A Study of Structural Art
In O. Henry’s Short Stories
摘 要
O.Henry, one of the most famous short story writers in the world, has been known as the father of the modern American short stories. He is good at designing plot theatrically, lays down the foreshadowing, and finally shows the unexpected endings which make the readers suddenly e the light, joy after sorrow. Processing novel ending is O.纪录片人间世Henry's most creative contribution, thus cau him to enjoy the great reputation in American and in the world history of literature. O.关于梦想的名言名句Henry is a unique artist of short stories. In recent years, there are many rearches about O.Henry's short stories, but most of them are bad on the humor language and the endings of his works. But it is too one-sided. This thesis mainly analyze the fiction structure art of O.Henry. The thesis is divided into 6 chapters. The first chapter is an introduction of O. Henry. The cond part is the literature review. The third chapter is an analysis of the diversified openings of O.Henry's works: opening with description; opening with comment; opening with allusion. The fourth part is about the unexpected endings, also from three aspects: happy ending; ridiculous ending; sorrowful ending. The fifth part is the dual-clue structure. The sixth part is the two clues cr
osd more than twice and two clues crosd once. The final chapter is the conclusion.
Key Words: diversified openings; unexpected endings; dual-clue
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Significance of the Study 1
1.2 Structure of the Thesis 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 3
2.1 The Overview of Short Stories 3
2.2 The Plot in O. Henry’s Novels 4
Chapter 3 The Diversified Openings 6
3.1 Opening with Description 6
3.2 Opening with Comment 7
3.3 Opening with Allusion 8
Chapter 4 The Unexpected Endings 9
山药红枣排骨汤4.1 The Happy Ending 9
4.2 The Ridiculous Ending 10
4.3 The Sorrowful Ending 10
Chapter 5 The Dual-clue Structure 12
5.1 The Two Clues Crosd More than Twice 12
5.2 The Two Clues Crosd Once 13
Chapter 6 Conclusion 14
Appendix 15
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Significance of the Study
O.Henry, one of the most famous short story writers in the world, enjoys the equal status with Chekhov and Maupassant. He is known as the father of American contemporary short stories. Some critics are not so enthusiastic about his works, but the public love them very much. O.Henry is a prolific American short story writer, a master of surpri endings. Processing novel ending is O.Henry's most creative contribution, which made him enjoy the great reputation in American history of literature.
Many critics in America and other countries comment on O.Henry and his work respectfully. People speak highly of the ingenious arrangement of his works, the typical c
haracters and plots, and the critical implications of his works. Critics often regard him as a writer who puts moral judgment and social criticism into his unique style with humor, satire, burlesque and obvious comic inclination.
There are many comments on O. Henry and his works. Opinions on O.长焦镜头有什么用Henry's works from the aspects of theme, tone, object of vision, and plot to that of language and style were all found. The comment on various aspects of O.Henry's works are quite esntial and necessary for us to understand the writer and his works.
Like his endings, O.Henry's openings are very outstanding. O.Henry's short stories have diversified openings. In O.Henry's works, the openings and endings are mainly the following types, opening with description, opening with comment, opening with allusion and surpri endings, ridiculous endings and sorrowful endings.
The dual-clue structure is also an interesting element in O. Henry’s works.
By studying some most famous stories of O. Henry’s, the thesis attempt to provide a new and more objective interpretation of O. Henry and explore his unique writing style.
台式电脑查看wifi密码1.2 Structure of the Thesis
The thesis consists of 6 chapters. The first chapter makes a general introduction to O. Henry, points out the necessity for the study, and further clarifies the aims and significance and structure of the thesis. Chapter 2 prents the overview of American short stories and some other’s study of O. Henry’s works. Chapter 3 is mainly about the analysis of the O. Henry’s diversified Openings.
In Chapter 4, I will study the O Henry’s unique endings, which will divide into 3 parts. The dual-clue structure analysis is in Chapter 5. The final chapter gives the conclusion of the thesis.