合同编号: Contract No.
学霸的笔记工程名称: Project Name:
建设单位: Owner:
施工单位: Contractor:
签约日期: Date of Signature:
发包人: Employer
承包人: Contractor
发包人委托承包人承担 _______ 工程施工任务,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》及有关建设工程的法规,经发包人、承包人协商一致签订本合同。
In accordance with CONSTRUCTION LAW and other laws and rules relating to construction engineering employer hereby commission contractor to contract the construction of Work . Now Theref
ore, in consideration of the premis and the covenants herein, contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
一、工程概况 Article One Project Overview玛咖片的功效
同学聚会简短讲话1 、工程名称: _____ 工程。 Project Name : Project of
2 、工程内容:地基为软弱土,强度低,不能满足基础对地基强度的要求,为此采用深层搅拌加固法对地基软弱土进行加固处理,处理后采用复合地基作为基础持力层。深层搅拌桩基础加固的设计与施工均
Project items: By virtue of soft soil of ground which fail to satisfy the requirement of strength of the foundation, therefore the method of deep mixing shall be carried out for reinforcement of soft soil foundation, after treatment as so, take composite foundation as a basis stratum. The design and construction of reinforcement of deep mixing pile foundation shall be carried out by the foundation engineering company.
3 、施工项目:土方及加固地基 Project items : Earthwork and Foundation Reinforcement
( 1 ) 深层搅拌桩加固地基的施工及凿桩头。(凿桩头费用另计) Foundation reinforcement by deep mixing pile and cutting pile head ( the fee of cutting pile head shall be surcharged) ( 2 ) 土方施工(土方施工内容包括如下) Earthwork (including as follows: )
二、地基加固的要求Article Two Requirement of Foundation Reinforcement
天狗食月( 1 )地基加固范围按基础平面图的基础范围进行设计和施工,施工图纸及说明书一经审定,不得随意更改,要求加固后复合地基承载力标准值为 250kpa 。
毛利率的算法关公走麦城Design and construction of reinforced foundation area shall be subject to the same of foundation plan, Construction drawings