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Study Plan
Muyao Wang
1, Background
Majored in Finance, I received two scholarships for mastering esntial skills of financial analysis and mathematics calculation. Through learning microeconomics, marketing and curity investment, I was expod to the big picture of financial markets. The demanding math cours allowed me to establish a very solid background in optimization and probability, which are fundamental to risk management. Moreover, Skills learned from the cours on statistics and econometrics helped me succeed in financial risk modeling. In addition, I was fortuitous to have an opportunity to conduct rearch on grain yield in Henan province. This rearch program enabled me to collect data efficiently and utilize t
hem to modify the information system to find the most influential factor.
急诊科护士Participating in one intensive exchange program in the USA adapts me to a multicultural environment and expands my global perspective. At the Oklahoma State University , I confirmed my passion on ast allocation, pricing model, risk management and stock valuation in investment class. The mathematics statistics cour and elementary statistics for business and economics cour taught me how to apply statistics in the financial industry. As the few student who participated once in an exchange program, I feel fortunate to come across with different people and class in various environments, which make me more confident to deal with the study in USA.
Not content with simple simulations in the school, thereafter I took internships in real-world companies. Have accumulated diver experiences in different areas, I learned how to apply theory into real work, which will do good benefits in this program. Working in the Post-loan Management Department at Bank of Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, I deeply realized the extensive application of financial risk management and its im
portance as well. After being expod to real work situations, I gathered more passion on finance and master more skills to deal with the group leader for undergraduates, I led a group of six students to conducted multiple linear regressions to filter and explore the influencing factors, which supplied a first-hand exposure to the power of mathematics models. During the entire project, I usually encountered different ideas from group members. I embraced them and optimized the merits of each member by putting him/her to the right position.
2, My choice of studying in Uconn MSFRM
UConn’s Stamford campus is located directly downtown,Stamford County, Connecticut is known worldwide for being home to many of the worlds largest hedge funds. Companies such as UBS, RBS, IBM, GE and Bridgewater reside in the area. The Financial risk management program that is ranked the #1 financial risk management program in the . by The Financial Engineer. Above all, the professionally-oriented program highlights both the theoretical knowledge and the cutting-edge technologies for solving real financial risk
management problems. The well-designed cours covering statistical analysis , stochastic process, estimation techniques and so forth definitely fit my taste. I think the cours are particularly beneficial to my career prospects. Aside from the theory curriculum, I look forward to joining in the minar-style cours where I could get exposure to the current practices and provide real project experience. Furthermore, Connecticut’s Center for Career Service would pave the way for my career through various rvices as well. All the merits, together with Connecticut MSFRM’s world-renowned faculty and extensive alumni networks in various financial institutions (bulge bracket banks, ast management firms, hedge funds, etc.), would maximize my chances of breaking into the highly developed financial industry. Apart from the well-balanced curriculum, the practicum and minars will provide me with the opportunities to have exposure to cutting-edge topics, hone problem solving skills and develop a professional prence in a collaborative learning environment. The ability to investigate newsworthy cas of capstone projects through technical tools and financial risk management models enable me to help actual clients more efficiently. Professionally, I really appreciate the po
werful community of Connecticut, which can provide students with rich career resources and alumni networks. Specifically, with a location in Stamford, Connecticut, Connecticut University definitely enjoys a convenient access to tho world-leading financial enterpris. Uconn school of business’s world-renowned faculty and extensive alumni networks in financial community would also pave the way for my career.
3, My overall educational goal
, Learning purpo
凉皮拌黄瓜The program of the MSFRM is to provide an outstanding program in the design, development, and execution of financial risk management strategies and systems. Through collaboration with the financial rvices industry in the State of Connecticut, the program will provide a forum for interaction of academics and practitioners to focus on the practice of creating economic value by managing exposure to risk. By learning financial risk management, I hope to enhance my technical skill and to narrow the gap between China and the world's most advanced financial risk management in this filed.
, Plan
This program will focus on financial risk management. :卧室的英语The cours in the program fall into four categories and I plan to finish in 2 years
Financial Markets