ArcGIS® 9 Arc Reade r™ Tutorial
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Katherine Dalton, Mark Bockenhauer
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ArcReader Tutorial
•Exerci 1: Viewing a map •Exerci 2: Querying a map •Exerci 3: Printing a map •Exerci 4: Exploring a 3D map富贵竹水养
The best way to learn ArcReader™ is to try it yourlf. This tutorial guides you through some basic ArcReader skills as you explore a map of Angelus Oaks, California.
Exerci 1 introduces various ways that you can view a map.Exerci 2 shows you how to query a map.Exerci 3 walks you through printing a map.
Exerci 4 shows you how to navigate through a three-dimensional map.Each exerci in this tutorial takes between 15 and 20 minutes to complete.You can either work through the entire tutorial at once or complete each exerci one at a time.
The data and maps for this tutorial can be found on the ArcReader product page on the ESRI ® Web site located at .
In this exerci, you will open and explore a published map with ArcReader. You will also u ArcReader to query data on the map.
Starting ArcReader
1.Click Start on the Windows taskbar.
2.Click Programs, point to ArcGIS, and click ArcReader.ArcReader opens.
Exerci 1: Viewing a map
Opening an existing published map 1.Click File and click Open.
2.Click the Look in drop-down arrow and navigate to the map folder on the local drive where you installed the tutorial.
3.Click Angelus Oaks Recreation.pmf and click Open.
ArcReader can open published map files (.pmf) that have been created in ArcMap and ArcGlobe with the ArcGIS Publisher extension. The published maps do not actually store the data shown on the map but rather reference the data, which may be stored on a local disk, another
computer, or the Internet. The map document stores map elements, such as titles, scale bars, and north arrows.
A data frame is a frame on the map that groups the layers you want to display together.
This map contains four data frames. Most of the tutorial exercis will u the Angelus Oaks Recreation Area data frame. The other three data frames will be discusd later in this tutorial. The layers contained in the Angelus Oaks Recreation Area data frame are described in the following list:
Layers What layers reprent Hous Locations of residences
City Buildings Public buildings and business in Angelus Oaks
Locations of major recreational items in Angelus Oaks, including picnic areas, trailheads, and viewing points
Residential Streets
花卉蟹爪兰Locations of roads in Angelus Oaks residential areas
California Mountain Locations of California mountain Peaks peaks in the area Roads, Trails, and Locations of major highways,Creeks trails, and creeks
Lakes Locations of major lakes in Angelus Oaks
California State of California outline Angelus Oaks
二次函数求根公式Angelus Oaks mosaicked raster
The map portrays Angelus Oaks and the surrounding
region. Notice that there are check boxes next to each layer name in the table of contents (except Angelus Oaks). All layers that are checked are drawn in the map display area.Notice that the check box next to the Hous layer is unavailable, and a small scale bar appears underneath the check box. This is becau there is a visible scale range t for that layer. In this ca, the Hous layer will only display when you are zoomed in clo to the residential area.
This is an example of a .pmf—the Angelus Oaks Recreation.pmf.
Table of contents Data toolbar
Map display
1.Click the Zoom In tool, then click and drag a box around the Angelus Oaks residential area. (The
residential area is outlined in dark red on your map.)Notice that the hous are now visible on the map and the Hous layer check box is no longer unavailable.
2.Using the Pan tool, you can interactively manipulate the map. Click the Pan tool, then click the map and hold down the left mou button to drag the display in any direction.
3.The Go Back and Go Next buttons can be ud to revisit places to which you have previously zoomed. Click the Go Back button now to view the previous map extent.
4.Click View, point to Bookmarks, and click Angelus
Oaks Recreation Area: Angelus Oaks to ret the map to its original extent.
Moving around a map
The Navigation toolbar has tools to move around the map and query features on the map. Point to each icon, without clicking, to e the name of each tool displayed in a ToolTip. This tutorial will u the names to refer to
定额计价和清单计价的区别specific buttons and tools. When you interact with the map,one of the tools will be active, and the pointer will change to the active tool when moved over the map.
If you need more information about how a tool or command works, you can quickly access the context-nsitive help that is available for most tools and menu items. Press Shift + F1 on your keyboard while pointing to a highlighted item on a drop-down menu, and information will appear, if available.
Context-nsitive help for the Zoom In tool