Chapter 1 招投标 (Tendering)
第一节 招标的类型 Types of Bidding
竞争性招标 大葱简笔画 competitive bidding
协商性招标 negotiated bidding
combined bidding and negotiation
第二节 招投标活动 Tendering Activities
一、招投标程序 Tendering Procedure
1、招标前的活动 Pre-tendering activities
Preliminary inquiry to contractors
Pre-qualification语文作文万能素材 of tenderers
Inviting tenders and supplying documents
●华硕b360邀请信 Letter of Invitation
●投标者须知 Instructions to Tenderers
Conditions of Contract: Consisting of
General Conditions and Particular
●投标书格式 Form of Tender
●图纸 Drawings
●技术规格书 Specifications
●工程量表 Bill of Quantity
Schedules of Additional Information花中隐士
●资料数据 Information Data
Return envelope (An addresd
envelope for the return of tender to
ensure that each tenderer has the same
and correct address of the Employer)
3、承包商编制投标书 [ 'enviləup ]
Preparation of tender by contractors
●考察现场 Visit and inspect the site
●如有疑问可向业主提出质询 [ 'kwiəri ]
Make queries to the Employer (if any)
The contractor is satisfied with the form and
nature of the site
Collect data from the employer
Interpret the data provided by the Employer
Prepare tender bad on the data
Satisfy himlf as to correctness and
sufficiency of the Accepted Contract
Consider the provisions in Sub-claus
13.7 & 13.8 regarding increa or decrea of cost
Tender Submission (with Letter of Tender and Tender Security)
Evaluation of Tender and Decision on Award
Both parties agree on the terms of insurance
7、颁发中标函 Issue the Letter of Acceptance
Submission of Performance Security to the
9、签订合同 Signing of Contract
二、资格预审 Prequalification
●组织形式和/或合法地位、注册地点和主要经营地等原始文件的复印件 [ ə'ridʒənəl ]打印机扫描功能
copies of original documents defining
constitution and/or legal status, place of
registration and principal毅行活动方案 place of business
total annual turnover expresd as total
volume of engineering work carried out in each of the five year
financial report (including profit and loss
statements, balance sheets and auditor’s
reports for the past five years, and a
financial forecast / an estimated financed
projection for the subquent year)
evidence of access to lines of credit, and availability of other financial resources
●业主请求时,能(且已被授权)提供证明的银行的名称及地址 [ 'ɔ:θəraizd ]
name and address of banker(s) who will (and have been authorized to) provide references upon quest by the Employer
details of performance as prime contractor on works of a similar nature and volume over the past five years and on current works
a list of major items of Contractor’s
Equipment propod for carrying out the
Contract including details of ownership.
三、投标者须知 Instructions to Tenderers
1、说明 Introduction
1) 定义 Definition
2) 工程描述 Description of Works
3) 资金来源 Source of Funds [ 'elidʒəbl ]
4) 合格的投标人 Eligible Tenderers
5) 投标费用 Cost of Tendering
6) 现场考察 Site Visit
2、招标文件 Tendering Documents
1) 招标文件内容
Contents of Tendering Documents
2) 招标文件的澄清
Clarification of Tendering Documents
3) 招标文件的修改 大班篮球教案
Amendment of Tendering Documents
3、投标文件的编制 Preparation of Tenders
1) 投标的语言 Language of Tender
2) 组成投标书的文件
Documents Comprising the Tender
3) 定价方法及投标报价
Pricing and Tender prices
4) 货币要求与汇率
Currency Requirements and Exchange
5) 证明投标人合格和资格的文件
Documents Establishing Tenderers’
Eligibility and Qualification
6) 投标担保 Tender Security
7) 投标有效期 Tender Validity Period
8) 标前会议 Pre-tender Meeting
9) 投标书的式样和签署
Format and Signing of Tender
4、投标书的提交 Submission of Tenders
1) 投标文件的密封和标记
Sealing and Marking of Tenders
2) 投标截止期
Deadline for Submission of Tenders
3) 迟交的投标书 Late Tenders
4) 投标文件的修改、替代与撤回
Modification, Substitution and
Withdrawal of Tenders [ sʌbsti'tju:ʃən ]
Opening and Evaluation of Tenders
1) 开标 Opening of Tenders
2) 投标文件的澄清
Clarification of Tender Documents
3) 投标文件的初审
Preliminary Examination of Tender