever governments choo to do or not to do.
ii.Public policies may regulate behavior, organize bureaucracies, distribute benefits, or extract taxes-or all things at once.
Policy expansion →政策扩张
Government growth →政府扩大
The new deal programs devid →罗斯福新政
The great depression→大萧条
The national economy →国民经济
文秘教育The great society programs →大社会计划
Economic downturn →经济滑坡
Regulatory activity →管制活动
P3 图示指标
What the Federal Government Does联邦政府职能
✓Social curity and Medicare—— 社会保障和医疗保险
✓Interest on the national debt—— 国债的利息
✓Health—— 卫生保健
✓Welfare ——社会福利
✓Transportation—— 交通运输
✓Education—— 教育
✓Natural resources and environment—— 自然资源和环境
✓Law enforcement ——执法
✓Veterans—— 退伍
✓All other——其他
What state and local government do 州和地方政府职能
✓Welfare —— 社会福利
✓Health and hospitals—— 保健和医疗
✓Highways—— 高速公路
✓Police and fire—— 治安和消防
✓枣怎么读Sanitation—— 卫生
✓Prisons —— 排山倒海的排是什么意思监狱
✓Natural resources and environment—— 自然资源和环境
✓All other —— 其他
✓Dependent variables → 因变量
✓The independent variables →自变量
✓Determinants → 决定性因素
女明星谁最漂亮✓Policy evaluation → 政策评估
The difference between policy analysis and policy advocacy
i.Policy advocacy requires the skills of rhetoric, persuasion, organization, and activism.
ii.Policy analysis encourages scholars and students to attack critical policy issues with the tools of systematic inquiry.
Translation →
policy analysis involves 政策分析内容
i.A primary concern with explanation rather than prescription.
ii.A rigorous arch for the caus and conquences of public policies.
iii.An effort to develop and test general propositions about the caus and conquences of public policy and to accumulate reliable rearch findings of general relevance.
The limitations of policy analysis
Limits on government power —— 政府权力的有限性
Disagreement over the problem —— 社会问题认定上的分歧
Subjectivity in interpretation —— 政策解释的主观性
Limitations on design of human rearch —— 人类研究设计的局限性
Complexity of human behavior —— 人类行为的复杂性
Translation →
Understanding public policy is both an art and a craft. It is an art becau it requires insight, creativity, and imagination in identifying societal problems and describing them, in devising public policies that might alleviate them, and them in finding out whether the policies end up making things better or wor.
Chapter 2 Models of politics
Definition of models for policy analysis 政策分析模型的定义
A model is a simplified reprentation of some aspect of some aspect of the real world.
Conceptual models/word models 概念性的模型
Actual physical reprentation 真实物质表型形式
Us of models 模型的运用
i.Simplify and clarify our thinking about politics and public policy
ii.Identify important aspects of policy problems
iii.Help us to communicate with each other by focusing on esntial features of political life
iv.Direct our efforts to understand public policy better by suggesting what is important and what is unimportant
v.Suggest explanations for public policy and predict its conquences
回奶的食物Selected policy models
Institutional model (制度主义模型)
Process model (过程模型)
Rational model (理性主义模型)
Incremental model(渐进主义模型)
Group model (团体理论模型)
Elite model (精英模型)
Public choice model(公共选择模型)
Game theory model(博弈论模型)
The policy process 政策过程
i.Problem identification [问题确认] ——The identification of policy problems through demand from individuals and groups for government action.
鱼缸增氧ii.Agenda tting [议程设定] —— Focusing the attention of the mass media and public officials on specific public problems to decide what will be decided.
iii.Policy formulation [政策形成] —— The development of policy proposals by interest groups, White Hou staff, congressional committees, and think tanks.
iv.Policy legitimating [政策合法化] —— The lection and enactment of polices through actions by Congress, the president, and the courts.