Australia Dreamtime
Explore the cultures and regions deep within the "island" during the journey.Visit Sydney before jetting off on an adventure to the remote reaches of the inland as you escape to the Flinders Ranges and Lizard Island.This 10-day journey explores the farthest reaches of the inland and is perfect for luxury adventure travelers.
Day 1
Your journey begins in Sydney,where you can enjoy grand views of Sydney Harbor and the Opera Hou from your room at the Park Hyatt Sydney.You will take a aplane to Rc Bay over the Sydney Harbor and the Kuring Gai Cha National Park for a three-cour lunch.
控烟制度Day 2-4
Spend three days exploring the Flinders Ranges from the remote Arkaba Station.Professional guides accompany you on drives,hikes,and short mountain biking journeys to discover the wild residents of Flinders Ranges National Park,including red and grey kangaroos,wallaroos,and yellow-footed rock wallabies.
黑胡椒碎Day 5-6
Then head to Kangaroo Island and discover the dramatic cliff top location of Southen Ocean Lodge.Professional guides will delight in educating you about the "Australin Galápagos",with its distinctive wildlife and beautiful beaches.Continue onto The Loui in the Barossa Valley,the best known wine region,for a day of wine tastings and local art tour.
Day 7-8
Your journey continues with an escape to Kakadu National Park as you travel to Bamurru Plains to discover the rich Aboriginal culture and the most extensive collection of rock art in the world.
Day 9-10
Spend one night in Darwin at the luxurious Hilton Darwin,overlooking the beauty of Darwin Harbor,and travel to Cairns for your charter flight to the amazing Lizard Island.This castaway paradi delivers natural beauty,white powder beaches,natural reefs,and crystal blue waters,and you will be able to relax in true peace while exploring the Great Barrier Reef.
1.How long will the journey last? ______
A. 3 days. B. 7 days. C. 9 days. D. 10 days.
2.Which is the right route of the journey? ______
A. Sydney—Kangaroo Island—Flinders Ranges—Great Barrier Reef.
B. 消防安全工作总结Sydney—Flinders Ranges饼干怎么画—Kangaroo Island—Great Barrier Reef.
C. Sydney—Flinders Ranges—Great Barrier Reef—Lizard Island.
D. Sydney家风故事演讲稿—Lizard Island—Flinders Ranges—Great Barrier Reef.
3.Where can travelers enjoy the rock art? ______
三亚过年攻略A. Darwin Harbor.
B. 只读模式Flinders Ranges National Park.
C. Bamurru Plains.
D. The Loui in the Barossa Valley.