Ch1-Ch4 Question Pool
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choo the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) _______
1) Marketing eks to create and manage profitable customer relationships
by delivering ________ to customers.
A) superior promotion
B) superior rvice
C) competitive prices
D) superior value
E) product assortment
LO. 1
2) _______
2) You have learned at work that today's successful companies at all levels
have one thing in common: they are strongly customer focud and
heavily committed to ________.
A) marketing
B) social responsibility
男人不长胡子C) increasing wealth to stockholders
D) employee motivation
E) obtaining the best CEOs
LO. 1池塘的塘怎么写
3) _______
3) The twofold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising
superior value and to ________.
三七粉功效A) keep and grow current customers by delivering competitive
B) keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction
C) keep and grow current customers by delivering friendly rvice
D) keep and grow current customers by delivering vast product
E) all of the above
LO. 1
4) _______
4) You have learned from experience as well as from this cour that the
most basic concept underlying marketing is that of ________.
A) human needs
B) fulfilling consumer wants
C) customer satisfaction
D) lling and advertising
E) retaining customers
LO. 1
5) _______
5) What do companies call a t of benefits that they promi to consumers
to satisfy their needs?
A) marketing offer
B) demand satisfaction
C) value proposition
D) evoked t
E) need proposition
LO. 1
6) We must learn a valuable lesson in marketing. Many llers make the
6) _______
mistake of paying more attention to the specific products they offer than
to the ________ produced by tho products.
A) benefits
B) value satisfaction
C) experiences
D) customer loyalty
E) benefits and experiences
LO. 1
7) _______ 7) Marketing consists of actions taken to build and maintain desirable
________ with target audiences involving a product, rvice, idea, or
other object.
A) exchange process
B) exchange privileges
C) exchange communication
D) exchange transactions
E) exchange relationships
LO. 1
8) The federal government finds it necessary at times to limit demand by
8) _______
reducing the number of customers or to shift their demand temporarily
or permanently. Name the term for this type of action.
A) integration
B) debugging
C) demarketing
D) gray marketing
E) deregulation
LO. 2
9) The five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their
9) _______
marketing activities include the production, ________, lling,
marketing, and societal marketing concepts.
A) pricing
B) promotion
C) distribution
D) product
E) demarketing
LO. 1
10) To practice the marketing concept, an organization must deliver the
10) ______
________ better than competitors.
A) convenient packaging
校导网B) attractive prices
C) level of rvice
D) advertising campaign
E) desired satisfactions
LO. 2
11) ______ 11) Now many companies are beginning to think of ________ interests as
well as their own customers' needs.
A) competitors'
B) society's
C) lenders'
D) investors'
E) stockholders'
LO. 2
12) Companies today face some new marketing realities that mean there are
12) ______
fewer customers to go around. Changing demographics, ________, and
overcapacity in many industries are great concerns.
A) slowing incomes
B) higher unemployment
C) more sophisticated competitors
D) 9/11统计指标的特点
E) incread technology
LO. 2
13) Customers buy from stores and firms that offer the highest ________. 13) ______
A) customer perceived value
B) value for the dollar
C) level of customer satisfaction
D) both B and C
E) company image
LO. 1
14) ______ 14) Becau customers tend to act on perceived values, they often do not
judge product values and costs ________.
A) often
B) reliably
C) accurately or objectively
D) accurately
E) objectively LO. 1
15) By supplying customers with special equipment or computer linkages
15) ______
that help them manage their orders, payroll, or inventory, a business
marketer would be building customer relationships by adding ________.
A) greater customer rvice
B) structural ties
C) partnership marketing
D) value-added rvices
E) none of the above
LO. 2
16) When your firm practices developing and maintaining a strategic fit
16) ______
between your organization's goals and capabilities, it is forming a(n)
A) operating plan
B) short-term purpo
C) values statement
D) strategic plan
E) mission statement
LO. 2
17) Marketing planning at your firm occurs at what levels? 17) ______
A) business unit; product; market
B) business unit; market
C) business unit; product
D) product; market
E) business unit; financial unit; market
LO. 2
18) Your text pointed out that mission statements should be both ________
18) ______
and specific.
A) unachievable
B) realistic
C) long term
D) value laden
E) short term
LO. 1
19) Successful organizations ba their missions on their ________. 19) ______
A) strategic plans
B) value propositions
C) long-term goals
D) values statements
E) distinctive competencies LO. 1
20) ______ 20) What do we call the collection of business and products that make up
the company?
A) business portfolio
B) investment diversity
C) departments
D) needs inventory
E) none of the above LO. 1
21) ______ 21) The firm you work for has decided to u the Boston Consulting
Group's (BCG's) approach to classify its business units. Upon what is
the approach bad?
A) most profitable units
B) customer satisfaction
C) customer retention
D) cost-benefits
E) growth-share matrix LO. 2
22) Now that your employer has classified his SBUs, the next step to take in
22) ______
using the BCG approach is to determine ________.
A) the three-year budget
B) the profit center
C) the tactical plan
D) what role each will play in the future
E) none of the above LO. 2
23) ______ 23) According to your text, some companies are using all of the following in
their strategic planning except one. Choo it.
A) cross-functional teams of managers
B) suppliers
C) customers
D) company philosophy
E) employee teams LO. 1
24) ______ 24) Which of the following explain(s) why a firm might want to abandon
A) The products may have become less profitable.
B) The firm may have entered areas where it lacks experience.
C) The firm may have grown too fast.
D) The market environment might have changed.
E) All of the above. LO. 1
25) A company's value chain is successful when each department adds
25) ______
________ for customers and ________ other departments.
A) satisfaction; coordinates with
B) value; coordinates with
C) value; shares budgets with
D) efficiency; differentiates among
E) value; strengthens LO. 1
26) ______ 26) Generally speaking, most companies today cannot profitably rve
A) all foreign markets
B) all consumers in a given market gment
C) all consumers in a given market
D) both A and C
E) none of the above LO. 1
27) Banking, airline, and retailing rvices are properly termed ________. 27) ______
A) accessories