drop everything造句银杏树叶子像什么
1. I received an urgent phone call from my best friend, so I had to drop everything and rush to the hospital.
2. The fire alarm went off in the office building, causing everyone to drop everything and evacuate immediately.
炒生菜3. While I was cooking dinner, I accidentally dropped everything on the floor and made a big mess.
4. The teacher announced a surpri quiz, causing the students to drop everything and quickly review their notes.
弦子歌曲5. My boss called an emergency meeting, so I had to drop everything and attend it right away.芦荟怎么种植
6. I was in the middle of a conversation when I received an important email, so I had to drop everything and respond to it immediately.
7. The car in front of me suddenly stopped, forcing me to drop everything and hit the brakes to avoid a collision.
8. I was about to leave for a vacation when I realized I forgot my passport, so I had to drop everything and rush back home to get it.
9. The power went out in the middle of a movie, causing everyone in the theater to drop everything and wait for it to be fixed.虱子跳蚤
日本里番在线观看10. I was in the middle of a workout when I received a call from my sister, who was in distress, so I had to drop everything and go to her aid.