then someone has said: since the revolution the people has gained rights. the people govern! strange! the people has now been ruling three years and no one has in practice once asked its opinion. treaties were signed which will hold us down for centuries: and who has signed the treaties? the people? no! governments which one fine day prented themlves as governments. and at their election the people had nothing to do save to consider the question: there they are already, whether i elect them or not. if we elect them, then they are there through our election. but since we are a lf-governing people, we must elect the folk in order that they may be elected to govern us.
and if we ask who was responsible for our misfortune, then we must inquire who profited by our collap. and the answer to that question is that banks and stock
christian capitalism is already as good as destroyed, the international jewish stock
exchange capital gains in proportion as the other los ground. it is only the international stock exchange and loan-capital, the so-called supra-state capital, which has profited from the collap of our economic life, the capital which receives its character from the si
ngle supra-state nation which is itlf national to the core, which fancies itlf to be above all other nations, which places itlf above other nations and which already rules over them.小暑吃啥
the jew has not grown poorer: he gradually gets bloated, and, if you dont believe me, i would ask you to go to one of our health-resorts; there you will find two sorts of visitors: the german who goes there, perhaps for the first time for a long while, to breathe a little fresh air and to recover his health, and the jew who goes there to lo his fat. and if you go out to our mountains, whom do you find there in fine brand-new yellow boots with sple
ndid rucksacks in which there is generally nothing that would really be of any u? and why are they there? they go up to the hotel, usually no further than the train can take them: where the train stops, they stop too. and then they sit about somewhere within a mile from the hotel, like blow-flies round a corp.概不赊账
while now in soviet russia the millions are ruined and are dying, chicherin - and with him a staff of over 200 soviet jews - travels by express train through europe, visits the cabarets, watches naked dancers perform for his pleasure, lives in the finest hotels, and does himlf better than the millions whom once you thought you must fight as
现在,苏维埃俄国几百万人都被摧毁,危在旦夕,契切林却和他的200多个苏维埃犹太团体坐着直达快车穿越欧洲,去看卡巴莱歌舞表演,去看脱衣舞,住最好的酒店,他可比那些你认为你需要打倒的那些几百万“中产阶级”过得潇洒自在多了。这些犹太籍的400个苏维埃政治委员毫发无损;成千上万的政治委员的手下也毫发无损。不!“工人阶级”为了和所谓的资本主义斗争,他们疯狂地从 “资产阶级”夺来的财产——全都去了犹太资本家的手里。当工人们抢走那些给他们提供工作的地主的提包时,他们拿到了戒指、钻石,想到他现在拥有以前只有“资产阶级”才拥有的东西了,心里非常高兴。但是他们手里的东西都是死物——名副其实是死物——金子。这不能让他得到什么好处。他现在陷入了迷茫,因为谁也不能拿钻石来填饱肚子。为了得到一小口面包,他甚至会拿超过价值几百万倍的东西来换取它。但是面包掌握在犹太人手里:所以一个正常人应该考虑,他为自己争取的任何东西都回到那些诱惑他的人手里去了。
and now, my dear fellow-countrymen, do you believe that the men, who with us are going the same way, will end the revolution? they do not wish the end of the revolution, for they do not need it. for them the revolution is milk and honey.
and further they cannot end the revolution. for if one or another amongst the leaders were really not ducer but duced, and today, driven by the inner voice of horror at his crime, were to step before the mass and make his declaration: we have all deceived ourlves: we believed that we could lead you out of miry, but we have in fact led you into a miry which your children and your childrens children must still bear - he cannot say that, he dare not say that, he would on the public square or in the public meeting be torn in pieces.