Re-Imagine Rehabilitation
A Salford brain injury charity is launching an appeal in a bid to become the first in England to install a virtual reality system in order to cut rehab time and cut costs for tho recovering from acquired brain injury.
The Brain and Spinal Injury Centre, (BASIC), is on the way to raising a half a million pounds to purcha the Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN), cutting edge technology developed in Israel and the Netherlands by Motek Medical. The virtual-reality system puts patients at the helm of a life-size video game, forces them to u atrophied muscles and teaches the basic skills necessary to recover from vere injuries and disorders.
There is a growing body of published rearch showing that virtual reality can speed up recovery time, help recover arm and hand movements, speed up cognitive (thinking) rehabilitation, improve reaction times and reduce the impact of brain damage. As well as BASIC staff trialing the system and obrving it in u in Israel and Amsterdam, they believe that this is the way forward for brain injury rehabilitation. This innovative technology enables the person to practice real life situations in a safe and controlled environment as well as improving outcome and saving money. The charity intends to collaborate with Strathclyde University, Glasgow who are also purchasing a CAREN system for rearch purpos.
BASICs Director, Wendy Edge commented “We know from experience there are gaps in rvices for the long-term rehabilitation of brain-injured patients as recovery can take place over a number of years. We believe this exciting project is one w ay forw ard in meeting some of the unmet needs that exist for this patient group. There are numerous advantages of pioneering virtual reality in the UK, as a means of meeting the grow ing demand for community rehabilitation. In times of austerity there are potentially economic and social benefits, reduced costs of recovery, and potentially improved and quicker outcomes for the patient”.
Virtual Reality Rearch
Since the early 1990‟s there has been an expansion of laboratories and clinics promoting the u of Virtual Reality in rehabilitation.
∙Chaim Sheba Rehabilitation Clinic, Tel Aviv, Israel worked with 1,000 stroke patients and found a 40-50% physical improvement for tho using the
CAREN system compared with traditional rehabilitation alone.
∙The Cochrane Collaboration looked at 19 trials and found that virtual reality may be uful for improv ing motor function and the ability to cope with
everyday activities. They also looked at the effects of virtual-reality therapy compared with conventional therapy on arm function and showed that the interactive virtual-reality games were the superior treatment.1
1Cochrane Databa Sy stem Review, 2011; 9: CD008349.
∙The New Jery Institute of Technology found that repeated exerci in a virtual environment helped stroke patients improve arm and hand function.
Even years after having a stroke people with disabled limbs can sometimes show improvement. Participants practiced tasks such as reaching and
touching virtual objects. They took a cup from a shelf and put it on a table,
hammered a nail, and even played a virtual piano.
∙Exercising in a virtual environment offers the potential for significant gains in cognitive function. Rearchers at the Institute of Biomedical and Life
Sciences at Strathclyde University found that after a 4-week virtual reality
intervention stroke patients performed significantly better than controls on
numbers, verbal and visual learning tasks. There were also significant
improvements in reaction times and movement times following a single bout of VR exerci.
∙In a study in Taiwan, (Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) rearchers report that virtual reality exercis can be ud to provide
effective stimuli to i ncrea movement speeds in Parkinson‟s dia patients. Unmet needs in brain injury rehabilitation
∙Neurological rehabilitation provision in the UK remains variable, inequitable and under-resourced according to a recent independent overview report for the Department of Health. “The main feature of the overall rvice picture that emerges is one of the uneven, patchy nature of current rvice levels across the whole pathway for people with neurological conditions. There is inequity both geographically and with regard to specific conditions, particularly in the availability of specialist healthcare and social care support - both key
improvement areas for the National Service Framework (NSF) for Long Term Neurological Condition 学前准备
s” 2 Gaps were found to exist in
o Physical rehabilitation
o Vocational rehabilitation
o Cognitive rehabilitation
o Mental health
o Support for families and carers
∙The main driver for transformation of rvices for people with neurological conditions is the National Service Framework (NSF) for Long Term
Neurological Conditions (Department of Health, 2005), a ten-year plan to
guide the improvement of rvices. Over half way through the Government‟s NSF only half of Primary Care Trusts had a written action plan for
implementation and very few had carried out their plans.3
∙There is strong evidence to demonstrate that health-related quality of life is wor for people with neurological conditions and their carers than it is for the general adult population.
2“Access to Rehabilitation …A Life More Ordinary‟ – Findings from the Long-Term Neurological Conditions Rearch Initiative”, March 2012.
cherish3University of York, Social Policy Rearch Unit, Sept. 2010月子可以吃水果吗
∙An incread prevalence in neurological conditions in older people is predicted by the World Health Report 2008, we can anticipate an unprecedented impact of dia resulting from our progressively ageing population, predominant will be stroke, as well as neurodegenerative disorders.
∙Stroke costs the NHS £2.8 billion a year in direct care costs, more than the cost of treating coronary heart dia. It costs the wider economy an
additional £1.8 billion in lost productivity and disability, and a further £2.4 billion covering the costs of home nursing and care borne by stroke survivors‟
families – a total cost of £7 billion a year 4
BASIC is appealing to anyone who can help with fundraising. To make a donation TEXT CARN14 and the CARN14 £5 to 70070 or contact Wendy Edge on 0161 707 6441 or visit the website at www.basiccharity.uk梦见自己吃梨
Andy Golightly, Fundrair, has trialed the CAREN system
Email *********************.uk
BASIC‟s Andy Golightly, who is a wheelchair ur, has ud the CAREN at Doorn Army ba, Amsterdam, where it is being ud to speed up recovery of injured army personnel. Andy commented:“It w as great f un, gave my upper body a thorough w ork out w hilst having to concentrate, co-ordinate and think a lot about what I w as doing. I can e this equipment playing a vital role in the rehabilitation of tho that can w alk as w ell as tho that can’t and especial ly tho that need brain rehabilitation.”
The following are YouTube clips about the CAREN equipment BASIC is raising funds for
CAREN at Chaim Sheba Rehabilitation Clinic, Israel
Motek Medical featured in Today In America:
MRC Doorn Military rehabilitation center除法竖式教程
Dual tasking for stroke patients
Stroke Statistics, 2009 edition, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford.
Walking for prosthetics
New Virtual Human Body Model by Motek