Translate the following ntences into Chine
1. We have the pleasure of introducing ourlves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export business of canned goods, and express our desire to enter into business relations you. 我们很乐意向你自我介绍, 我们是一家国营公司专门经营罐头食品出口业务,我们渴望和你们建立业务关系
2. Our company is one of the import and export corporations in Shanghai commercial circle authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We have enjoyed a good reputation in the world market for a long time. 我们是国家对外贸易经济合作部批准成立的上海商业系统的进出口公司。我们在世界上一直享有很高的声誉。
少儿脑瘫3. We are one of the leading exporters of first class cotton and rayon goods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years’ business experience. 我们是一流棉布与人造丝业务的主要出口商之一,由于有五十年的业务经验使我们享有极佳的声誉
4. Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the worl .d 世界粮食日是几月几日承蒙东京商会介绍,我们了解贵公司在世界各地供应高品质的食品奉茶礼仪
5. We are desirous of enlarging our trade in various agricultural products, but unfortunately have had no good connections in the southern part of Russia. Therefore we shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of the most capable and reliable importers. 我们渴望扩大各种各样的农产品范围,但遗憾的是我们在俄罗斯南部没有顾客,因此若能介绍该地区的一些最可靠的进口商将不胜感激
6. We wish to have your prices for 100 ts of your products for August shipment. 本公司希望得知贵公司产品100 套的价格及八月船期。
7. Plea nd us full details of your goods and give your earliest delivery date. 请惠寄贵公司产品的完整目录,并告知最早的交货期
8. We have made an enquiry for your goods and should be glad if you would nd us the samples you have in stock. 本公司已询价贵公司产品,若能寄送库存样品,不胜感激
9. Your advertiment on “Commercial Weekly” of March 8 interests us and plea let us have information as to the price, quality and full details of the goods. 我们对你们在3月8日“商业周报”上所刊登的广告很感兴趣,现请告知该商品的价格、质量以及其他详细情况。
10. We are one of the largest department stores here and believe there is a good market in our area for moderately priced goods of hand-made artificial leather bags. 我公司是本地最大的百货公司之一,深信价格适中的人造革手提包在本地会有良好的销路。
11. While appreciating the good quality and fine style of your bicycles, we find the prices of your goods, especially the women’s bicycles, are too high to be competitive in our markets. 我们非常欣赏你们自行车的质量和漂亮款式,但是我们认为你方自行车尤其是女式自行车价格太高,在我地市场缺乏竞争力。
12. We are making you, subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than September 15, the following offer. 现报盘如下,以贵方接受复函于9月15日前抵达我处有效
13. Our prices are quoted on CIF Lagos basis. If you would prefer the goods to be nt by airfreight, this will be an extra charge. 我们的报价为成本加运保费拉各斯价。如果你方愿意我方邮寄该产品,我们将收取额外差价。
14. We are nding you parately a copy of our latest price list giving CIF Amsterdam price together with an illustrated catalogue for your reference. 我们另邮寄出标有CIF阿姆斯特丹的最新价目表,以及一份插图目录供你方参考
15. We like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have handled our inquiry, and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you. 我们欣赏你方货物的质量以及你方对我方询盘的处理方式,并欢迎能有机会与你方做生意
16. We are in urgent need of the goods to meet our immediate requirements and shall be plead to have your lowest price CIF Jilong for 5,000 dozen of your fountain pen subject to your fax offer here by August 10. 本公司迫切需要该物品,以应付紧急需求。烦请告知贵公司钢笔5,000 打, CIF色戒影评基隆的最低价格,但请贵公司在8月10日前以传真报价为限
17. That price you have quoted is in excess of the market price here. Some reasonable discount is esntial for sale in this market. 贵公司开出的报价高于本地市场价格,若想在本市场销售,合理的降价是必要的
18. We believe that you have offered us your best prices acceptable to our market if we consider the prent firm market. However our customers insist on some further reduction in prices and we request you to reconsider a further discount of 3% to conclude the business. 若以目前市场的稳定性而言,本公司相信,贵公司已经提供了我方市场所能接受的最优惠的报价。然而,我方客户坚持进一步降价。请求贵公司考虑再降3%,以便达成交易
19. We have learned about your ideas on our prices. We’ve heard that our quotation is not low enough to meet your needs. However, our prices have been shaved as far as possible and further reduction may not be possible without sacrificing quality. In view of our long business relations with you, we have made up our mind to concede a further 1% discount. 本公司已获悉贵公司的理想价格,我方开价并未符合您的要求。然而,我方的价
20. We would like you to note that there is every possibility that some price cut will justify itlf for an increa in business. 我公司希望贵公司明白,减价所造成的价格损失,将可由增加交易来弥补
澳大利亚农业Translate the following ntences into English
We owe your name and address to the chambers of commerce abroa .d
We will nd you a copy of sample book by airmail.怀孕初期注意事项