男男搞基小说The Complete TurtleTrader The Legend The Lessons The Results 《真正的海龟交易者——传奇,传授和传承》中英对照版
Michael W. Covel
For Jake
Home plate collisions and winning are all that matter
“Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you better start running.”
African proverb
Preface (3)
前言 (3)
Acknowledgments (10)
我与妹妹感谢词 (10)
1 Nurture versus Nature (11)
第01章天生的,还是后天培养的 (11)
2 Prince of the Pit (22)
第02章交易场内的王子 (22)
3 The Turtles (46)
第03章海龟们 (46)
4 The Philosophy (73)
第04章理念 (73)
5 The Rules (93)
第05章原则 (93)
6 In the Womb (132)
第06章在酝酿中 (132)
7 Who Got What to Trade (148)
第07章资金分配问题 (148)
8 Game Over (170)
第08章实验结束 (170)
9 Out on Their Own (178)
第09章他们只有靠自己了 (178)
10 Dennis Comes Back to the Game (189)
第10章丹尼斯又回到了交易界 (189)
11 Seizing Opportunity (199)
第11章抓住机会 (199)
12 Failure Is a Choice (216)
第12章失败是一个选择 (216)
13 Second-Generation Turtles (222)
第13章第二代海龟 (222)
14 Model Greatness (240)
第14章榜样的伟大 (240)
Appendix I Where Are They Now? (245)
附录1 他们现在在哪里? (245)
东北抗日名将Appendix II Related Websites (252)
附件2 相关的网址 (252)
Appendix III Turtle Performance Data (253)
附录3 海龟的业绩数据 (253)
Appendix IV Turtle Performance While Trading for Richard Dennis (256)
附录4 海龟们帮丹尼斯交易时的业绩 (256)
Endnotes (283)
尾注 (283)
About the Author (295)
关于作者 (295)
“Trading was more teachable than I ever imagined. Even though I was the only one who thought it was teachable . . . it was teachable beyond my wildest imagination.”
Richard Dennis
This is the story of how a group of ragtag students, many with no Wall Street experience, were trained to be millionaire traders. Think of Donald Trump’s show The Apprentice, played out in the real world with real money and real hiring and firing. However, the apprentices were thrown into the fire and challenged to make money almost immediately, with millions at stake. They weren’t trying to ll ice cream on the streets of New York City. They were trading stocks, bonds, currencies, oil, and dozens of other markets to make millions.
This story blows the roof off the conventional Wall Street success image so carefully crafted in popular culture: prestige, connections, and no place at the table for the little guy to beat the market (and beating the market is no small task). Legendary investor Benjamin Graham always said that analysts and fund managers as a whole could not beat the market becau in a significant n they were the market. On top of that, the academic community has argued for decades about efficient markets, once again implying there is no way to beat market averages.
Yet making big money, beating the market, is doable if you don’t follow the herd, if you think outside the box. People do have a chance to win in the
market game, but he or she needs the right rules and attitude to play by. And tho right rules and attitude collide head-on with basic human nature.
This real-life apprentice story would still be buried had I not randomly picked up the July 1994 issue of Financial World magazine, featuring the article “Wall Street’s Top Players.”On the cover was famed money manager George Soros playing chess. Soros had made $1.1 billion for the year. The article listed the top one hundred paid players on Wall Street for 1993, where they lived, how much they made, and in general how they made it. Soros was first. Julian Robertson was cond, at $500 million. Bruce Kovner was fifth, at $200 million. Henry Kravis of KKR was eleventh at $56 million. Famed traders Louis Bacon and Monroe Trout were on the list, too.
The rankings (an d earnings) provided a crystal-clear landscape of who was making “Master of the Univer”money. Here were, without a doubt, the top players in the “game.”Unexpectedly, one of them just happened to be living and working outside Richmond, Virginia, two hours from my home.
Twenty-fifth on the list was R. Jerry Parker, Jr., of Chesapeake Capital - and he had just made $35 million. Parker was not yet forty years old. His brief biography described him as a former pupil of Richard Dennis (who?) and noted that he was trained to be a “Turtle”(what?). Parker was described as a then twenty-five-year-old accountant who had attended Dennis’s school in 1983 to learn his “trend-tracking system.”The article also said he was a disciple of Martin Zweig (who?), who just happened to be thirty-third on the highest-paid list that year. At that moment the name “Dennis”was neither more nor less important than “Zweig,”but the implication was that the two men had made Parker extremely rich.
I studied that list intently, and Parker appeared to be the only one in the top hundred advertid as having been “trained.”For someone like mylf, looking for ways to try and earn that kind of money, his biography was immediate inspiration, eve n if there were no real specifics. Here was a man who bragged that he was a product of the “Virginia boondocks,”loved country music, and preferred to keep as far away from Wall Street as possible. This was no typical moneymaking story - that much I knew.
The common wisdom that the only way you could find su ccess was by working in eighty-story steel- and- glass towers in New York, London, Hong Kong, or Dubai was clearly dead wrong. Jerry Parker’s office was absolutely in middle of nowhere, thirty miles outside Richmond in Manakin-Sabot,
Virginia. Soon after reading the magazine, I drove down to e his office, noting its lack of preten, and sat in the parking lot thinking, “Y ou have got to be kidding me. This is where he makes all that money?”
Malcolm Gladwell famously said, “There can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis.”Seeing Parker’s country office was an electrical impul for me, permanently dispelling the importance of location. But I knew nothing el at the time about Jerry Parker other than what was in that 1994 issue of Financial World. Were there more of the students? How did they become students? What were they taught? And who was this man Dennis who had taught Parker and others?
Richard Dennis was an iconoclast, a wildcatting Chicago trader not affiliated with a major investment bank or Fortune 500 firm. As the “locals”were fond of saying on Chicago trading floors, Dennis “bet his left nut.”In 1983, by the time he was thirty-ven, he’d made hundreds of millions of dollars out of an initial