Call for Papers
IEEE Signal Processing Society
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
Special Issue on Emerging Techniques in 3D: 3D Data Fusion, Motion Tracking in Multi-View Video, 3DTV Archives and 3D Content Protection银壶
As a result of increasing consumer demand for 3D content, content creation associated with this new modality has incread significantly in conjunction with some recent standardization activities on this data type. Hence, a scientific revisit is required particularly to some challenging problems associated with the conventional video, considering the fact that multi-view video has many promising solutions to such problems. Moreover, any 3D reprentation also produces its own requirements to be dealt with. This special issue is an effort to compile and review the current advances in 3D multimedia and multimodal information analysis and processing. Particularly, it deals with emerging 3D techniques for 3D data integration and object analysis bad on multi-views, as well as 3D content protection.
We would like to invite authors to submit their recent and original rearch results as well as experience reports. In the following, a non-exclusive list of related topics is suggested:全盘会计
Creation of 3D Content
3D multi-view and multimodal data fusion
Calibration methods for 3D multi-camera system
Tracking, Registering and Processing of 3D Content
3D multi-view image/video processing
高压锅的原理3D registration of multi-view data
Motion tracking in stereo and multi-camera systems
Archiving of 3D Content装修英文
Creation, compression in 3D digital archives
Indexing and retrieval of 3D content
Security Issues for 3D Content
Methods for 3D content protection
3D digital watermarking, fingerprinting and related curity solutions
3D Objective Quality Measures
Artifacts Characterization
Full-reference and partial-reference measures
Multimedia systems and applications using emerging techniques in 3D
Prospective authors should visit www.signalprocessingsociety/publications/periodicals/jstsp/ for information on paper submission. Manuscripts should be submitted using the Manuscript Central system at
/jstsp-ieee. Manuscripts will be peer reviewed according to the standard IEEE process.
Manuscript submission due:August 1, 2011
First review completed:October 20, 2011
Revid manuscript due:November 20, 2011
Second review completed:February 1, 2012
Final manuscript due:March 1, 2012
Lead guest editor:
A. Aydin Alatan, Dept.of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, M.E.T.U., Turkey,
Guest editors:
Joern Ostermann, Institut für Informationsver., Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, Levent Onural, Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, onural@ee.
Ghassan AlRegib, School of Electrical & Computer Eng., Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, US
A, Stefano Mattoccia, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna, Italy, smatt@ieee
Chunrong Yuan, Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Tuebingen, Germany,