1、Thanks for the invite, though!
2、I invite you to read.
3、You can invite whomever you like.
4、Or invite the person out for lunch.
5、Why not invite more colleagues and acquaintances?
淘宝新政策6、We invite you to try it out soon!
7、We will invite some outstanding coaches to teach them.
怎么安装驱动8、Numbered enumerations invite nonstandard extensions that do not interoperate.
9、Supply all the booze and invite everyone you know.
10、We always invite the neighbors and they never reciprocate!
11、A kind friend may invite you to their country hou, or your sister may invite you for the weekend to her cottage by the a.
12、We have invite him here to speak, so we'd better go to his lecture.
13、Vacations, with their clusion, quiet and idleness, invite long bouts of reading.
14、I invite you to ask questions in class or, if you prefer, after class as well.
15、When you open up your process and invite people in, you learn.
16、Abete and his fellow directors were astonished that Fifa did not extend an alternative invite.
17、Or I might go to my parents' hou in Oxfordshire and invite my godchildren and their parents over for tea.
18、When the merchant invite the owners, or the subordinate invite the general superior, the meal is t in a luxurious room with the consumption of three or five thousand at least
in a luxury hotel.
19、In this post, I share tho answers and invite you to share how you would have responded to my question.
20、Would an increasingly sketchy line between warrior and civilian invite attacks on U.S. soil against homes and schools?
21、In this post, we invite you to look at our reality in a new light and expect the unexpected.
22、We invite the words into our books as a homage for reminding us of who we are.
23、Write down (and remember) the questions you want to ask the interviewer(s) so that you are not speechless when they invite your questions.
脊椎怎么治疗24、I invite you then to join me here, and I hope that the ries will help you get the most out of your machine.
25、We are strengthening curity at our own nuclear facilities, and will invite the IAEA to review the curity at our neutron rearch center.
26、The people's court may, according to the requirements of the ca, invite the relevant units and people to assist in the mediation.
27、Repeat Step 9 every month (even every 2 weeks) or so until you get someone to invite you over for an interview.
竹篮打水28、I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.
29、Beau Brummel was an Englishman of the early 1800 's.he was famous for his fancy clothes.the story is told that he ud to invite guests just to watch him knot his white cravat.有人的成语
30、Later, other Iraqi officials were quoted as saying that even if the agreement calls for all U.S. troops to be out of Iraq, the government could later decide to invite some support
troops to remain.