摘要:A standby domestic power storage and supply for a domestic or residential premis, and establishments comprising: a battery or equivalent power storage device; (with or without a backup) and optionally single or three pha supply to suit the
available space and specific standby demands an AC/DC converter for converting between a direct current and alternating mains current; and a system of renewable power systems integrated with the mains supply and the standby storage supply to afford mains feed in or alternatively top up of the electrical power storage device. An integrated wiring system suited for installing in new premis or retrofitting to accommodate power existing or new distribution boards. Especially the addition of a new esntial power distribution board being fed from the mains or from the standby power storage unit when mains power fails. A new esntial distribution board to provide esntial power to dedicated and or critical power points. This is achieved using typically a 3 way switch either manually or remotely controlled to rve such critical items as a dialysis machine a medical fridge of an electric vehicle etc. This electric vehicle can also be ud to top up the standby power storage de
写事作文400字vice. A control system for controlling interaction of the battery or equivalent storage device with one or a plurality of domestic electrical circuits and/ or electrical devices. The circuit includes integrated relays that change the flow of electricity to and from the mains supply or the standby power supply as and when a power failure occurs It also enables the renewable supplies to rve and top up the standby power device (UPS) when there is an outage or when the UPS needs topping up. In addition there are back feed preventers type G59 or equal that ensure power does not return up the incoming supply wiring as and when an outage occurs. There are isolators located such that items of equipment can be isolated during periods of maintenance and repair. There is the option of a wired control loop for the purpo of monitoring and controlling the system in an integrated manner.
申请人:BENSON, Mark Edwin
地址:Old Pages Cottage Main Street Maids Moreton Buckingham Buckinghamshire MK18 1QS GB
代理人:HIGGS, Jonathan 更多信息请下载全文后查看