TOEFL Vocabulary(托福分类词汇)
The new TOEFL vocabulary | new TOEFL vocabulary Download The new TOEFL vocabulary | new TOEFL vocabulary Download Part 1. astronomy
1 astronomy astronomy
Astronomy astronomy
Astronomical astronomical
Astronomical Obrvatory Obrvatory
Astronomer astronomer
Astrophysics Astrophysics
Astrology Astrology
Pudoscience pudoscience
Cosmos (univer) univer
Cosmology cosmology
cpu使用率过高Infinite unlimited
Cosmic cosmic
Cosmic radiation cosmic radiation
Cosmic, rays cosmic rays
Celestial days
死亡歌颂者Celestial, body (heavenly, body) celestial bodies Celestial, map (sky, Atlas) celestial bodies Celestial sphere celestial sphere
Dwarf (dwarf, star) dwarf stars高考英语答案
Quasar quasars, QSRs
Constellation constellation
Galaxy (Milky, Way) New River system
Cluster cluster
Solar system solar system
Solar corona corona
Solar eclip solar eclip
Solar radiation solar radiation
Planet planet
Planetoid (asteroid) asteroid Revolve spin, turn around Twinkle blink
Naked eye naked eye
Mercury mercury
Venus Venus
Earth earth
Mars Mars
Jupiter Jupiter
Saturn Saturn
Uranus Uranus
Neptune Neptune
Pluto Pluto
Orbit orbit
Spin rotation
Satellite satellite
Lunar lunar
Meteor meteor
Meteor Shower Meteor Shower
Meteoroid meteoroid
Meteorite meteorite
Comet comet
除杂原则Space (outer, space) space, outer space Spacecraft (spaceship) spacecraft Spaceman (astronaut) astronaut, astronaut Space suit spacesuit, spacesuit女乒
Space shuttle space shuttle
Space Telescope Space Telescope
Astronaut astronauts
Star stars
Stellar stellar
Intergalactic intergalactic Interstellar between stars Interplanetary interplanetary Asteroid asteroid
Nebula Nebula
Space debris space junk
Ammonia ammonia
Corona corona
Chromosphere chromosphere Photosphere chromosphere
Convection zone troposphere
Vacuum vacuum
Infrared ray infrared
Chondrite chondrules
Absolute magnitude absolute magnitude