Test 1.
Passage 1. Johnson’s Dictionary
1. There was no standard way of speaking or writing and no agreement as to the best way of bringing some order to the chaos of English spelling. Dr Johnson provided the solution.
standard adj.标准的 n.标准
→ 近:纸飞机模型criteria n.
solution n.解决方法 solve vt. 解决
→ 近: resolution n. resolve vt.
2. Like the various dictionaries that came after it during the venteenth century, Cawdray’s tended to concentrate on ‘scholarly’ words; one function of the dictionary was to enable its students to convey an impression of fine learning.
various adj. 多种多样的variety n. 多样性
→ 近:diversity n. diver adj. e.g. :diver species
scholarly adj.学术的
→ 近:academic adj. academy n. 学院
马尔泰若兰convey vt.传输,传达
→ 近:transmit vt. deliver vt. 传送
3. Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the ri of dictionaries is associated with the ri of English middle class, who were anxious to define and circumscribe the various worlds to conquer.
be associated with 与…相联系
→ 近:be related/linked with/ to
define vt.下定义 definition n.
→ 近:explain vt.解释 definition n.
4. He did not expect to achieve complete originality.
achieve vt. 完成,成就 achievement n.
→ 近:accomplish vt. accomplishment n. ; complete vt. completion n.
originality n. 原创,原始, original adj 起初的 originate vi. 起源于 originate in
→ 近:initial adj initiate vi.
十大整体橱柜→ aboriginal adj. 原始的,本土的土著的
→ 近:native/ local/ indigenous adj.
5. Unlike his predecessors, Johnson treated English very practically, as a living language, with many different shades of meaning.
predecessor n.前任
→ 近:precedent n. 先例
→ 反:successor n. 继承者
shade n.联想,层次
→ 近:subtlety n. 细微,精细 subtle adj.; phra n.
6. After many vicissitudes the Dictionary was finally published on 15 April 1775.It was instantly recognized as a landmark throughout Europe.
publish vt. 出版,发行
→ 近:relea vt ; issue vt.
be recognized as 被认为… recognize … as… 把…认为…
→ 近:describe/characterize/define…as…
7. “This noble book,” wrote the leading Italian lexicographer, “will be a perpetual monument of Fame to the Author in particular, and benefit to the republic of Letters throughout Europe.”
perpetual adj. 永久的
→ 近:permanent adj. 永恒的 → 反:temporary / odd adj. 临时的
benefit n. 益处,好处 benefit(vt.) from… 从…中获益 beneficial adj.有益的
→ 近:profit n. 利益,利润 profitable adj. exploitative adj.
8. For all its faults and eccentricities his two-volume work is a masterpiece and a landmark, in his own words, ‘tting the orthography, displaying the analogy, regulating the structures, and ascertaining the significances of English words.’
analogy n.相似,类比 analogous adj. 类比的,相似的
→ 近:similarity n 相似 similar adj. be similar to…
→ assimilate vt. 使…同化
→ 月光别墅反:dissimilar adj.不相似的
significance n. 重大意思,重要性碧绿组词 significant adj.
→ 近:importance n.
9. It is the cornerstone of Standard English, an achievement which, in James Boswell’s words, “conferred stability on the language of his country”.
achievement n. 成就
→ 近:accomplishment n. ; contribution n. 贡献
stability adj. 稳定,稳固 stable adj. 稳定的 unstable adj. 不稳固的
→ 近:even adj. 平稳的 firm adj. 牢固的
10. The Dictionary, together with his other writing, made Johnson famous and so well est
eemed that his friends were able to prevail upon King George Ⅲ to offer him a pension.
esteem n. 尊重 lf-esteem
→ 近:respect n.&vt. respectable adj.体面的 ; respective adj.各自的
prevail vi.流行,盛行 prevalence n. 盛行
→ 近:popularize vt. 流行 popularity n.
Passage 2. Nature or nurture
1. Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life for their willingness to obey instructions given by a ‘leader’ in a situation in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions they were called upon to perform.
willingness n. 乐意,愿意 willing adj. 乐意的 will n. 意志力
→ 近:volunteer n. 志愿者 voluntary adj. 志愿的
obey vt. 遵从,遵守 obedience n. 现代美学
→金鱼白点病 近:abide by
perform vt.表演,扮演 performance n.
2. Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer ‘teacher-subject’ that the experiment was in the noble cau of education, and was designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes would have a positive effect on the pupil’s ability to learn.
cau n. 事业 vt. 引起,造成
→ 近:create vt. 引起 ; po vt. 引起 ; trigger vt. 触发 ; wreck vt. 引起
effect n. 作用,效果 affect vt. 影响
→ 近:impact n. 冲击,影响 ; influence n.&vt. 影响
3. The suppod ‘pupil’ was in reality an actor hired by Milgram to stimulate 五年级美术作品receiving the
shocks by emitting a spectrum of groans, screams and writings together with an assortment of statements and expletives denouncing both the experiment and the experimenter.