90高寿老人去世祝福语>活动签到表告的组词What have we learned about generic competitive strategy? A meta-analysis
期刊名称: Strategic Management Journal
作者: Colin Campbell-Hunt
年份: 2015年
期号: 第2期
集体备课计划关键词: generic strategy; competitive strategy; meta-analysis
郭荣起摘要:The dominant paradigm of competitive strategy is now nearly two decades old, but it has proved difficult to asss its adequacy as a descriptive system, or progress its propositions about the performance conquences of different strategic designs. It is argued that this is due to an inability to compare and cumulate empirical work in the field. A meta-analytic procedure is propod by which the empirical record can be aggregated. Results suggest that, although cost and differentiation do act as high-level discriminators of competitive strategy designs, the paradigm's descriptions of competitive str
ategy should be enhanced, and that its theoretical proposition on the performance of designs has yet to be supported. A considerable agenda for further work suggests that competitive strategy rearch should recover something of