中国移动 China Mobile
中国联通 China Unicom
中国电信China Telecom
真开头的成语开通国际漫游 launch international roaming rvice
剪卡器 micro SIM cutter
早上好问候图片现金 cash
刷卡bank card / credit card
分期付款 installment payment / budget plan
bless首付 down payment
贷款金额 loan amount
提前还款 advance repay /prepayment
还款有保障的repayment is ensured
剪SIM卡有风险 There is a risk of cutting card.
我们不承担风险 We are not responsible for the card risk .
三星 Samsung Electronics
小米Millet [milit]
平板电脑 the tablet computer 6s车间现场管理
手提电脑 laptop / notebook computer
蓝牙耳机 Bluetooth headt
数据线the data line /the USB data line
数据线插头 the data line plug
手机贴膜Mobile phone film
(磨砂膜matte film)
Do your mobile phone need to film ?
我的白日梦电信业务 telecommunications business
电信卡 telecom card
手机门店 mobile phone shop /store
店长 manager 员工 employee
South Africa banks visa card /credit card
Exchange cash
The exchange rate