Brodmann 大脑分区总览-单春雷推荐 (2007-08-29 08:57:01)
标签:健康/保健 brodmann 大脑 分区 苏立文 | 分类:医学科研 |
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霞红Locational Descriptions of Human Brodmann areas
1 - intermediate postcentral (area postcentralis intermedia). Located in the postcentral gyrus. Bounded cytoarchitecturally by the rostral postcentral area 3 and the caudal postcentral area 2 and, at its ventral tip, by the subcentral area 43.
2 - caudal postcentral (area postcentralis caudalis). Located primarily in the caudal portion of the postcentral gyrus and the rostral lip of the postcentral sulcus with a caudal extension along the intraparietal sulcus. Cytoarchitecturally bounded rostrally by the intermediate postcentral area 1 and caudally by the preparietal area 5, the superior parietal area 7 and the supramarginal area 40.
3 - rostral postcentral 詹姆斯总分(area postcentralis oralis). Located primarily in the rostral portion of the postcentral gyrus including the caudal bank of the central sulcus. At either end of the sulcus it can extend beyond the depth of the sulcus into the precentral gyrus. Cytoarchitecturally bounded rostrally by the gigantopyramidal area 4 and caudally by the intermediate postcentral area 1.
4 - gigantopyramidal (area gigantopyramidalis). Located in the precentral gyrus. Cytoar
chitecturally the caudal boundary with the rostral postcentral area 3 does not coincide precily with the floor of the central sulcus but lies variably in the banks of the postcentral gyrus and the precentral gyrus. The area also does not extend in all cas to the cingulate sulcus medially or to the end of the central sulcus ventro-laterally. Bounded rostrally by the frontal agranular area 6.
5 - preparietal (area praeparietalis). Occupies the superior parietal lobule and a portion of the postcentral gyrus, particularly on the medial aspect of the hemisphere. Bounded approximately by the cingulate sulcus on the medial aspect of the hemisphere and by the superior postcentral sulcus on the lateral aspect. Cytoarchitecturally bounded by the caudal postcentral area 2, the superior parietal area 7 and on the medial bank of the hemisphere by the gigantopyramidal area 4 and the dorsal posterior cingulate area 31.
我是护士6 - agranular frontal (area frontalis agranularis). Located primarily in the caudal portions of the superior frontal gyrus and the middle frontal gyrus and the rostral portions of the precentral gyrus not occupied by the gigantopyramidal area 4. It extends from the cingula
te sulcus on the medial aspect of the hemisphere to the lateral sulcus on the lateral aspect. Cytoarchitecturally bounded rostrally by the frontal region and caudally by the gigantopyramidal area 4.
7 - superior parietal (area parietalis superior). Occupies much of the superior parietal lobule and some of the precuneus. Bounded approximately by the superior postcentral sulcus rostrally, the intraparietal sulcus laterally, the parieto-occipital sulcus caudally and, on the medial bank of the hemisphere, the subparietal sulcus. Cytoarchitecturally bounded rostrally by the preparietal area 5 and the caudal postcentral area 2; caudally by the peristriate area 19; and medially by the dorsal posterior cingulate area 31.
8 - intermediate frontal朦胧的胧组词 (area frontalis intermedia). Located primarily in the superior frontal gyrus extending from the cingulate sulcus on the medial surface over the margin of the hemisphere to the middle frontal gyrus. Cytoarchitecturally bounded caudally by the agranular frontal area 6 and ventrally by the granular frontal area 9.
9 - granular frontal (area frontalis granularis). Occupies portions of the superior frontal g
yrus and the middle frontal gyrus. Its approximate boundary on the medial aspect of the hemisphere is the cingulate sulcus and, on the lateral aspect, the inferior frontal sulcus. Cytoarchitecturally bounded dorsocaudally by the intermediate frontal area 8, caudally by the agranular frontal area 6, and ventrally by the frontopolar area 10, the middle frontal area 46 and the opercular area 44.
10 - frontopolar (area frontopolaris). Occupies the most rostral portions of the superior frontal gyrus and the middle frontal gyrus. On the medial aspect of the hemisphere it is bounded ventrally by the superior rostral sulcus. It does not extend as far as the cingulate sulcus. Cytoarchitecturally bounded dorsally by the granular frontal area 9, caudally by the middle frontal area 46, and ventrally by the orbital area 47 and by the frontopolar area 12.国防教育工作计划