Unit 1
1. A college education can be very costly in the United States. 在美国,大学教育的费用会很贵。
2. Rising costs have led more and more families to borrow money to help pay for college.
3. There are different federal loans and private loans for students. 有各种个样的联邦贷款和私人贷款可供学生挑选。
4. Interest rates on some of the loans will go up on July 1st. 在这些贷款品种中,有些品种的利率将从7月1日起上调。
5. There are growing concerns that many students graduate with too much debt.
Part 1 A C D C B C B A
建筑垃圾Part 2
1. Great challenges faced the United States in the early 20th century, including global economic competition.
2. During the same period, the country’s rapidly growing public high schools were eking new ways to rve their communities.
3. It offered a program of solid academics as well as a variety of students activities.
4. A distinctive feature of the institutions was their accessibility to women, attributable to the leading role the colleges played in preparing grammar school teachers.
5. The breadth of programming and the variety of students’ goals make it difficult to accurately quantify community college performance.
News item 1
This news item is about China's latest plans for its ambitious space program.
China's cond manned space mission
1. Landing spot: In the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia.
2. Significance: A source of national pride and international prestige.
Future plan
1. The next manned mission.
1) Time: 2007
2) Goal: The astronauts will attempt a space walk.
2. Focus of further development: The capability to rendezvous and dock with other spacecraft.
3. Recruitment of astronauts: To recruit female astronauts in the near future.
News Item 2
This news item is about the growth of China’s economy.
There are still question marks though over the stability of the recovery. The property ctor is sho wi
ng signs of overheating. The government this week announced measures to try to cool it. At the same time officials decided to extend tax subsidies for purchas of small
vehicles and appliances suggesting that some here still believe Chine manufacturers need govern ment support.
Growth was strongest in heavy industries such as coal, steel, power
generation and automobiles. Consumer prices ro in November for the first time since February. But the ri was small and probably reflected higher food prices caud by early snowstorms whic
h destroyed crops and disrupted transport.
News Item 3
This news item is about China's large and growing trade with and aid to Africa.
Ex. B: Listen again answer the following questions.
1. How has the main football stadium been built in many African capitals?
In many capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been built with Chine aid money.
2. How much does Sino-African trade--and aid--amount to?
It is estimated that Sino-African trade--and aid--amounts to as high as 12 billion dollars a year.
3. How is the relationship between China and Africa compared with that between Europe and Afri ca?
周记400字The links between China and Africa could grow to challenge the post-colonial links between Eu rope and Africa.
4. What did China promi on the meeting in Addis Ababa?
China promid to cancel debts, grant duty-free access into China`for African products and increas e Chine investments in Africa
Section Four
Part 1 Feature Report
A. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T
B. 1. It has been established for 11 years.
2. It takes place every April.
3. Becau they glorify violence and foster unhealthy eating habits.
4. They should have a wide variety of experiences, such as interacting with other people, playing games, sports, music and reading.
5. The Network is lobbying for better regulation of the u of television in public spaces.
Part 2
1.David Green saw earning a degree in management-information systems as the key to making a d ecent living.
2. The problem for many Wright State students is that "affordable" is becoming a relative term in p ublic higher education.
3. After veral concutive years of double-digit or near-double-digit tuition increas, it costs ne arly 50 percent more for in-state undergraduates to enroll here than it did four years ago.
4. Most of the other students here emed quietly resigned to covering the rising costs any way the y could, often at the expen of their studies.
5. Tuition increas jeopardize the "heart-and -soul mission" of Wright State, which is to provide p eople from modest backgrounds “a ticket up and out”.
Unit 2
1 有些人担心他们并未从所吃的食物中获取足够的维生素。
2 因此他们呢服用大剂量维生素制剂。
3 他们认为这些维生素制剂能够增进健康、预防疾病。
4 医学专家没有发现多少能证明这些制剂中的绝大多数能保障或增进建康的证据。
5 但是他们注意到其中一些确实有助于预防疾病。
Unit 3
1 几乎在所有的国家里,女孩子都比男孩子得分高。
2 男女差异一直是激烈争论的焦点。
3 文化和经济的影响起着重要作用。
4 但是最新的发现提示,答案也许在于男女大脑的差异。
5 这些包括学习速度上的差异
Unit 4
1 克拉拉.巴顿极大地改变了许多人的生活。
2 她前往战场护理伤员。
3 她写信支持简历美国红十字会组织。
4 美国国会签署了国际红十字公约。
5 今天,她的工作对于成千上万遭遇困难的人来说仍然很重要。
Unit 5
1. Stocks, bonds, land--people invest in different things and for different reasons.
2. But all investors share the same goal. 但是所有的投资者都有一个共同的目标。
3. They want to get more money out of their investment than they put into it.
4. The money they invest today provides capital for future growth in the economy.
5. Investors have to decide how much risk they are willing to take and for how long.
Part 1 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. C
1. A wave of lling triggered widespread price declines in stock markets from New Y ork to Austr alia. The Dow Jones Industrial A verage plunged 508 points in the panicked rush to ll.
2. The stock market is the means through which previously issued corporate stocks, shares of own ership in a corporation, are traded.
3. However, the forces influencing the prices of corporate stoc ks are quite different from tho influencing the prices of goods and rvices.
卧虎扑食4. People and organ izations who buy and hold stock do so for the incomes they hope to earn.
5. When Black Monday finally reeled to a clo, many a portfolio had lost over a fifth of the value it had the day before.
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. C
News Item 1
This news item is about the fact that Arctic is the warmest in two millennia.
Scientists have produced evidence showing dramatically that the current temperature
ri there is highly unusual. For most of the last two thousand years, the Arctic slowly
寒假趣事500字cooled, a conquence of variations in the Earth’s orbit.
But over the last century, the cooling abruptly reverd, and the region is now warmer than at any time in the 2,000 year record. Writing in the journal Science, the rearchers say this shows how quickly the Arctic responds to
climatic changes
News Item 2
This item is about WWF's accusation against European toilet and tissue paper manufacturers of co
ntributing to global deforestation by not using enough recycled material.
1.How many trees are being discarded as tissue paper each day?
More than a quarter of a million trees.
2. What did the report find?
The report found alarmingly low levels of recycled fibers in the vast majority of products by European toilet and tissue paper manufacturers.
3. Where are the fibers ud by European toilet and tissue paper companies taken from?
The fibers are taken from natural forests in South Africa, Asia, Europe and across the Americas. 4. What have most of the toilet and tissue paper manufacturers failed to do?
Most of the companies have failed to take effective measures to prevent illegal or controversial timber from being ud in their products.
News Item 3
This news item is about the warnings from specialists that climate change can drive some spec ies of migrating animals towards extinction.
Findings: Climate change can drive some species of migrating animals towards extinction. Reason: Birds, mammals and reptiles are finding it increasingly difficult to follow their usual migr ating patterns.
Examples: 1. The spreading Sahara Dert could make it impossible for swallows to make the epi
c journey from Southern Africa.
2. Rising a levels will destroy many coastal habitats for turtles and wading birds.
3. Warmer oceans could lead to some turtle species becoming entirely female.
Section 4 part 2
1. Agreements among parties in a competing relationship can rai antitrust suspicions. Competito rs may be agreeing to restrict competition among themlves.
2. Antitrust authorities must investigate the effect and purpo of an agreement to determine its leg ality.
3. Prices may increa if consumer demand for a product is particularly high and the supply is limi ted.
4. Recent cas involved a group of physicians charged with using a boycott to prevent a managed care organization from establishing a competing health care facility in Virginia.
5. The FTC recently charged a group of auto dealers with restricting comparative and discount adv ertising to the detriment of consumers. Exerci C
Unit 6
1 老师对于博客的使用越来越多。
2 现在很多因特网服务商都提供免费、便捷的制作个人网页的方式。
3 教育工作者并不是从一开始就涉足博客的。
4 很多人担心隐私和安全问题。
5 但是现在在因特网上可以找到成千上万个教师博客网页。
Unit 7
1 每年在美国有两百多万对新人结婚。
2 这些婚庆要花去八百多亿美元。
工资扣税怎么计算3 这还不包括新人的蜜月旅行。
4 根据一项古老的传统,新娘在结婚那天必须穿戴一样旧的东西、一样新的东西、一样借来
5 据说这四样东西可以带来好运。
Unit 8
1 年龄最大的一批在美国二战后生育高峰出生的人今年将满六十岁。
2 美国和许多工业化国家的退休人口都在增长,而这种增长预计还将持续。
3 当这一代人到达传统退休年龄65岁时,他们的人数将占美国人口的百分之二十。
4 战后生育高峰年代出生的人拥有住房的比例高于全国平均水平,其中四分之一的人拥有一处以上的房产。
5 很多战后生育高峰年代出生的人觉得自己现在还很健康,并且相信如果继续保持积极的心态,他们将更加长寿,生活将更加愉快。
Unit 9
1. Supermarkets are big stores that provide a wide choice of foods and other products.
2. Since 2000, Americans have bought more organic food from supermarkets than from any other kind of store.
3. In the United States, traditional supermarkets are facing competition from even bigger stores.
4. They are also facing competition from stores with more choices of fresh, natural foods.
5. New competitors are winning business becau they are even larger than supermarkets and they have lower prices.
1. 超市是那些能够提供大量可供选择的食品和其他商品的大型商场。
2. 自从2000年以来,美国人从超市里购买的有机食品比从其他类型的商场里购买的要多。
3. 在美国,传统的超市正面临着来自更大的商场的竞争。
4. 它们还面临这来自那些能提供更多新鲜、天然的食品品种商店的竞争。
5. 新的竞争对手正在经营中取胜,因为它们比超市更大,价格更便宜。
Section 2
Part 1 Dialogue
Name: David Jones
Department: Accounts
Nature of business: To attend a one-day cour on Computer Programming
Place: The Technical College in Westhampton (西安普敦)
Date: 9th-10th May
驭夫1. 9th train from London to Westhampton £18.5
2. the Park Hotel (bed and breakfast) £36
3. dinner at the Park Hotel £12
4. 10th lunch at the Tech £2.5
5. the ―Crown‖ hotel (bed and breakfast) £15
6. dinner at the ―Crown‖ hotel £4.5
Total £88.5
cheap day returns rade fair full with people from overas
longer do some work on the computer
give me a lift home broke down walk back about two miles to a village
Part 2 passage