英美文学 白鲸 Moby dick

更新时间:2023-07-27 01:04:52 阅读: 评论:0

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Moby dick
He is a giant, albino sperm whale and the main antagonist of the novel. He had bitten off Ahab's leg, and Ahab swore revenge. The cetacean also attacked the Rachel and killed the captain's son. Although the novel is named for him, he only appears at the end of it and kills the entire crew with the exception of Ishmael. Unlike the other characters, the reader does not have access to Moby Dick's thoughts and motivations, but the whale is still an integral part of the novel. Moby Dick is sometimes considered to be a symbol of a number of things, among them God, nature, fate, the ocean, and the very univer itlf.
Herman Melville us symbols instead of putting the battle between Ahab and the big whale into simple statements. Referring to symbols, the symbolic meaning of Moby Dick is more typical, becau Moby Dick posss various symbolic meaning for various individuals, as shown by the symbol of evil, the symbol of human being to the Pequod’s crew including Ahab, and the symbol of omnipotent God to some whale men except for Pequod’s crew an
曹子建d Ahab.
二年级家长寄语To the Pequod’s crew
To the Pequod’s crew, the legendary white whale is a concept onto which they can displace their anxieties about their dangerous and often very frightening jobs. Becau they have no delusions about Moby Dicks .They believe deeply that the legendary white whale act malevolently towards men, so Moby Dick is the incarnation of evil.
To Ahab:
To Ahab, “all evil are visibly personified, and make practically assailable in Moby Dick” . In cha of Moby Dick, he los one of his legs, so he hates Moby Dick very much. He wants to take revenge. He dedicates his ship and crew to destroying Moby Dick, becau they e Moby Dick as the living embodiment of all that is evil and malignant in the univer. By ignoring the physical dangerous that this quest entails, tting himlf against other men, and presuming to understand and fight evil on a cosmic scale, Ahab a
rrogantly defies the limitations impod upon human being. Also, just the evil of Moby Dick makes the crew including Ahab get clo to death.
To the reader:
1)a symbol of the physical limits that life impos upon man.
牛牛怎么玩的教程2)a symbol of nature, or an instrument of Gods vengeance upon evil man.
To readers, in terms of the suffering of the crew including Ahab, Moby Dick is the incarnation of evil to some extent. Although Ahab becomes almost crazy, he is the reprentation of the people who are determined to fight against evil. In an ultimate demonstration of defiance, Ahab us his “last breath”  to cur the whale and fate. Although the strength of Ahab and his crew is negligible and in some ways their action is a little blind, their spirit of fighting against the evil and perverance is worthy of learning today. Nowadays, life is becoming more and more comfortable, and the will-power of people becomes weaker and weaker. In some ways, ignoring Ahab’s craziness and blindness, his braveness and perverance really t a good example for today’s people.
.To Ishmael:
the whale has multiple implications. It is an astonishing force, an immen power, which defies rational explanation due to a n of mystery it has.It also reprents the tremendous organic vitality of the univer.
头发为什么会出油1. 白鲸是庞大的资本主义生产方式的象征
小说中最具有象征意义的是白鲸莫比·迪克。它的象征意义是多层次的。西方的评论家认为它是恶的化身。确实, 在小说中白鲸被描写成一种破坏性极大的、对人类怀有敌意而又难以征服的神秘物。然而, 这种恶又不完全是形式上的。因为我们看到绣球怎么养, 麦尔维尔在小说中常常把捕鲸作为一种过程来描写。因此, 这白鲸在一定程度上可以说是象征着那庞大的资本主义生产方式, 象征着生产过程与生产力相对立的那种力。作者在整个作品中精心制造的神秘气氛, 一再表现的人在命运面前无能为力的悲剧状况, 一方面反映出作者本人对当时资本主义生产力巨大发展的恐惧与惶恐, 对新的社会矛盾的忧虑与不安; 另一方面也表现出他对在这一变动时代的人类命运的忧患意识以及对他们的处境的深切同情。奖学金申请书
2. 白鲸是自然的象征
对于麦尔维尔来说, 白鲸还象征着具有巨大的神秘力量的自然怦然心动读后感, 尤其是海洋。人与自然的关系是麦尔维尔描写的另一个主题。他认为在冥冥之中有一种不可抗拒的力量在摆布人们的命运, 这种力量就是神秘的自然的力量。而这种神秘性在小说中一方面是通过对海的变化的描写体现出来的。无边无际的海洋变化莫测: 有时它是安静、肃穆又温和的, 让人遐思无限; 有时它又掀起狂风巨浪, 让人头晕目眩。无论是在风和日丽、阳光明媚的白日, 还是繁星闪烁的夜晚, 它的深处都包含着一种巨大的毁灭力量和诡异的危险。另一方面, 小说中经常出现预言和凶兆, 加强了整个作品的神秘感。在这里作者暗示了人与自然相斗的必然结果: 人类的毁灭。
3. 白色是纯洁和无辜的象征
作者选取白色作为鲸的颜色也是有目的。白色象征着纯洁和无辜。作者认为自然是很安静、很和平的、很友善的, 只要人类能够理解到人与自然的这种共存的关系, 不去打扰它, 自然就不会毁灭人类。否则, 人必然自取灭亡。小说中水手们与白鲸的斗争就是人与自然的斗争。白鲸本是无忧无虑的生活在自然当中, 从不主动接近人类, 从不主动进攻人类。可是代表人类邪恶一面的水手们却千方百计想要征服它, 毁灭它, 所以最后被它毁掉了。另外锦州gdp, 白色也代表着宇宙的神秘性。对于人类来说, 宇宙的秘密就像白色, 除了白茫茫的一片,
么也看不到。这也是作者的悲观看法之一: 人类在强大的自然面前是渺小无力的, 是永远也无法了解到自然的秘密的。

本文发布于:2023-07-27 01:04:52,感谢您对本站的认可!



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