1. 前提
2. 基本⽤法:
int main() {
printf("hello, world");
return 0;
\mint{python}|import this|
\mint{cl}/(car (cons 1 '(2)))/
\caption{Example of a listing.}
3. 更换不同的⾼亮风格
%* default:
% The default style (inspired by Emacs 22).
%* emacs:
% The default style (inspired by Emacs 22).
%* friendly:
% A modern style bad on the VIM pyte theme.
%* colorful:
% A colorful style, inspired by CodeRay.
%* autumn:
手工动物% A colorful style, inspired by the terminal highlighting style.
%* murphy:
% Murphy's style from CodeRay.
%* manni:
% A colorful style, inspired by the terminal highlighting style.
抓老鼠最有效方法%* material:
% This style mimics the Material Theme color scheme.
%* monokai:
% This style mimics the Monokai color scheme.
%* perldoc:
% Style similar to the style ud in the perldoc code blocks.
%* pastie:
% Style similar to the pastie default style.
%* borland:
% Style similar to the style ud in the borland IDEs.
%* trac:
% Port of the default trac highlighter design.
%* native:
% Pygments version of the "native" vim theme.
%* fruity:
% Pygments version of the "native" vim theme.
%* bw:
%* vim:
% Styles somewhat like vim 7.0
%* vs:
%* tango:
% The Crunchy default Style inspired from the color palette from the Tango Icon Theme Guidelines.
%* rrt:
% Minimalistic "rrt" theme, bad on Zap and Emacs defaults.
%* xcode:
% Style similar to the Xcode default colouring theme.
%* igor:
% Pygments version of the official colors for Igor Pro procedures.
%* paraiso-light:
%* paraiso-dark:
%* lovelace:
% The style ud in Lovelace interactive learning environment. Tries to avoid the "angry fruit salad" effect with desaturated and dim colours. %* algol:
%* algol_nu:
%* arduino:
% The Arduino® language style. This style is designed to highlight the Arduino source code, so exepect the best results with it.
%* rainbow_dash:
% A bright and colorful syntax highlighting theme.
%* abap:
%* abap:
%* solarized-dark:
% The solarized style, dark.
%* solarized-light:
% The solarized style, light.
%* sas:
% Style inspired by SAS' enhanced program editor. Note This is not meant to be a complete style. It's merely meant to mimic SAS' program editor syntax highlighting.
%* stata:
% Light mode style inspired by Stata's do-file editor. This is not meant to be a complete style, just for u with Stata.
%* stata-light:
% Light mode style inspired by Stata's do-file editor. This is not meant to be a complete style, just for u with Stata.
%* stata-dark:
%* inkpot:
%* zenburn:
政府会议纪要% Low contrast Zenburn style.
%* gruvbox-dark:
% Pygments version of the "gruvbox" dark vim theme.
%* gruvbox-light:
% Pygments version of the "gruvbox" Light vim theme.
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello "
<< "world"
<< std::endl;
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import torch
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import random
#x = torch.randn(N, D_in)
#y = torch.randn(N, D_out)
datanp = np.loadtxt('res.csv', delimiter=',')
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello "
<< "world"
<< std::endl;
\begin{minted}[bgcolor=black,linenos=true]{python} # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import torch
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import random
#x = torch.randn(N, D_in)
#y = torch.randn(N, D_out)
datanp = np.loadtxt('res.csv', delimiter=',')