The fourth period
E. Say the sound and the words.音响试音
1. Play the Pupil’s Book Castte and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words.
2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.
3. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words.
4. Play the castte again. Ask the pupils to listen to the poem and then circle the same letters with the same sound. Get the pupils to repeat the poem.
F. A puzzle. Fill in the missing information.
The pupils do the activities as shown in their books.
G. Listen and sing.
Play the castte for the pupils to listen to the song. Then play it again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.燕子图片简笔画
H. Think about it!社区矫正管理
Draw two very simple floor plans on the board. Ask a pupil to label the floors in the Chine way, starting from 1. Ask another pupil to label them in the British way, starting with the ground floor. Both pupils are correct but are using different systems!
鱼片的做法大全 经典的一句话