中国人口生育率TPO13 综合写作与详析
Private collectors have been lling and buying fossils, the petrified remains of ancient organisms, ever since the eighteen century. In recent years, however, the sale of fossils, particularly of dinosaurs and other large vertebrates has grown into a big business. Rare and important fossils are now being sold to private ownership for millions of dollars. This is an unfortunate development for both scientists and the general public.
The public suffers becau fossils that would otherwi be donated to muums where everyone can e them are sold to private collectors who do not allow the public to view the
ir collections. Making it harder for the public to e fossils can lead to a decline in public interest in fossils, which would be a pity.
More importantly, scientists are likely to lo access to some of the most important fossils and thereby miss out on potentially crucial discoveries about extinct life forms. Wealthy fossil buyers with a desire to own the rarest and most important fossils can spend virtually limitless amounts of money to acquire them. Scientists and the muums and universities they work for often cannot compete successfully for fossils against millionaire fossil buyers.
Moreover, commercial fossil collectors often destroy valuable scientific evidence associated with the fossils they unearth. Most commercial fossil collectors are untrained or uninterested in carrying out the careful field work and documentation that reveal the most about animal life in the past. For example, scientists have learned about the biology of nest-building dinosaurs called oviraptors by carefully obrving the exact position of oviraptors fossils in the ground and the prence of other fossils in the immediate surroundings. Commercial fossil collectors typically pay no attention to how fossils lie in the ground or to the smaller fossils that may surround bigger ones.
足球场 读完后提取观点啦:
成都信息科技大学 - Main point: 私人化石买卖无论对科学家还是对公众都是一件坏事情
- Sub point 1: 公众将失去接触化石的机会,进而失去兴趣
- Sub point 2: 科学家也将失去接触化石的机会
- Sub point 3: 化石包含的珍贵数据可能遭到破坏
Of cour, there are some negative conquences of lling fossils in the commercial market, but they have been greatly exaggerated. The benefits of commercial fossil trade greatly outweigh the disadvantages.
First of all, the public is likely to have greater exposure to fossils as a result of commercial fossil trade, not less exposure. Commercial fossil hunting makes a lot of fossils available for purcha, and as a result, even low-level public institutions like public schools and libraries can now routinely buy interesting fossils and display them for the public.
As for the idea that scientists will lo access to really important fossils, that’s not realistic either. Before anyone can put a value on a fossil, it needs to be scientifically identified, right? Well, the only people who can identify, who can really tell what a given fossil is or isn’t, are scientists, by performing detailed examinations and tests on the fossils themlv
es. So, even if a fossil is destined to go to a private collector, it has to pass through the hands of scientific experts first. This way, the scientific community is not going to miss out on anything important that’s out there.
Finally, whatever damage commercial fossil collectors sometimes do, if it weren’t for them, many fossils would simply go undiscovered becau there aren’t that many fossil collecting operations that are run by universities and other scientific institutions. Isn’t it better for science to at least have more fossils being found even if we don’t have all the scientific data we’d like to have about their location and surroundings than it is to have many fossils go completely undiscovered?
怀孕可以吃田螺吗 在这段听力材料里需要提取的观点是:
- Main point: 私人化石买卖利大于弊
- Sub point 1: 公众不会失去接触化石的机会,反而更多
- Sub point 2: 科学家也不会失去接触化石的机会
- Sub point 3: 尽管化石的珍贵数据可能遭到破坏,但是要好过让大量化石长眠于地下