Expected -log(P value)
O b s e r v e d -l o g (P v a l u e )20
Stage 1
Supplementary Figure 1. QQ plot of obrved versus expected quantiles for the SCC GWAS stage 1 P values (generated via logistic regression), plotted on a log scale. The null hypothesis states that the expected distribution of P values is uniform. Here, the obrved P values follow the null distribution for large P values (P>0.01) but then diverge for small P values. The solid red line has a slope 1 and the dashed red lines reprent a 95% con dence interval, assuming the test results are independent. The test statistics in the plot have already been adjusted for genomic control.
蜻蜓特点Stage 1, excluding 7 genome-wide signi cant loci
Expected -log(P value)着多音字组词
O b s e r v e d -l o g (P v a l u e )
Supplementary Figure 2. QQ plot of obrved versus expected quantiles for stage 1 P values, plotted on a log scale, excluding the 7 genome-wide signi cant loci from stage 1 and their surrounding 1Mb interval. The null hypothesis states that the expected distribution of P values is uniform. The dashed line has a slope 1.
Stage 1, excluding 14 suggestive loci
Expected -log(P value)
O b s e r v e d -l o g (P v a l u e )
Supplementary Figure 3. QQ plot of obrved versus expected quantiles for stage 1 P values, plotted on a log scale, excluding the 14 suggestive loci (P=1.0x10 ) and their surrounding 1Mb interval. The null hypothesis states that the expected distribution of P values is uniform. The dashed line has a slope 1.
Supplementary Figure 4. QQ plot of obrved versus expected quantiles for stage 2 P values, plotted on a log scale. The null hypothesis states that the expected distribution of P values is unifor
m. The dashed line has a slope 1. 0 2 4 6 5 7 4 3 2 1 0 6 Expected –log(P value) O b s e r v e d –l o g (P v a l u e )
滑膜炎偏方Stage 2
Expected -log(P value)
O b s e r v e d -l o g (P v a l u e )
Stage 2, excluding 11 genome-wide signi cant SNPs
Supplementary Figure 5. QQ plot of obrved versus expected quantiles for stage 2 P values, plotted on a log scale, excluding the 11 genome-wide signi cant SNPs and their surrounding 1Mb intervals. The null hypothesis states that the expected distribution of P values is uniform. The dashed line has a slope 1.