Annex 2 附录2
Points to consider when including Health-Bad Exposure Limits (HBELs) in cleaning validation 清洁验证中包括基于健康的暴露限(HBEL)时的考虑要点
1. Introduction and background 介绍与背景
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published the guideline entitled Good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles in the WHO Technical Report Series, No. 986, Annex 2, 2014 (1).
WHO已在2014年WHO 第986号技术报告附录2发布了题为《药品GMP:主要原则》的指南.
The WHO Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practice: validation were published in 2006 and were supported by ven appendices. The main text (2) and its appendixes (3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9) were revid between 2006 and 2019. Appendix 3, relating to cleaning validation (5), was not updated at that time. Its revision, however, was discusd during an informal consultation held in Geneva, Switzerland, in July 2019. The outcome of the discussion was prented to the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Products (ECSPP) meeting in October 2019. The ECSPP acknowledged the importance of harmonization in regulatory expectations with regards to cleaning validation approaches. The Expert Committee recommended a “Points to consider” document be prepa red in order to describe the current approaches ud in cleaning validation and highlighting the complexities involved in order to establish a common understanding.
A revision of the relevant appendix would then be considered by the Expert Committee thereafter.
Some of the main principles of good manufacturing practices (GMP) include the prevention of
mix-ups and the prevention of contamination and cross-contamination. Multi-product facilities in particular, have a potential risk of cross-contamination. It is therefore important that manufacturers identify all risks relating to contamination and cross-contamination and identify and implement the appropriate controls to mitigate the risks.
The controls may include, for example, technical and organizational measures, dedicated facilities, clod systems, cleaning and cleaning validation.
It is strongly recommended that manufacturers review their existing technical and organizational measures, suitability of cleaning procedures and appropriateness of existing cleaning validation studies.
Technical controls, such as the design of the premis and utilities (e.g. heating, ventilation and
air-conditioning [HVAC], water and gas), should be appropriate for the range of products
manufactured (e.g. pharmacological classification, activities and properties). Effective controls should be implemented to prevent cross-contamination when air is re-circulated through the HVAC system.
Organizational controls, such as dedicated areas and utilities, dedicated equipment, procedural control, and campaign production, should be considered where appropriate as a means to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
Measures to prevent cross-contamination and their effectiveness should be reviewed periodically in accordance with authorized procedures.
It should be noted that the above examples are described in more detail in other documents. The focus of this document is on Health-Bad Exposure Limits (HBELs) tting in cleaning validation.
2. Scope 范围
This document provides points to consider for a risk and science-bad approach when considering HBELs, bad on pharmacological and toxicological data, in cleaning validation.
This document further provides points to consider when reviewing the current status and approaches to cleaning validation in multiproduct facilities.
面条汤料配方The principles described in this document may be applied in facilities where active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), investigational medical products (IMP), vaccines, human and veterinary medical products are manufactured. The principles may also be considered, where appropriate, in facilities where medical devices are manufactured.
This document should be read in conjunction with the main GMP text and supplementary texts on validation (1–9).
3. Glossary 术语
Adjustment factor (safety factors). Numerical factor ud in a quantitative risk asssment to
reprent or allow for the extrapolation, uncertainty, or variability of an obrved exposure concentration and its associated health outcome in a particular laboratory species or expod population to an exposure concentration for the target population (for example, from animals to human patients and short-term exposure to chronic exposure) that would be associated with the same delivered do. Adjustment factors can also be ud when dealing with clinical data, e.g. when a study population is not reprentative of the general population (10).
Cleanability. The ability of a cleaning procedure to effectively remove material, cleaning agent residue and microbial contamination.
Cleaning validation. The collection and evaluation of data, from the cleaning process design stage through cleaning at commercial scale, which establishes scientific evidence that a cleaning process is capable of consistently delivering clean equipment, taking into consideration factors such as batch size, dosing, toxicology and equipment size.
Contamination. The prence of undesired foreign entities of a chemical, microbiological or physical nature in or on equipment, a starting material, or an intermediate or pharmaceutical product during handling, production, sampling, packaging, repackaging, storage or transport.
Cross-contamination. Contamination of a starting material, intermediate product or finished product with another starting material or product.
Health Bad Exposure Limits (HBELs). See definition of Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE)
Margin of safety. The margin of safety is the ratio between the cleaning acceptance limit bad on HBEL and the process residue data.
Maximum safe carryover (MSC). The maximum amount of carryover of a residual process residue (API, cleaning agent, degradant, and so forth) into the next product manufactured without prenting an appreciable health risk to patients.
夜光珠Maximum safe surface residue (MSSR). The MSSR is the maximum amount of process residue
that can remain on equipment surfaces and still be safe to patients. The MSSR is mathematically calculated by dividing the Maximum Safe Carryover (MSC) by the total area of shared contact (MSC/Total Product Contact Surface Area).
Permitted daily exposure (PDE). PDE reprents a substance-specific do that is unlikely to cau an adver effect if an individual is expod at or below this do every day for a lifetime.
Point of departure (of the HBEL calculation). The do-respon point that marks the beginning of a low-do extrapolation to derive an HBEL. This point can be a No Obrved Adver Effect Level (NOAEL) or No Obrved Effect Level (NOEL), Lowest Obrved Adver Effect Level (LOAEL) or L
owest Obrved Effect Level (LOEL), or Benchmark Do Level (BMDL) for an obrved effect [the highest do at which no unwanted/adver effect is obrved (NOEL/NOAEL), or, if unavailable, the do at which a significant adver effect is first obrved (LOEL/LOAEL)].
Verification. Evidence that the equipment is clean (i.e. that residues are reduced from prior operations to levels no higher than tho that are predetermined and specified as acceptable). Appropriate methods should be ud and, depending upon the circumstances, may include visual inspection, analytical and microbial (as applicable) testing of swab and/or rin samples.
4. Historical approach in cleaning validation 清洁验证历史方法
For details on the historical approaches in cleaning validation, e the WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1019, Annexure 3, Appendix 3, 2019 (5).
清洁验证的历史方法详细信息参见WHO 2019年第1019号TRS附录3的附录3。
The acceptance criteria for cleaning validation recommended in historical GMP texts did not account for HBELs. A cleaning limit bad on HBELs should be calculated and compared against an existing cleaning limit.
Historically established cleaning limits may be ud when the are more stringent than HBELs. Any alert and action limits should not be bad on historically established cleaning limits, but should be bad on a statistical analysis if existing data (i.e. statistical process control).