环保屋Curvularia spicifera and Curvularia muehlenbeckiae causing leaf blight on Cunninghamia lanceolata 期刊名称: Plant Pathology
作者: Wen‐Li Cui,Xiao‐Qiang Lu,Jin‐Yue Bian,Xi‐Ling Qi,De‐Wei Li,Lin Huang
河北白洋淀作者机构: The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Valley Laboratory
Windsor CT USA
年份: 2020年省级行政区简称
期号: 第6期
山药蛋黄粥关键词: axual fungi;gymnosperm;Koch's postulates;Pleosporaceae中耳炎的前兆
摘要:Curvularia includes plant pathogenic species with a worldwide distribution and a wide host range, particularly cereals and grass (Poaceae). Chine fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook is an important afforestation tree species in the Southern China, with a high economic value. Leaf blight dia on Chine fir
was discovered in Hunan and Zhejiang, China, and two fungal species were found to be associated with the symptoms. Using morphological and phylogenetic approaches, they were identified as Curvularia spicifera and C. muehlenbeckiae.
They were determined to be the pathogens by fulfilling Koch's postulates. Both showed a pathogenicity on Citrus reticulata and Ci. tangerina, which has a similar geographic distribution with Chine fir. The similar geographic distribution of the hosts may increa the risk of dia.