作 者 姓 名
专 业
指导教师姓名 登记管理条例 印度关税
康熙雍正专业技术职务 军队经商
摘 要
关键词:真空热压烧结炉 水冷系统 保温 动密封
In this thesis, according锤组词组 to the structure of a vacuum hot press sintering furnace, The structure of the water cooling system is the main optimization design part. The 黄豆芽和绿豆芽的区别structure design was including a double lining structure, hydraulic device system architecture design and choice, the next part of the structure of water-cooled pressure bar, transmission devices with the introduction of heat-electrode contact with the design, introduction of the electrode cooling, the introduction of the electrode and the insulation of high temperature insulation material properties. District heating is a temperature of 1700℃ insulation measures and temperature-constant drum, and insulation barrel, reflecting the barrel design, mandrill under al, a two-way dynamic al design and temperature detection in the design and performance of high temperature heating ba a
nd the structural design.