2. 集装箱情节、干燥、外观商适合装货。如果托运货物中包括除第
皇甫谧 1.4 类外的第1类 This iscertify th at abve me ntined cnt ainer, dan gerus gdspacked the rein and t heir stage cnditin h ave been i nspected b y the unde rsigned pa cking insp ectr accrd ing t theprvisns fINTER- NAT INAL MARIT IME DANGER US GDS CDE and t de-clare tha t
1. Th e cntainer as clean,dry and ap parently f it t recei ve the gds.
2. I f the cnsi gnments in clude gdsf class 1except div isin 1.4,the cnta iner is st ructurally rviceab le in cnfr mity ith s ectin 12 f the intrd uctin t cl ass 1 f th e IMDG Cde.
3. N inpatible gds havebeen packe d int cnta iner, unle ss apprved by the pe tent authr ity cncern ed in accr dance ith1 2.
4.A ll package s have bee n external ly inspect ed fr dama ge, and
nl y sund pac kages have been pack ed.
5.A ll package sa have be en externa lly inspec ted fr dam age, and s ecured dun naged
6. hen dang erus gds a re transpr ted in bul k packagin gs, the ca rg has bee n evenly d istributed in the cn tainer
7.The cnta iner and p ackages th erein areprperly ma rked, labe lled and p lacarded,
8.hen s lid carbndixide (dr e ice) isud fr cl ing purpse , the Cnt ainer is e xternallymarked r l abeled ina cnspicuu s place at the dr an d ith therds: ‘DANG ERUS C2-GA S (DRY ICE)INSIDE, V ENTILATE T HRUGIILY B EFRE ENTER-. ING”
9. The da ngerus gds declarati n required in subc tin
9.4f General Intrducti n t the In ternatinal MaritimeDangerus 以上各项准确无误。装箱现场检查员签字:
Signat ure f pack ing inspec tr: 装箱现场检查员证书编号: N. f cert ificate fpacking in spectr: 装箱日期:
Da te f packi ng: 签发日期:
Date f Issue:
Pack ing unit (al) :
That all stated ab ve are crr ect. 检查地点:
Place f Inspect in Gds cde (IMGE Cde) has been receivedfr each da ngerus Gds cnsignmen t packed i n the cnta iner 货物,集装箱在结构上符合《国际危规》第1类绪论中第12节的规定。
8. 集装箱内未装有不相容的物质,除非经有关主管机关按第1
学习使我快乐“内有危险气体-二氧化碳(干冰),进入之前务必彻底通风。”9. 对集装箱内所装地每票危险货物,已经收到根据《国际危规》总论第
9.4节所要求地危险货物申报单。所有包件装箱正确,衬垫、加固有理。分布在集装箱内。标示和标题。此证明书应由装箱现场检查员填写一式两份,一份于集装箱装船三天前向港务监督提交,另一份应在办理集装箱一脚时交承运人。 T cp ies f thecertificat e shuld be filled by the packi ng inspec shuld be subnit ted t Harb ur Super n tendency.A dministrat in three d ays prir t shipmentand the th er shuld b e given tthe carrie r n cntain er n cntai ner delive ry.
集装箱装运危险货物装箱证明书集装箱装运危险货物装箱证明书 gd pac ked therei n and thei r cnditinhave beeninspectedby the 物规则》的要求, 对上述集装箱和箱内所装危险undersigne d packinginspectr a ccrding tthe prvisi ns f 货物及在箱内的积载情况进行了检查, 并声明如 IN TER NATINA L MARITLME DANGER GD S and t de clare that: 下:
1、 The cntai ner as cle an, dry an d apparent ly fit t r eceive the 1 、集装箱清洁、干燥、外观上适合装货。 gds. 2 、如果托运货物中包括除第
1、4 类外的第 1
2、 If the c nsignments include g ds f class I exceptdivisin
类货物 , 集装箱在结构上符合《国际危机》
1.4 the cntaineris structu rally rv iceable in cnfrmityith ctin
1.2 fthe intrdu ctin t Cla ss I f the IMDG 第 1类绪论中第12节规定。 Cde. 3 、装箱内未装有不相容的物质 , 除非经有
3、 N in patible gd s have bee n packed i nt the cnt ainer, 关主管机关按第 1
2.1 的规定批准者外。 unl ess apprve d by the p etent auth rity cncer ned in 4 、所有包件均己经过外观破检查 , 装箱的包accrdance ith 1
4、 Al l packages have been externall y inspecte d fr damag e, and 件完好无损。 nly su nd package s have bee n packed.5 、所有包件装箱正确 , 衬垫 , 加固合理。
5、 All packa ges have b een prperl y packed i n cntainer and 6 、当散装危险货物装运入集装箱时 , 货物均s ecured, du nnaged.高中班训
6、 hen da ngerus gds are trans prted in b ulk packag es, the 匀地分布在集装箱内。c arg has be en evenlydistribute d in the c ntainer. 7、集装箱和所装入的包件均已正确地加以标
7、 The cntainerand packag es therein are prper ly marked,记、标志和标牌。labeled an d placarde d. 8 、当将固体二氧化碳 (干冰)用于冷却目的
8、 hen sli d carbn di xide (dryice) is us ed fr clin g purp c ntainer is externall y marked r labeled i n a cnspic uus 时,在集装箱外部门端明显外已显示标记 place a t the dr a nd, ith th e rds: “DA NGERUS 或标志。注明:
“内有危险气体…二氧化碳 C2---GAS(DRY ICE) I NSIDE,
EN TERING.”9、集装箱内所装的每票危险货物,已经收到根
9、 Th e dangerus gds decla ratin requ ired in su bctin
9.4 f the General I ntrductinf the inte rnatinal m aritime 据《国际危规》总论第
9.4 节所要求的危险 danger us gds Cde (IMDG Cde) has been receivedf 货物中申报单。each dange rus gds Cn signment p acked in t he cntaine r. 以上各项准确无误。 That al l stated a bve are cr rect. 检查地点:
Place f I nspectin S ignature f packing i nspectr: 装箱单位(公章) Pa cking unit(al) 装箱现场检查员证书编号:签发日期:
N. f c ertificate f packing inspectrDate f Iss ue: 装箱日期:
Date f packing:此证明书应由装箱现场检查员填写一式两份,一份于集装箱装船三天前向港监督提交,另一份应在办理集装箱移
群英会中计交时交承运人。 T c pies f the certifica te shuld b e filled b y the pack ing inspec tr. ne shu ld be subm itted t Ha rbr Superi ntendenceAdministra tin threedays prirt shipment and thershuld be g iven t the carrier n cntainerdelivery.
集装箱装运危险货物装箱证明书11 集装箱装运危险货物装箱证
1. 集装箱清洁、干燥、外观上适合装货。