3A 63-03 fittings

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3-A® Sanitary Standards for Sanitary Fittings,
Number 63-03
Formulated by
International Association of Food Industry Suppliers (IAFIS)
International Association for Food Protection (IAFP)
United States Public Health Service (USPHS)
The Dairy Industry Committee (DIC)
United States Department of Agriculture – Dairy Programs (USDA)
It is the purpo of the IAFIS, IAFP, USPHS, DIC, and USDA in connection with the development of the 3-A Sanitary Standards Program to allow and encourage full freedom for inventive genius or new developments.  Sanitary fittings specifications heretofore or hereafter developed which so differ in design, materials, and fabrication or otherwi as not to conform to the following standards but which, i
n the fabricator's opinion, are equivalent or better, may be submitted for the joint consideration of the IAFIS, IAFP, USPHS, DIC, and USDA at any time. The 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices provide hygienic criteria applicable to equipment and systems ud to produce, process, and package milk, milk products, and other perishable foods or comestible products.  Standard English is the official language of 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices.
A1 The standards cover the sanitary aspects of fittings and gaskets for fittings ud on processing
equipment and pipelines which hold or convey milk,
milk products, or other comestibles.  The
standards cover the product contact surfaces of
disasmblable joints on sanitary fittings.混沌读音
A1.1 Standards for fabricated ho asmblies are found in 3-A Sanitary Standards for Ho Asmblies for
Milk and Milk Products, Number 62-.1
A2 The standards do not cover:
A2.1 Fittings, such as recesd ferrules, which are attached to a pipeline or equipment by means of
A2.2 Recessless or rolled on fittings, except as allowed in Section D2.1.1.
A3 In order to conform to the 3-A Sanitary Standards for Sanitary Fittings, fittings shall conform to the
following design, material, and fabrication criteria,
and the applicable documents referenced herein.2
1  3-A Symbol authorization shall not be granted to a fitting ud on a
fabricated ho asmbly.
2  U current revisions or editions of all referenced documents cited herein.B DEFINITIONS
B1 Product:  Shall mean milk, milk products, or other comestibles.
B2 Surfaces
B2.1 Product Contact Surfaces:  Shall mean all surfaces which are expod to the product and surfaces from
which liquid may drain, drop, diffu, or be drawn
into the product.
B2.2 Nonproduct Contact Surfaces:  Shall mean all other expod surfaces.
B3 Cleaning
B3.1 Mechanical Cleaning or Mechanically Cleaned: Shall mean soil removal by impingement,
circulation, or flowing chemical detergent solutions
and water rins onto and over the surfaces to be
cleaned by mechanical means in equipment or
systems specifically designed for this purpo.
B3.1.1 Cleaned In Place (CIP):  Shall mean mechanical cleaning of equipment, the cleanability of which has
been sufficiently established such that all product or
solution contact surfaces do not have to be readily
accessible for inspection, (i.e. pipelines that have
welded joints).
B3.2 Manual (COP) Cleaning:  Shall mean soil removal when the equipment is partially or totally
disasmbled.  Soil removal is effected with
chemical solutions and water rins with the
assistance of one or a combination of brushes,
nonmetallic scouring pads and scrapers, high or low
pressure hos and tank(s) which may be fitted with
recirculating pump(s), and with all cleaning aids
manipulated by hand.
B4 Fitting Types
B4.1 Butt Weld Fittings:  Shall mean fittings which have at least one plain end intended for welding to a
pipeline or equipment.
B4.2 Mechanically Cleaned Fittings:  Shall mean a fitting which is cleaned while fully asmbled.  If
such a fitting has a demountable joint, the joint is
lf-centering, employs a gasket, and the resulting
gasketed joint forms a substantially flush interior
surface.  A fitting for attachment to glass or plastic
which meets the preceding criteria may also be a
mechanically cleaned fitting.
B4.3 Manually Cleaned Fittings:  Shall mean a fitting which has a disasmblable joint that is intended for
dismantling for manual cleaning.  An example of a
manually cleaned fitting is the bevel-at type.
B5 Substantially Flush:  Shall mean mating surfaces or other juxtapod surfaces shall be within 1/32 in.
(0.794 mm).
B6 Simple Hand Tools:  Shall mean implements normally ud by operating and cleaning personnel
such as a screwdriver, wrench, or mallet.
B7 Coatings: Shall mean the results of a process where
a different material is deposited to create a new
surface.  There is an appreciable, typically more
than 1 µm, build-up of new material.
C1 Metals
C1.1 Product contact surfaces shall be of stainless steel of the AISI 300 Series3 or corresponding ACI types4
(See Appendix, Section F), or metal which under
conditions of intended u is at least as corrosion
3The data for this ries are contained in the AISI Steel Products Manual, Stainless & Heat Resisting Steels,  Table 2-1.  Available from the American Iron and Steel Society, 186 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA  15086 (724) 776-1535.
4Steel Founders Society of America, Cast Metal Federation Building,  455 State Street, Des Plaines, IL  60016 (708) 299-9160.
resistant as stainless steel of the foregoing types,
and is nontoxic and nonabsorbent.
C2 Nonmetal
C2.1 Rubber and rubber-like materials may be ud for coatings for aling surfaces, gaskets, O-rings, als,
and parts having the same functional purpos.
C2.1.1 Rubber and rubber-like materials, when ud for the above-specified applications, shall conform to the
applicable provisions of the 3-A Sanitary Standards
for Multiple-U Rubber and Rubber-Like
Materials Ud as Product Contact Surfaces in
Dairy Equipment, Number 18-.
C2.2 Plastic materials may be ud for coatings for aling surfaces, fittings, gaskets, O-rings, als, and
parts having the same functional purpos.
C2.2.1 Plastic materials, when ud for the above-specified applications, shall conform to the applicable
provisions of the 3-A Sanitary Standards for
Multiple-U Plastic Materials Ud as Product
Contact Surfaces for Dairy Equipment, Number 20-. C2.3 Rubber and rubber-like materials and plastic materials having product contact surfaces shall be of
such composition as to retain their surface and
conformational characteristics when expod to the
conditions encountered in the environment of
intended u and in cleaning and bactericidal
treatment or sterilization.
C2.4 Rubber and rubber-like materials and plastic materials having product contact surfaces that are a
bonded coating or a covering shall be of such
composition as to retain their surface and
conformational characteristics when expod to the
conditions encountered in the environment of
intended u and in cleaning and bactericidal
treatment or sterilization.
C2.5 The final bond and residual adhesive, if ud, on bonded rubber and rubber-like materials and
bonded plastic materials shall be nontoxic.5
C2.6 Glass may be ud for fittings specified in the 3-A Accepted Practices for the Design, Fabrication, and
Installation of Milking and Milk Handling
5Adhesives shall comply with 21 CFR 175 - Indirect Food Additives: Adhesives and Components of Coatings.  Document for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.  20402 (202) 512-1800.
Equipment, Number 606-, and when ud, shall be
of a clear heat-resistant type.
C3 Sterilizability
C3.1 In a processing system to be sterilized by heat and operated at a temperature of 250°F (121°C) or
higher, all materials having product contact
surface(s) ud in the construction of fittings,
gaskets, and nonmetallic component parts shall be
such that they can be (1) sterilized by saturated
steam or water under pressure (at least 15.3 psig or
106 kPa) at a temperature of at least 250°F (121°C)
and (2) operated at the temperature required for
C4 Nonproduct Contact Surfaces
C4.1 All nonproduct contact surfaces shall be of corrosion-resistant material.  All nonproduct contact
surfaces shall be relatively nonabsorbent, durable,怎样跳绳
and cleanable.
D1 Surface Texture
D1.1 All product contact surfaces shall have a finish at least as smooth as a 32 µin. R a (0.8 µm R a) finish on
stainless steel sheets and be free of imperfections
such as pits, folds, and crevices in the final
fabricated form. (See Appendix, Section G.)
D2 Permanent Joints
D2.1 All permanent joints in metallic product contact surfaces of fittings shall be continuously welded.
Welded areas on product contact surfaces shall be at
least as smooth as a 32 µin. R a (0.8 µm R a) finish on
stainless steel sheets, and be free of imperfections
such as pits, folds, and crevices, except that:
D2.1.1 Recessless or rolled-on fittings may be ud when modifying or repairing existing on-site farm milk
handling systems.
D3 Cleaning and Inspectability
D3.1 Fittings that are to be CIP or mechanically cleaned shall be so designed.  If such fittings have
demountable joints, the joints shall be gasketed and
so designed as to cau lf-centering of gaskets,
and to result in substantially flush interior fit of
gaskets when correctly asmbled.  Any
demountable product contact parts shall be readily
demountable by hand or using simple hand tools.
D3.2 Manually cleaned fittings shall have demountable joints to allow easy access for cleaning and
inspection.  U of gaskets in the joints is optional.
Any demountable product contact parts shall be
readily demountable by hand or using simple hand
D4 Draining
D4.1 All product contact surfaces shall be lf-draining when properly installed.
D5 Threads
D5.1 There shall be no threads on product contact surfaces.
D6 Dimensions and Tolerances
D6.1  The inside diameter of the butt weld ends of plain end fittings shall be dimensioned to mate with the
part to which it is to be welded and be substantially
D6.2 Mating faces of demountable joints on sanitary fittings shall have internal diameters meeting the
dimension and tolerance specifications in Appendix
H, Table 1 except:
D6.2.1 Fittings for attachment to glass or plastic components which do not have the standard ID
dimensions of metal tubing.
D6.2.2 Fittings for special applications which require other than the standard ID dimensions of tubing.
D6.3 Fittings excepted by Sections D6.2.1 and D6.2.2 shall be dimensioned to mate with the internal
dimension of its counterpart tubing, pipe, glass
tubing, plastic component, etc.  (Dimension
tolerances for the excepted fittings are not
provided by the Sanitary Standards).
D7 Gaskets and Gasket Retaining Grooves
D7.1 Gaskets having a product contact surface shall be demountable or bonded.
D7.2 Grooves in gaskets shall be no deeper than their width.
D7.3 Gasket retaining grooves in product contact surfaces for demountable gaskets shall not exceed 1/4 in.
(6.35 mm) in depth or be less than 1/4 in. (6.35 mm)
wide except tho for standard O-rings smaller than
1/4 in. (6.35 mm), and tho for lf-centering
D8 Bonded Materials
D8.1 Bonded rubber and rubber-like materials and bonded plastic materials having product contact
surfaces shall be bonded in such a manner that the
bond is continuous and mechanically sound, so that
when expod to the conditions encountered in the
environment of intended u and in cleaning and
bactericidal treatment or sterilization, the rubber or
rubber-like material or the plastic material does not
parate from the ba material to which it is
D9 Coatings
D9.1Coatings, if ud, shall be free from surface delamination, pitting, flaking, spalling, blistering
and distortion when expod to the conditions
encountered in the environment of intended u and
in cleaning and bactericidal treatment or
D10 Radii
D10.1 All internal angles of less than 135° on product contact surfaces shall have radii of not less than 1/8
in. (3.18 mm), except that:
D10.1.1 Smaller radii may be ud when they are required for esntial functional reasons, such as tho in
gasket retaining grooves.  In no ca shall such radii
be less than 1/64 in. (0.397 mm).
D10.1.2 Radii in standard O-ring grooves shall be as specified in Appendix I.
D10.1.3 Radii in nonstandard O-ring grooves shall be tho radii clost to a standard O-ring as specified in
E1 Fittings which have demountable joints and are to be ud in a processing system to be sterilized by
heat and operated at a temperature of 250° F (121°
C) or higher shall conform to the following
additional criteria:
E1.1 The construction shall be such that all product contact surfaces can be (1) sterilized by saturated
steam or water under pressure (at least 15.3 psig or
106 kPa) at a temperature of at least 250° F (121°
C) and (2) operated at the temperature required for
E1.2 Fittings that have a product contact surface(s) to be ud in such a processing system, not designed so
that the system is automatically shut down if the
product pressure in the system becomes less than
that of the atmosphere and cannot be restarted until
the system is resterilized, shall have a steam or other
sterilizing medium chamber surrounding the fittings
at the product contact surface if required to maintain
sterility.  The fittings shall be constructed so that the
steam chamber or other sterilizing medium chamber
may be expod for inspection.
E1.3 Where steam or other sterilizing medium is ud, the connection(s) on the sterilizable fittings shall be
such that the steam lines or other sterilizing medium
lines can be curely fastened to the sterilizable
fittings.  The sterilizable fittings shall be
constructed so that the steam or other sterilizing
medium chamber may be expod for inspection.
E1.4 The al(s) in sterilizable fittings designed to be ud in a processing system to be sterilized by heat
and operated at a temperature of 250° F (121° C) or
higher shall be located between the product contact
surface and the steam or other sterilizing chamber. E2 Nonproduct contact surfaces shall have a smooth finish, free of pockets and crevices, and be readily
Stainless steel conforming to the applicable composition ranges established by AISI for wrought products, or by ACI for cast products, should be considered in compliance with the requirements of S
ection C1 herein.  Where welding is involved, the carbon content of the stainless steel should not exceed 0.08%.  The first reference cited in C1 ts forth the chemical ranges and limits of acceptable stainless steel of the 300 Series.  Cast grades of stainless steel corresponding to types 303, 304, and 316 are designated CF-16F, CF-8, and CF-8M, respectively.  The chemical compositions of the cast grades are covered by ASTM
6 specifications A351/A351M, A743/A743M and A744/A744M.
PRODUCT CONTACT SURFACE FINISH  Surface finish equivalent to 150 grit or better as obtained with silicon carbide, properly applied on stainless steel sheets, is considered in compliance with the requirements of Section D1 herein.  A maximum R a  of 32 µin. (0.80 µm), when measured according to the recommendations in American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)7 B46.1 - Surface Texture , is considered to be equivalent to a No. 4 finish.
Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA
19428-2959.  Phone:  (610) 832-9500.
Available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,花生馅的做法
345 East 47th Street, New York, NY  10017-2392 (212) 705-7722.
Table 1 – Internal Diameter and Tolerance Specifications for Mating Faces of Demountable Joints (Unions)  of all Sanitary Fittings in D6.2.1 and D6.2.2 Nominal Diameter-in. ID a  in. Tolerance-in.
¼ 0.152 ±0.005 3/8 0.277 ±0.005 ½ 0.370 ±0.005 ¾ 0.620 ±0.005 1 0.870 ±0.005 1 1/2    1.370 ±0.005 2 1.870 ±0.005 2 1/2
3 2.870 ±0.005
4 3.834 ±0.00
6 5.782 ±0.013 8 7.782 ±0.016 10 9.732 ±0.016 12 11.732 ±0.016
The document establishing the standard dimensions is Aerospace
Standard (AS) 568, published by SAE, 186 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086 (724-776-4970).
The document establishing the standard dimensions is ISO 3601-1: 1988
(E), published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1 Rue de Varembe, Ca Postale 58, CH 1 1211, Geneva, Switzerland  (41-22-734-1240).

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