Brusls, 23.6.2008
COM(2008) XXX
of […]
implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for standby and off mode electric power consumption of electrical and electronic houhold and office equipment
(Text with EEA relevance)
•Grounds for and objectives of the proposal
四川的景点Directive 2005/32/EC lays down a framework for the Commission, assisted by a
Regulatory Committee, to t ecodesign requirements for energy-using products.
Ecodesign requirements are requirements that products covered by implementing
measures must meet in order to be placed on the market, with the aim of improving
their environmental performance.
Article 16 of the Directive states that the Commission shall, as appropriate, introduce论语十二章知识点
by anticipation a parate implementing measure reducing stand-by loss for a group
of products" in accordance with the criteria t out in Article 15 (in particular
significant volume of sales and trade, significant environmental impact, significant
potential for improvement and asssment of impacts).
A technical, environmental and economical analysis ("preparatory study") has shown
that (i) products with standby and off mode are placed in large quantities on the EU
market, (ii) the environmental impact ofelectricity consumption in standby/off mode
in the EU is significant, (iii) there are wide disparities in power consumption levels in
standby/off-mode, and cost-effective technical solutions exist which could significantly improve the environmental impacts of standby/off mode. Pursuant to
Article 15 of Directive 2005/32/EC standby/off-mode shall therefore be covered by
an ecodesign implementing measure
•General context
Although cost-effective solutions for improving the life cycle environmental impact
of standby/off mode exist, market forces alone have resulted in market penetration by
products who standby/off mode power consumption being much higher as it could
be, and cost-effective (from the ur's perspective) improvement potentials are not
realized. This market failure is mainly related to the incremental costs of technologies
leading to better product performance in standby/off mode. The costs are small, but
nevertheless relevant in price nsitive markets in which standby/off-mode is very
important, in particular houhold electrical and electronic equipment, consumer
electronics and information and communication technologies. Though very small
when looked at in isolation for a single product, standby/off-mode energy consumption reprents significant loss of energy and money for urs when
multiplied by the number of products involved.
The preparatory study estimated that 3.7 billion installed products had standby/off
mode in 2005, leading to electricity consumption in standby/off-mode of 47 TWh in
the EU-25, corresponding to electricity costs of EUR 6.4 billion and 19 Mt of CO2
emissions. By 2020 it is expected that some 4.6 billion installed products will have
standby/off mode and that, without specific countermeasures, electricity consumption
in standby/off-mode will have rin to 49 TWh per year (as much as the total
electricity consumption of Greece).
It is estimated that the propod ecodesign requirements would lead to a reduction of
approximately 35 TWh of electricity per year by 2020 in the EU. Additional energy
savings are expected in other parts of the world becau some equipment categories
are produced for the world market to identical specifications.
•Existing provisions in the area of the proposal
There are no existing provisions in the area of the proposal.
•Consistency with the other policies and objectives of the Union三鞭胶囊
Directive 2005/32/EC is an important instrument to achieve the target of 20% increa of energy efficiency by 2020, and its implementation is one of the priorities
of the Commission's Energy Efficiency Action Plan. Furthermore, implementation of
Directive 2005/32/EC contributes to the EU's binding target to attain a reduction of
greenhou gas by at least 20% in 2020, or 30% in 2020 if there is an international
agreement which commits other developed countries to comparable emissions reductions. The propod Regulation is an important contribution to this process..
•Consultation of interested parties
Consultation methods, main ctors targeted and general profile of respondents
Stakeholders were consulted as part of the preparatory study and in the Ecodesign Consultation Forum.
On 19 October 2007 the Ecodesign Consultation Forum (t up pursuant to Article 18
of Directive 2005/32/EC) held a meeting on standby/off mode. Building on the results
of the preparatory study, Commission staff prented a "working document"
suggesting ecodesign requirements forstandby/off mode. On 19 September 2007 the
working document was nt to the members of the Consultation Forum, and to the
cretariats of the ENVI (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) and ITRE (Industry, Rearch and Energy) Committees of the European Parliament for information. The working document was published on DG TREN's ecodesign website
and included in the Commission's CIRCA system alongside the stakeholder comments received in writing before and after the meeting.敢以烦执事
In addition, the initiative was discusd in meetings between Commission staff and
stakeholder reprentatives, and with international partners on many occasions, e.g. in
the EU-US Summit process, the EU-Japan Energy and Regulatory Cooperation Dialogues, the IEA "Implementing Agreement Energy Efficient End U Equipment"
and the G8 Gleneagles process, the "1-Watt Initiative", the International Platform for
加拿大国庆日Energy Efficiency Cooperation, and during bilateral meetings between Commission
staff and with delegations from China, India, Korea, APEC, etc.
Summary of respons and how they have been taken into account
The positions of the main stakeholders, as expresd before, during and after the Consultation Forum meeting on 19 October 2007 as a reaction to the Commission staff working document can be summarid as follows.
The Member States support "horizontal" ecodesign requirements on standby/off-
mode. The suggested levels for power consumption requirements and staged timing
were considered appropriate in general, although some concerns were raid that the
timing originally suggested, in particular the three years suggested for the entry into
force of the cond stage, was too short. Further issues that were raid include the
preci definitions of "standby" and "off mode", the need to avoid potential loopholes, and the appropriateness of requiring a "hard off" switch or a "0 Watt mode".
The general approach to tting mandatory minimum requirements in the framework
of ecodesign is largely supported by industry associations. Specific issues that were
raid include the scope of the implementing measure and its legal definition, the definitions of the relevant operating modes, the relation to "vertical" (product-specific) ecodesign implementing measures, the suggested power consumption requirements for the cond stage (en as demanding), and the timing of entry into force.
Environmental and consumer NGOs welcome "horizontal" ecodesign requirements on standby/off mode. Concerns were raid on potential loopholes, the scope of the operating modes addresd, in particular "networked standby" operating modes, the need for "hard off switch" and the role of requirements for providing relevant information to consumers.
The issues have been considered with a view to the propod Regulation. Details are given in the impact asssment.
•Collection and u of experti
Scientific/experti domains concerned
External experti on standby/off-mode was mainly gathered through the preparatory study providing technical, environmental and economic analysis, which was carried out by a consortium of external consultants on behalf of the Commission's Directorate-General for Energy and Transport.
Methodology ud
The methodology followed the provisions of the Directive, in particular Article 15 and Annexes I and II. The technical, environmental and economic analysis followed the structure of the "Methodology Study Eco-design of Energy-using Products" developed for the Commission's Directorate-General for Enterpri and Industry and endord by stakeholders.
Main organisations/experts consulted
The preparatory study was conducted in an open process that took into account input from relevant stakeholders including manufacturers and manufacturing associations, environmental NGOs, consumer organizations, EU/EEA Member State experts, experts from third countries (e.g. Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, and the USA) and international organisations such as the International Energy Agency (IEA). Summary of advice received and ud
No potentially rious risks with irreversible conquences were raid by any stakeholder, nor were any identified during the preparatory work.
The technical, market and economical analysis carried out in the framework of the preparatory study resulted in recommendations on levels for standby/off mode power consumption. The recommendations were ud as a basis for suggesting possible ecodesign requirements to the Consultation Forum.
Means ud to make the expert advice publicly available
The preparatory study was given a dedicated website where interim results and further relevant materials were published regularly for timely stakeholder consultation and input. Written submissions from stakeholders are listed in the final report. The study website was promoted on the ecodesign-sp
ecific websites of the Transport and Energy DG and the Enterpri and Industry DG. The Commission hosted an open consultation meeting for stakeholders directly affected in Brusls on 4 May 2007 to discuss the preliminary results of the study.
The written submissions received through the Consultation Forum process are available in the Commission's CIRCA system. The minutes of the Forum meeting on standby/off mode are available on the Transport and Energy DG's website.
•Impact asssment
An impact asssment was carried out pursuant to Article 15(4 b) of Directive 2005/32/EC. Several Options for improving the power consumption of standby/off mode were considered, and the outcome can be summarid as follows.
Option 1. No EU action:
This option implies that the market failure would persist, and it is to be expected that Member States would want to take individual, non-harmonid action on standby/off mode. This would hamper the functioning of the internal market and lead to considerable administrative burdens and costs for man
ufacturers, contrary to the goals of the ecodesign framework Directive. In addition, it ignores the specific mandate given to the Commission by the Council and Parliament..
Option 2. Self regulation:
No industrial ctor has brought forward any initiative for lf-regulation of standby/off mode for electrical and electronic equipment. On the contrary, some industry ctors terminated relevant voluntary initiatives in 2007 by industry and called for a clear legal framework ensuring fair competition (a "level playing field").. Option 3. Ecodesign requirements for standby/off mode t only under product-specific ecodesign implementing measures:
If this option were chon, most of the potential for improving standby/off mode would not be realized becau dedicated product-specific ecodesign implementing measures would not be justified for other characteristics of tho products. Therefore the electricity consumption in standby/off mode of many products entering the market in the future wouldbe higher than necessary. Furthermore, from an administrative point of view, having a (large) number of product-specific implementing measures aiming to produce the same effect is not efficient. It also ignores the specific mandate given to the Commission by the Council and Parliament.
Option 4. Labelling targeting the energy consumption of standby/off mode:
If this option were chon any market transformation towards equipment with desirable levels of standby/off mode energy consumption would take place very slowly, becau the absolute energy consumption in standby/off mode of an individual product is low, and would hardly influence consumers to purcha equipment with "good" standby/off-mode energy consumption. The burden on manufacturers and retailers would be disproportionate. It also ignores the specific mandate given to the Commission by the Council and Parliament.
Option 5. "Horizontal" ecodesign implementing regulation on standby functions and off mode:
This option implies tting of ecodesign requirements on maximum levels for the energy consumption of standby/off mode for electrical and electronic houhold and office equipment. It is estimated that the propod requirements would lead to a reduction of some 35 TWh electricity per year in 2020 in the EU. The measure is highly cost-effective for consumers. In addition, it complies with the specific mandate given to the Commission by the Council and Parliament.