
更新时间:2023-07-26 14:44:07 阅读: 评论:0

A Stylistic Analysis of Disaster Reports in Written English                              英语灾难新闻书面报道的文体研究
The Transformation of Word Class in Translation      翻译中词性的转换
A Comparative Study of the Two Chine-English Versions of Pi Pa Xing      《琵琶行》两个英译本的比较研究 
A Review of the Cultural Differences Between China and America -Bad on the Comparison of Obama and Hu Jintao's Speeches                                      从奥巴马与胡锦涛的演说审视中美文化差异
A Comparative Study of the Two Chine Versions of The Art of Life          《生活的艺术》两个汉译本的比较研究
An Analysis of Common Errors and the Standard Translation of Office Signs  办公室标示语翻译中常见错误的分析及翻译规范
A Comparative Study of the Two English Versions of Teahou                    《茶馆》两个英译本的比较研究
An Exploration on  the Protection and Promotion of National Culture from an Perspective of  Foreign Cultural Invasion                                                      从外来文化入侵谈保护和发扬民族文化
The Fashionable Chine Words in Film Scrip Translation -- With Kongfu Panda as a Ca Example  从《功夫熊猫》看时髦用语在译制片中的应用
The Fashionable Chine Words in Film Scrip Translation -- With Kongfu Panda as a Ca Example  从《功夫熊猫》看时髦用语在译制片中的应用
On the Formation Features of Internet English Neologism                                网络英语新词的构成特点
An Influence of Scientific Technlogy on English Lexicon                                科学技术对英语词汇的影响
On Translation of Legal Text from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence  从功能对等理论看法律文本的翻译
Interpretation of the English Versions of Li Shangyin's Poem from the Perspective of Hermeneutics  阐释学视角下的李商隐诗歌英译本比读研究
A Study of the Chine Translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone from the Perspective of Skopostheorie                                                  从目的论的角度看《哈利波特与魔法石》的汉译
Translation of Communication in Business English                                          商务英语中交流的特点及翻译     
Relation of Context and Word Meaning in Translation                                    翻译中语境和词义的关系
Comparison and Translation of Subject in English and Theme in Chine        英语主体和汉语主题的比较与翻译                                                                             
Application of China-English in C-E Translation                                            中国英语在汉英翻译中的应用
On Translation of English Neologism    浅谈英语新词的译名
Chine Translation Skills of English Business News  英语经济新闻汉译技巧
On C-E Translation Techniques of Long Sentences in Chine Pro              汉语散文长句的英译技巧
On the Translation of Cultural Components in Shuihu                                    浅译《水浒》中文化成分的翻译
Analysis of Culturally-Loaded Words in Fortress Besieged                            论《围城》中文化负载词的翻译
Analysis of  C-E Translation of Images in A Moon Nighjt on the Spring River  浅析《春江花月夜》意象的英译
On C-E Translation of The True Story of AH Q From the Relevance Theory  由关联理论看《阿Q正传》的英译
On Translation of Long and Complicated Sentences in The Call of The Wild    谈《野性的呼唤》中英文复杂长句的翻译
Characteristics of English Cosmetics Directions and Translation                        英文化妆品说明书的特点及翻译
Stylistics of English Business Contracts and Translation                                  论英文商务合同的语篇特点及翻译
On Translation of Chine New Words    论汉语新词的翻译
An Analysis of Translating Methods of English Loanwords into Chine          汉语中的英语外来语翻译方法研究
The Cultural Connotation and E-C Translation of English Plant Words            英语植物词汇的文化内涵与汉译
A Rearch on the Theory of Zero Translation    零翻译漫谈
Polymorphic Transformation Mechanism of Translation Units                        翻译单位的多元性转换机制
On Faithfulness and Freedom of Translation Art --- The Translation Method of Words, Phras and Sentences                                                                    翻译的忠实与自由——谈字、词、句的翻译方法
C-E Translation Skills of the Name of Local Spots And  Historical Sites          地方名胜古迹的汉译英技巧
On the Contextual Adaptation Theory Embedded in Film Title Translation
A Study on English Translation of Chine Idioms from a Memetic Perspective                      模音论视角下汉语习语英译探究
用“神似论”简析《匆匆》两个英译本  A Brief Comment on Two English Versions of Cong Cong with the Approximation in Spirit
从中英文化差异角度谈汽车商标的翻译The Auto Brand Translation from the Perspective of Differences between English and Chine Culture   
汉语存在句的英译研究 A Study on Chine Existential Sentences Translation
顺应论指导下的英语新闻标题的汉译 English-Chine News Headline Translation under the Framework of Adaptation Theory 
从电影片名看翻译中的归化倾向  On the Domestication Tendency from the Film Title Translation
从“功能对等”角度谈商标翻译      On Translation of Trademarks from Perspective of "Functional Equivalence"
The Transformation and Enrichment of Chine Lexicology through the Translation
The Rhetoric Effects of Puns  in English Advertiments                  英语广告中双关语的修辞效果
The Employment of the Skopos Theory in the Cosmetic Brand Translation
On C-E Translation of Tourist Promotion Materials From Perspective of Skopostheorie目的论视角下旅游宣传材料的汉英翻译
成语英译策略的研究                      Study on the Strategies of Translating Chine Idioms into English
On Chine Translation of English News under Guidiance of Relevance Theory 关联理论指导下的英语新闻汉译           
On E-C Translation of Brand Names from Perspective of Functional Equivalence从功能对等理论看英文商标的汉译
Comparison Among ChineTranslation of English Film Titles in the Mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan  英文电影名汉译之内地与港台对比
On E-C Translation of Advertisment Under  Guidane of Skopostheorie  目的论指导下的英文广告汉译
Analysis on Wang Zuoliang’s Translational Perspectives by “Of Study” as an Example 以《论读书》为例浅析王佐良的翻译观   
从纽马克的翻译理论看名源动词的翻译                                      The Application of Newmark’s Translation Theories to Denominal Verb Translation 
中国式英语的影响--以《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译为例                                On the Influence of China-English on Subtitles Translation by the example of Kung fu Panda
从德国功能理论的角度看商务合同的英译                                C-E Translation of Business Contracts from the German Functionalist Translation Perspective
论意识形态对《战争风云》归化翻译的操控                        Ideological Manipulation in Domesticating Translation of The Winds of War
商务信函汉英翻译中的合作原则                                      Cooperative Principle in Chine-English Translation of Business Letters 
诗歌翻译中的美学重建---李白诗歌英译的分析 Aesthetic Reconstruction in Poetry Translation
---An Analysis of English Translations of Libai’s Poems
从目的论的角度谈企业简介的英译                                On English-Chine Translation of Corporate Profiles -From the Perspective of Skopostheorie
An Analysis on Dynamic Public Signs from Functional Translation Theory
On the Cultural Factors and Translation Strategies of Metaphor in English and Chine
On the Translation of Chine Press Neologisms from the Perspective of Skopos Theory
The Application of Domestication and Foreignization in English Film Subtitle Translation
The Diction Characteristics and Translation Principle of Business English Correspondence under the Direction of the Appropriacy Principle
Subtitle translation of Friends from the perspective of relevance theory
On Translation of Metaphor in English Advertiments from the Perspective of  Relevance Theory
The Translation and Comparison Of English-Chine Animal Idioms
Foreignization And Domestication----- On the Translation of English Idioms
Translation of Chine Tourist Materials Under Guidance of Relevance Theory
根据彼得•纽马克的理论对比两个《红楼梦》译本中的个性化人物语言                                          A Comparative Study on Individualized Dialogue in Two Translation Versions of HongLouMeng Bad on Peter Newmark’s Theory 
An Analysis of  Grice's Cooperative Principle's Violation in English Advertiments                          透析格莱斯合作原则在英语广告中的违背现象                                                                 
仿拟在英汉广告中的翻译                                          Translation of Parody in English and Chine Advertiment
《红楼梦》两英译本章回目录中辞格翻译的对比研究                                          A Comparative Study of Translations of Rhetorical  Devices in Chapter Titles of the Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng
《论语》两个英文译本的比较研究                                          A Comparative Study of the Two  English Versions of The  Analects of  Confucius 
Application of Functional Equivalence in Translating English Humor of "Friends"                                                                                          功能对等理论在《老友记》幽默翻译中的运用                     
儿童摄影店On the Untranslatabibity of A Dream of Red Mansions and its Translating Strategy                                                                              论《红楼梦》中的不可译元素及其翻译对策
On Chine Translation Techniques of EST                                    论科技英语的汉译技巧
The Wording Characteristics in C-E Contract Translation              中文合同英译中的用词特点
Transfer MethodStatic vs.Dynamic                                                汉英翻译中静态与动态的转换方法
On Subtitle Translation of the After Shock from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence                                                                        从功能对等理论看《唐山大地震》的字幕翻译
Perfect Reproduction of Translation Aesthetics Theory in
Selected Modern Chine Essay                                                        翻译美学理论在《英译中国现代散文选》中的完美再现
The Caus and Countermeasures for the Problems in Legal Terminology Translation                                                                      论法律术语翻译问题的原因及解决策略
On Equivalence of Conceptual Meaningin C-E Translation of Common Verbs  汉语常用动词英译的概念意义等值
The Problems and Strategies in the Translation of Product Description    产品说明书英译中的问题和策略
Cultural Transfer in the Translation of Brand Names                                  商标翻译中的文化迁移
The C-E Translation of Chine Political Neologism                        中国时政新词的英译
On Treatment Strategies for Imagery in Classical Chine Poetry--Applying Xu Yuanchong's "Three Beauties"                                                          从许渊冲三美原则看古诗英译中意象的处理策略                                                                                                                             
On Reproducing Fuzzy Beauty of Chine Classical Poetry in Chine-English Translation --- A Ca Study of Jin Se                中国古诗英译中模糊美的再现——以《锦瑟》为例
A Reflection of Differences Between Chine and English Thinking Patterns Bad on C-E Translation of Public Signs        公式语的汉译英翻译与中西思维差异
On the Translation of the Political News of English-speaking Countries Bad on Language Features                                              英语国家政治新闻的语言特点及翻译技巧
Stylistic comparison Between broadcast and Newspaper News    英文广播新闻与报纸新闻文体比较
On Translation of English Commercial Contracts--From the Perspective of Skopostheorie                                                                                    从目的论谈商务合同的汉译 
A Study of the Usage and Translation of the Word 'otherwi'                        otherwi的用法及翻译
A Cultural Perspective of Faithfulness in Translation                                从文化角度看翻译的忠实                                                                           
On Lin Yutang’s Translation of Six Chapters of a Floating Life from the Perspective of Cultural Default                                            从文化缺省的角度看林语堂对《浮生六记》的翻译
A Comparative Study on Two Translations of Lun Yu from the Perspective of Skopostheorie                                                              目的论视角下《论语》两个译本的比较研究

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